Dj Nimphius on Run and Shoot and Personnel Groupings

You know I kind of go back and forth on It you know uh Derek you know the run And shoot uh roots of being uh the Timing was so good you know I was Thinking the shot gun sometimes…

You know I kind of go back and forth on It you know uh Derek you know the run And shoot uh roots of being uh the Timing was so good you know I was Thinking the shot gun sometimes the Timing is not that good it is I guess Off the rpos on a glance I guess but but You know it's just really downhill pitch In the option and Dave knows no backr The triple so um it's another way of Distributing the ball you can run it you Can run gives which are I guess not even An option you can run double option in Some way whether it's a pitch a man or Quarterback Twan game or Distributing The ball down the field you can run a Triple yep you know that that's but you Probably should say we're only gonna run That one way we all try to do too much But um we had it all in yeah and you Know I've always been a multiple Formation guy that too I like to get a Lot of Personnel packag in there so play Yes yeah I think this just to grow your Program because I think now yeah I think At our place now ESP now well when when Dave was

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