Discover the Ultimate Guide to Navigating the Academic Experience! ππ₯
Get ready to explore the challenges and triumphs of being a student-athlete in an academic setting. Learn how to strike a balance between football and academics, maximizing your potential both on and off the field! #StudentAthleteTips #AcademicExperience #BalancingFootballAndStudies #MaximizingPotential #SchoolAndSports #TimeManagement #StudentSuccess #AcademicChallenges #AchievingExcellence #FootballAndEducation
We just got to fit it into the academic Experience that you're going to have Here because you know the biggest Difference is like we don't have 6:00 AM To 1 pm available for our players to get Everything they could possibly need to Get done as a football player um before They head off the class like these guys Will have a 9:00 am class um so it's got To be more segmented but the reality is Um you know what you need to do to be an Elite football player uh you can do here You just have to plan out your day According Um because it it is going to be more Segmented where I'll get my workout in The morning all right I gotta head back Head over to class all right let me get Back over here and get on the jugs and Find my receiver um get over here and Get some recovery stop by and see my Coaches and and and watch the tape like That stuff that stuff is all available To him um just have to be more Intentional with your time because what We'll never do is tell a a student on This team like you can't major in this Or you can't take this class because of Football like that just not what the IV League model is all about it's about Being a true student athlete um so There's like a balance that they need to Understand like I'm gonna I'm gonna help Them be an elite football player and
We're gonna we're gonna have the mindset Of all right we're gonna maximize this Thing and and do as much as we possibly Can um within the rules but it's got to Fit around your schedule as as a student And you know the team has a wide variety