Dillon gabriel in what it will take to beat ohio state

Could you just fill in the blank we will Be at Ohio State if we Do be at our best what's your best look Like competitive making plays being good In situational football not for the Coach talk but um…

Could you just fill in the blank we will Be at Ohio State if we Do be at our best what's your best look Like competitive making plays being good In situational football not for the Coach talk but um it's just the reality Of the situation but um we love the Rose Bowl we love warm weather I think we Should play more football on nice grass Instead of the artificial stuff and uh The more sun the better better why why Do we do it to ourselves like do fans Want to sit in the snow and the rain and Let's just make Arenas let's make domes Let's do grass let's do more fireworks At games Um yeah let's do that okay all right so First of all you if you keep winning you Get domes the next two games so I love That did you did you know that I do or Now I do now you do um but let's just Let's continue that evolution

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