Deion says leave Henry Blackburn alone

Henry Blackburn is a good player who Played a phenomenal game he made a Tremendous hit on Trappers on the Sideline you could call it dirty you Could call it he was just playing the Game of football but whatever…

Henry Blackburn is a good player who Played a phenomenal game he made a Tremendous hit on Trappers on the Sideline you could call it dirty you Could call it he was just playing the Game of football but whatever it was it Does not constitute that he should be Receiving death threats that that's this Is still a young man trying to make it In life but God is trying to live his Dream and hopefully graduate with honors Or degree Committed to Excellence and go to the NFL He does not deserve a death threat over A game at the end of the day this is a Game someone must win someone must lose Everybody continues their life the next Day very unfortunate I'm saddened if There's any of our fans that's on the Other side of those threats I would hope And pray not but that kid was just Playing the best of his ability and he Made a mistake

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