Consistency: The Key to Success in Any Discipline
Establishing what your routine is as an Athlete just like just like adults do at In their own jobs and what they do like Establishing a routine of what you have To do and creating consistency like That's a big thing that I noticed that's Hard for kids today versus maybe like Good it takes them a while to understand How consistency is very important right Because they're pulled in I don't know If they're pulled in directions or they Just go in directions but but Consistency doing things that you need To do each day to get yourself better I I saw this Um uh I I now I can't remember where I Saw it but it was a video maybe Derek You posted it it might have been Something you posted about uh basketball Uh in order to become a great shooter Was like 18 minutes a day every day oh Like oh for any it's I think it's like For any discipline if you do 18 minutes A day for 365 days you'll become like a Master of it whether it's you know Basketball