Consistency: The Key to Success in Any Discipline
1 min readEstablishing what your routine is as an Athlete just like just like adults do at In their own jobs and what they do like Establishing a routine of what you have To do and creating consistency like That's a big thing that I noticed that's Hard for kids today versus maybe like Good it takes them a while to understand How consistency is very important right Because they're pulled in I don't know If they're pulled in directions or they Just go in directions but but Consistency doing things that you need To do each day to get yourself better I I saw this Um uh I I now I can't remember where I Saw it but it was a video maybe Derek You posted it it might have been Something you posted about uh basketball Uh in order to become a great shooter Was like 18 minutes a day every day oh Like oh for any it's I think it's like For any discipline if you do 18 minutes A day for 365 days you'll become like a Master of it whether it's you know Basketball