Coaching College Football: The Realities and Sacrifices
Discover the time restraints and sacrifices involved in coaching college football. Find out if your love for the sport outweighs the challenges, and if you’re truly dedicated to the game. Join us as we explore the real reasons behind coaching and the importance of passion over money. #CoachingCollegeFootball #LoveForTheGame #PassionOverMoney #FootballCoaching #CollegeFootballCoach #DreamJob #FootballSacrifices #CoachLife #FootballPassion #GameTime
You do coaching college football and if You want to talk time restraints and Time aspect of it like it's not even Close so you tell me do you love it and Do you really want to get into it or are You just there because you want to wear The polo because there's a big Difference no doubt and guys struggle With that now I mean that that's a big Thing is I can see that they coach College ball but they they really don't Know and and like you said it's really It can't be about the money um and and That's okay if it is like if you got Stuff that you have to do like correct Like you might have a family to take Care of right like you might have Certain s certain situations that like Understand like I understand why you're Doing that or like what you need to do But like that can't happen like it just Phys it really just can't happen so this Might not be for you yeah and I remember You know Todd gressa and all the talks We had over the years you know he he Would tell me he's like look don't don't Start teaching