Coach Schuman Breaks Down Cover 2 From The 4-3 Defense For Athletes and Coaches

Coach Schuman Breaks Down Cover 2 From The 4-3 Defense For Athletes and Coaches Coach Schuman breaks down the responsibilities of Cover 2 in the 4-3 defense. See more at @coachschuman on tik tok, instagram, twitter Please Subscribe questions…

Coach Schuman Breaks Down Cover 2 From The 4-3 Defense For Athletes and Coaches
Coach Schuman breaks down the responsibilities of Cover 2 in the 4-3 defense.
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Make sure we understand basic Terminology here so uncover to the most Important thing that you want to make Sure you do is you have a too high Safety look so the basic coverages from A too high safety look that would Represent that this resaved here has Half the field and this strong safety Here has half the field ok and what I Mean they have have to feel they have Half the entire field okay from the Middle of the field over they have half The field so this is what cover 2 looks Like two high safeties cover two Okay we have two high safeties then if You're in a 4-3 defense okay you're Going to have five men underneath so in Underneath coverage those people in Underneath coverage will have different Zones that they are responsible for so For example the free safety in a strong Cities we have half the field Traditionally when they have have to Feel coverage they have it from 10 to 12 Yards all the way to the end zone Ok so 10 12 yards F field to the end Zone That's what the safeties have now you Have the corners there they are in they Have two main responsibilities anything That is in the flat area so the flat Area they have responsibility for and Then they are responsible for sinking if Nothing shows and what sinking simply

Means is they will drop off get depth to Their coverage so they have this ten to Twelve area and then if nothing shows Then they'll sink then they'll sink That's how sometimes you'll see people Get underneath when you when you see People run a corner out you'll see a Corner sink if quarterback doesn't good Do good job you can go and get Underneath that a Ralph okay so they'll Have everything within this area okay Then you have the the Sam and the will They are responsible for the hook to Curl areas and depending on what type of Cover to coverage you're playing the Mike is cut responsible for crossers Very responsible crossers and then and Sinking okay so any any crosses come Across that Mike is really jumping those Crosses being physical with those Crossers and then sinking upon a Situation where you got so this is a Hook to curl area hook to curl area for The for the will and Sam the Mike is is Got the middle of the field and sinking Okay Just sinking and he's got any crossers All right that's important this is five Underneath to high cover to formation All right cover to okay now if there's Anybody that crosses so you get anything Like this the Sam or the will their job Is to try and get hands on if they can As they're going

To that direction if they get a vertical Release a vertical release their job is To open up open up and get hands on okay Hands on as they're singing to the zone So when we play when we play a cover to Coverage we do not play it in the Situation where people run into grass Areas and we want to make sure we get Hands on and cover people in and through The zone in and through the zone that's Important because if someone leaves your Zone area if someone leaves your zone Air you comfort them all the way through The zone now the corners the one issue They have is corners and cover two must Must keep the receiver inside on them Okay if they get an outside release and They let the receiver get outside of Them on the fade they're in a bind and They have to play the fade okay they'll Be in a situation where they will have To play the fade now if a corner goes Gets a situation where anything is Released inside they squeeze the Coverage so they squeeze it they squeeze The coverage with eyes or anything Coming back okay anybody who was running A route that is through any of the hope To curl zones they have to get hands on Sink into their routes and look for if Anything goes outside they look for Something coming back that's always kind Of a good rule of thumb something goes Going through away from here carry it

Through your zone and then make sure you Look for something coming back into your Area that is cover two

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