Coach Rich Rod bans dancing in tik tok part 2

Individual it's all about the individual And I said football is one of the last Things that was got to be more about the Team than the Individual and so I just I banned Dancing on Tik Tok I guess…

Individual it's all about the individual And I said football is one of the last Things that was got to be more about the Team than the Individual and so I just I banned Dancing on Tik Tok I guess I did that Let's Dance cut Everybody [Applause] Everybody everybody Everybody but uh anything that doesn't Look like our program should look you Know I mean I think it's just like come On you know really I mean and I'm Allowed to do that I guess I can have Rules now when they when they like I Said 20 years from now they want to be Sitting in their pajamas in the basement Eating Cheetos and watching Tik Tok or Whatever the hell they go at it knock Yourself out but you know hope their Focus can be on winning football games You know let's how about let's win the Football game and not worry about Winning the Tik Tok

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