Coach Garrett talks about getting the Head Coaching Job at Kean University

1 min read
To take an assistant job for twenty nine Thousand dollars at the time Um and then three years as a decorator At Kane on 2006 I had a phenomenal Opportunity to be elevated uh and then This is gonna be…

To take an assistant job for twenty nine Thousand dollars at the time Um and then three years as a decorator At Kane on 2006 I had a phenomenal Opportunity to be elevated uh and then This is gonna be my 18th season as a Head coach at Kane and uh and Dave I Think we met probably somewhere around 2004 when you first did one of your First showcases that came uh back then Yep Yep that was we were running Um Shoot you you let us run that ultimate 100 camp and the kids came in from all Over the country all over it it was a I Mean at the time I didn't expect it to be to be the way That it was but it was kind of one of The Early Blooms in that whole kind of Space and uh there there were so many Kids that went on to like uh actually Even the NFL that played in that thing I Look back at the videos now at this day Too and how different it was like we Used to let kids like if they wanted to Take their shirt off the 40-yard dash Where he's all right

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