Coach Depascale on Creating Muscle Memory as a Receiver with Respect to Route Running

To create that muscle memory within my Brain so I don't even have to think About getting up in my stance or eyes Looking in at the ball or you know nice You know bent in the knees so I…

To create that muscle memory within my Brain so I don't even have to think About getting up in my stance or eyes Looking in at the ball or you know nice You know bent in the knees so I can Explode out 75 of my weight should be on My front foot so I don't fall step and I Think that's really like the one of the Most important things is your footwork Coming off the line we talk about it all The time and we laugh about you know you See all these guys on every vid on every You know social media site or whatever And they're dancing all over the place And they're going here to here to here To here but in reality those first three Steps four steps five steps need to be a Vertical right push out like you're Thinking you want to make that corner Think you're going deep every single Play whether it's a run or a pass and if You can create that then I think you're Already ahead of the game

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