Coach Depascale discussing how to improve Wide Receivers hands with this simple step

To be and your head needs to be so it's Almost it's a hell of a teaching tool to Be honest right if you're teaching hey I'm going to take a picture and wherever The ball is my head goes…

To be and your head needs to be so it's Almost it's a hell of a teaching tool to Be honest right if you're teaching hey I'm going to take a picture and wherever The ball is my head goes right so now it Comes down to it say hey I get What fast Wood in there and I don't catch it and You take one to the face you're going to Learn how to catch real pretty quick Right but it's also about eye control Where my eyes need to follow that ball And my hands should just go there and Then once I catch it I don't want to Fight it I want to almost you know kind Of cradle it or like you're catching an Egg make it soft so that now I can catch And then the biggest thing that I stress Coach and I know you've been with me for A while and you've heard me say it a Thousand times is we catch and we talk We catch and we talk and you create that Muscle memory because you know look at It like this how many times does a Receiver catch a ball and Instantaneously instantaneously he's not Either contacted by someone within one Or two steps right so you know that Contact's coming so that if we now Prepare

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