Coach bobo of georgia talking about playing super techno bowl
Great clip on Coach Mike Bo we're Talking about EA Sports college football How great it is but also how he used to Play Super Tech bobile and techma bowl And great list you should have a really Good offense if you base it on this College football playoff or college Football video game is that a good Indicator of what you guys G do this Year I don't know only video game I ever Played was techmo bowl and super techmo Bow which is a lot I play a couple times I sat down with my son and and Jake and Drew and they were playing we had some Time off over the summer and and and It's it's amazing you know the plays the Concept of defense and uh there's a lot Of there a lot of good things in there Of of my son's trying to you know play Battling for the quarterback job at Prince and sitting down and seeing you Know what the defense does and making Decisions but uh I you know I'd go with Techmo and Super techmo Bowl um you know I always play with the Oilers War moon Was hell and then Chris Dishman on Defense he could pick up off about Anything on Techo ball