Carl Lewis breaks down how to run the 100m at your best

There's a great take from Carl Lewis on The 9.95 NCA champ uh Louis henchcliffe Which was a great great run where he has A strong finish he talks about how Important it is to be the best at the…

There's a great take from Carl Lewis on The 9.95 NCA champ uh Louis henchcliffe Which was a great great run where he has A strong finish he talks about how Important it is to be the best at the End in the finish having a good star is Not having a great star is not the only Thing that matters the thing that Matters is run the great time at the end And learning how to be able to be Disciplined throughout the whole race Watch it here what I want to tell Everyone stop please stop coaching from Computers well the thing that we do we Try to teach run a race you can Duplicate what you have to do is just Understand the Rhythm and what I want to Tell everyone stop please stop coaching From computers the guy start is fine He's running fast you know everyone told Me if you fix your start you run faster But I want every meet so why don't they Fix their finish okay the guy is running Phenomenal stop you stop coaching from Computers and uh just celebrate a young Guy who's going to be great he's going To be in the Olympics this year I know He'll make that team and that was a goal All along I told him from day one the First sentence the goal is to get you on Your Olympic team and he's going to make It

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