Cameron Sue’su’e 5 star QB/ATH by NUC Sports6-5 200 2024 now at Grainger Utah #coachschuman #qb

Could human nuc Sports recently named Cameron Suey suey five star he's now Transferred to Granger in Utah in Utah Um but listed as an athlete some size List as a quarterback on others uh you Know did a lot…

Could human nuc Sports recently named Cameron Suey suey five star he's now Transferred to Granger in Utah in Utah Um but listed as an athlete some size List as a quarterback on others uh you Know did a lot of that Wing TI Um based Pro style offense when it went From that standpoint Wing T and vir uh When I went to a lot of the Run game Over there uh De La Salle and uh so a Lot of his passing is is all play action Rollouts he does a fantastic job that He's six foot five 200 pounds and uh he Has great speed great athleticism if if You play continuous play Court which you Should Um he reminds me a lot of Marcus Mariota Has similar characteristics he can run He can throw he's long Um we named five star because I think That he's a guy that has great upside as Well Um rocket arm look forward to see more From him

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