Caleb Gates Gigantic JUCO Linebacker

Caleb Gates Gigantic JUCO Linebacker go to to get promoted @coachschuman on all social This podcast is hosted by ( Coach human here talking about Caleb Gates this guy is just an absolute Beast Um as…

Caleb Gates Gigantic JUCO Linebacker
go to to get promoted
@coachschuman on all social

This podcast is hosted by (

Coach human here talking about Caleb Gates this guy is just an absolute Beast Um as a linebacker I mean just look at The frame of this guy his physical Capabilities are second and none he gets Downhill so fast and he's so physical And just wraps guys up immediately this Is a guy that is a straightup player um I think more and more things are going To come for him over time as this film Continue gets out there more and more he Is a a beast and he makes plays and he Makes them in the back field and he Makes them defend Le goty to watch Caleb Gates

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