Building Iona Prep into a National Power with Head Coach Joe Spagnolo

Building Iona Prep into a National Power with Head Coach Joe Spagnolo Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go to for…

Building Iona Prep into a National Power with Head Coach Joe Spagnolo
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Yay there we are okay let's go let's go We officially switch roles today I'm Coach D and Coach D is coach Schuman so But uh so it's good he's in charge and And and I gotta F follow his lead there We we we finally got it all worked out Today God help the world listen we make It work no matter what buddy it is what It is right like it's all good here we Go we're ready to go we got a great Guest on today you know excited to have Coach um you know I'm excited switching Roles you giving me we got a little bit Of something different going on today Yeah absolutely well Co coach has Obviously uh been an i Ona prep for a Little while now um built it from a School that was a good New York football Program to where they're playing National Powers um and they're winning a Lot of those games and they're um They're competing at a really really High level um He's prospects on the roster right bunch Of bigname prospects on the roster that They've had and um and we'll talk about That I mean he's done such a good job I Think he lost one of them at one point To IMG or something so uh so that that's That's how you know you're doing a good Job when you absolutely if they're Coming to take your kids like that's What's working so all right without Further without further ado coach

Spagnola what's up guys thanks for Having me coach appreciate you taking The time Buddy am am I right about that you're Getting so good that the the uh um guys Are coming and trying to get your guys You know what I mean that's a source a Topic um is a very we just coach we Figured we'd throw salt on it right away To get you really fired up go I didn't Mean to throw salt on it I I didn't mean To I I meant it as a compliment to what Do it because but yes I would be salty Too believe me listen we dealt with it Right we did it we had it we had it Happen to us in in August of one season And it's like hey kind of part of it but Listen coach again uh you know we did a Little intro for you or whatever but Just you know kind of give us your Background a little bit as to you know Growing up you know playing career Coaching career kind of where you got to Where you are Now yeah I mean uh I'm actually I own a Prep alom I graduated from school back In 98 you know I was a multi multiport Athlete there Iona really was a big Foundation big part of my life growing Up went on and played college football At Sienna College and then at Bryan University it's actually the first Quarterback to it's actually the first Quarterback to graduated from Bryant

University in 2020 in 2002 actually 2002 Yeah and I bet you can't look at campus Now and it's like wow it's a different Place it's actually called University College back then yes sir you know you Know I went at out of school I I wanted To be a college coach unfortunately my Parents got sick when uh when I was in High school SL transition into college Came home kind of took care of them was Dying to get back in in a football um Was able to do it at the high school Level um coach odonald stepping that Gave me my first opportunity as the Offense coordinator there as a 24 year Old um I was definitely in deep Waters And trying to learn how to coach and you Know just learn how to call on offense And do all the Things um and then you know and then Obviously when myam Mater Came Calling Back in 2016 you know it was a No-brainer to go home and get the Opportunity to coach at at uh you know At a school that I grew up In I it it's it's amazing what you've Done I think what seven eight years You've been there now as the head Coach 16 yep oh 16 okay so It's it's amazing how it's it's risen up To become like looked at as a National Power what what was that process like I Mean I remember when you beat I think it Was Don BOS a couple years ago and uh um

You know It it it's gone from a place that was Always very good obviously in New York Like it was a place that always had a Lot of really good players kids wanted To play there but where now like you you Guys are playing some some highly high Level competition you're seeking it out What was that process like developing That because that had to be you played There that had to be a process of like Step by step especially in New York Where uh you know basketball was always King right really developing that Process yeah I mean my first year at Iona we weren't even in the Triple A we Were in the doublea division so we Weren't even in the top division in our League um that's you know that's kind of Where we started from so we started you Know you know from a lower spot um but Iona is a great place I mean Academically speaking it's one of the Top schools in New York um you know Diversity wise you get a little bit of Everything from you know the country Club rich kid to to the inner city kid To everything so I mean you know it it's Got a home for everybody um our Facilities are topnotch our Administration supports Athletics um you Know it checks a lot of boxes for a lot Of kids it was just a matter of kind of Really organizing the thing making it

Look like a college level program and Then just getting it out there and Getting as many kids on campus as Possible to see all the great things we Have going on Here now having been up in that area What is Iona Prep right near where Iona Is is that where where is it it's about Three to five it's about five miles away Um got it it's in it's in the same city They're both in Nelle but the campuses Are about it's about probably a 10-minute drive from each other they're Not on top of each other but you know They are you know we are associated with With the university and everything as Far as that goes is it's a really really We were up there in in that area what Were we up there for Derek for seven and Seven yeah we had a tournament we played At nasaw high school yeah that's a great But that's great area up there what what A great area we drove around Iona Obviously and then I I now that I I'm Thinking about it I know where exactly Where Iona Prep was they drove around After like new New Rochelle it's I Hadn't been there in a long time and uh It's it's amazing what that area is Um and how how it's grown I I had been There in like maybe 20 years so it's Amazing how that area has grown Tremendously and it is a it is a mix I Think what which really allows you to

Have um uh you you know uh great Diversity on your football team meaning Like you have Rich Kids poor kids kids Of multiple Ethnicities um uh what what I think of As football being you know what I mean And you're literally a Melting Pot of of Everything under the sun she ly Too 100% absolutely C right there you Got you know Connecticut's right there Right you're right near Connecticut you Know so you got you got a lot of Different pots to to pick from and it Helps us with recruiting college Recruiting too 100% can hit us and then Go over the GW or they can hit New York City or they can kind of they can hit The New England preps and then come down You know we get a lot of exposure Because of our central location so that Helps I really think that makes like a Little easier for us right and also like You know and you think about it too like As a National schedule team now that Draw who wouldn't want to come play you Right compete at a high level and then Look hey guys New York City's right here Or you know what I'm saying like you Have that kind of draw because look when You're a national like to get a West Coast team or a Florida team like those Guys like when they travel they want to Add to that process right so hey man you Come play us like look dude Statue of

Liberty like you know New York City like All kind of in that same thing I knew Like like when I was at bosow that was Always kind of one of those things like That hey you know Mission Vio is coming In but you know we set up a trip for Them to go and see this or whatever so I Think that also adds to your you know The whole appeal of the program Itself yeah I agree with that I think Unfortunately or fortunately however you Look at it the world's gone High School Football world's gotten smaller and There's really there's not a ton of Teams to play when you get to a certain Level so the appeal nice having like Having opportunities to go do team Building things are great but what Usually ends up happening it's like uh I Can't fill a game this week you can't Fill a game this week let's do a home And home or let's try to figure it out Or you know and and that's what usually Ends up happening with our non-league Games it's gotten it's gotten difficult To fill them absolutely it's like a Great problem to have right like you hey I'm not playing those guys what was that Like what is it like like in New York Give us a a landscape because people Don't really understand New York Football right and obviously you're Different areas so you P from Connecticut you might even be pulling

Kids from Long Island New Jersey New York City um but what is the New York Football landscape like so people Understand a lot of times what New Jersey football's like because you have A lot of the big schools that you guys Do play right uh right right in one area Um but explain what it what it's like Like the the road to really building a Powerhouse program in New York and like Some of the kind of trials and Tribulations you had to go through Because it's not like you know it's not Exactly the same even though Iona is a Fant I perhaps fantastic school you're 100% right academically so that that Appeal is tremendous but it's very e Much easier in New Jersey where you have A a a very large population that all Plays football right and in in that Bergy county Bay County Essex County Area so to raw players there is easier Right it's a little easier yeah you're Competing with a lot of schools but you Also have a lot of players give keep an Understanding of like where some of your Players have to come from like you know How how you had to draw different Players to where you Are yeah um that's a loaded question you Know sorry I good it's a good it's a Good question as far as the New York Landscape goes it's difficult for us Because we play in the tripa division of

The Catholic League which is the Equivalency of the big North in in Jersey where you're already playing the Top teams on your regular season Schedule so there's really no one within Your league to schedule and then looking Outside your league you're really Limited on teams that want to play at The level that we're playing and or play A game of like that voluntarily um so in New York it's almost impossible we don't Find New York non- League games anymore I don't honestly don't even TR anymore Um yeah not the time it's not it's not And there are a couple teams worth Playing it just it doesn't M it just Never ends up happening so I just hon Line up yeah Like right or something like that we Play them you know they're in our They're in our league so like the top Teams in New York you're already playing Anyway so right it's like plays Costco Bergen plays St Joe's right like it's I Always compare it to the SEC because Every week you're just getting smashed You're that's why they go out of state Right because there's really no one else In state for them to play and we're kind Of in the same world from that from that Standpoint but but Dave you hit it on The nose um I think New York is a bigger Lacrosse in baseball State it's not Football first where in Jersey it's

Definitely football first um so for us We have to um work harder to find those Football first you know I want to be a College football player type of kid on Our roster um sometimes it happens just By organically you'll have a kid that Comes in for other sports and and then Up realizing that football is their Ticket but most of the time um you have You're you're trying to find those kids That want to commit to a program um that That you know that's football first like We are yeah and it it's you know people Around the country don't always Understand that uh you know New York City's so big and O and Overpowering and there's not as many Fields there for kids to develop there Are areas where there is there are Pockets um but so people just always Said think to themselves well you have New York City uh 10 million people uh Should be but they don't realize that Those kids are in other sports and um For kids to get places is more difficult Now when you go out to Suburban areas Like new Rell that's different obviously That's more like New Jersey obviously Connecticut areas as you start moving Out to the Burrows there's a little more But people don't people don't understand That there's not as there really just is Not as many Fields right in the city for People to play on and where people were

Like well why is basketball always been So big well there's a basketball court And on every corner right so it it's um So it's it's really a tribute like I I Think it's amazing what you've done with New York football because I remember Growing up like you know places like I Owna prep or poly prep when they were Really good in the old days like those Schools would you know go go undefeated And come play if they went and played New Jersey school they would get trouts 45 nothing same thing with the old St Anthony's out on Long Island but you you Guys have you really improved the Program and found the players and built It up where you're you're competing and Winning those games you're playing National powers and I I think it's Tribute because it's it's it is uh it's There's an education process in New York With football right there's an education Process of you can go to you can be an Elite football player in New York you Can be a division one football player And the steps you have to take is no Different than the steps of kids in New Jersey or Pennsylvania but uh but you Could do it here and I think that that's What youve I I it's incredible every Time I keep seeing Iona Prep over and Over again and and you got you gotta Wait Derek am I right is Iona Prep is Where he's he's got the celebrity

Quarterback Too he's dealing with a national a National uh he's a national recruiting Uh I I don't know what to call him I Don't know coach as long as he can throw The ball he listens to what you say like You know what I mean I know him since he Was a young kid he's a very nice kid but It's amazing interesting C coach I I I Known him since he was like in fifth Grade and sixth grade when he used to Come as a little little young little guy Tiny guy coming around the camps and Stuff but I tell you this like you know Uh you you you are managing an amazing Aming amount of things that do such an Amazing job with it I I I I tell you I Always tell Derek like this is a great Get to get on the show because he what He's done with Iona Prep and building it Up and like and and you've had to deal With a lot of different things and and Continue to just move forward as a power To me is I is awesome are you doing is There a magic thing that you do every Day that that enables you to do that or Is you know like like what happen what's Your typical day like with your team Getting them ready uh every Week yeah I mean going back to your Question about um you know playing these National games that started because our Kids weren't getting recruited high Enough you know we we were seeing our

Kids not getting opportunities on Recruiting boards not getting the Benefit of the doubt and if you go and Look at where our Alum are right now I'll send you guys um I'll send you guys Our recruiting platform but I mean we Have you got you have guys everywhere we Have 30 kids playing division one Football right now we we have over 60 Kids playing college football right now That goes from IVs all the way to to the To the SEC um yep so once they started Getting the opportunities I think we Started building cred in the College Community um and they have games that They can go and look at at US versus Other National level teams that they're Familiar with to see that all right it Is an Apples to Apples comparison you Can look at it on the same level you're Looking at it kid from Ohio or a kid From you know Jersey or or or PA or Whatnot so that was the real reason we Started doing that um what what's Happened with that though now it's kind Of been a cause and effect thing what's Happened is it's broadened our scope and Kids are coming in from further and Further away now because of the Opportunities to play at that level and Play the type of money games we play and Get the type of exposure that our kids Get absolutely there's so much more to This now than just the exes the O's and

All that other kind of stuff like you Know and every mom and dad that's all They're you know that's what they're Concerned about right like what are you Going to do for my kid how are you going To put him in the right position to get To that next level and look you made the Slow transition like you said you Weren't even in the top level of your Own division when you started so slowly Little by little right you build it it's A process you have to trust it but it Also has to be all in alignment from the Principal to the you know the the higher Ups the ad They all have to buy into what you're Working with and on top of it now you Have to adapt to this new world that We're living in with nil and you know And the transfer portal stuff and all of This other kind of stuff that you know You have to so heavily recruit your own Roster maybe not so much in your area Because there's not as many right like When I think of the big North you think Of like those schools are on top of each Other right like within you know 45 Miles draw a circle you have every big North power that are just kind of buying For the same kids might be a benefit to You now that you're pulling from you Know different areas but how do you kind Of go about that managing your own Roster now coach in this new world of

What we're living it yeah Derek great Timing on this question this is the time Of year when kids jump so this is where This is where retention is the most Important right now um you know from our Standpoint we kind of laugh at the College guys because it's like Welcome To our world we've been dealing with for 100 years um you know in our world we Have the local public school kid that Can go back and be a be a three sports Star and you know play both ways and you Know Drive the team bus and do Everything you have a kid that doesn't Get offers early enough that wants to Reclass you get the you get the kid that Um you know doesn't think he's getting Utilized the right way or he's the odd Man now he's a step from the field or Whatever so you're you're dealing with All that every single year at a school Like Iona you know we're big on the Retention deal we try to make sure every Guy on the roster that you know has a Realistic chance of playing knows their Role knows the opportunities they're Going to get um and knows that we're Going to help get them recruited at the Level they belong at as well so you know It's a constant communication deal it's Talking to parents it's talk it's you Always start with the player right you Start with student athlete you make sure They're okay if they're okay with things

Then you kind of stops there but if you Feel any hesitation there you got to get Mom and Dad on the phone and really Start you know looking into this and see Where the problem lies and then see if There's you know reasonable Solutions You know see if there's ways to help a Kid make this work more for him um and You got to be flexible nowadays and you Got to be a players coach and you gotta You know you got to be there for your Kids they got to have your celf phone They gotta have you on speed dial you Gotta it's a it's a it's an everyday job There's not a day that goes by that I Don't talk to multiple kids on my team You know not a single day like literally Not you know and you're starting to see That right like you know and Dave and I Have seen it right this High School Football coaching is now a 365 Day hours a day job right and look we All know this like you don't get into Coaching in high school for the money Brother like we ain't doing this for That that's for damn sure for the most Times we're making personal sacrifices Right putting some of these kids before Our own families and you know because That's just you know that's what we do It's what we've signed up for but it's Also about like you said the adap to This modern era that we're dealing with

You know you have to worry about that Sophomore that's going to be your Starter in two years but because he's Not playing right now like maybe he goes And jumps so hey how do I get him on the Field some way shape or form can I get Him a package is he can I put him on Special teams and then oh why am I Playing special teams well buddy listen When you get to College this can help You do this right like all of that stuff And I really feel like this and this is A big Point too that I always tell Dave Too like your assistants now are such a Big piece to the puzzle right you need To hire assistance that can handle Things more than just look go coach Individual for 15 minutes absolutely not Like they need to know their players Inside and out coach talk about that Because that's something that we've seen Right Dave like we've seen now like some Head coaches in Jersey I mean you're Talk Middletown South like antonucci this Like Staple in this program right like Guys that have been coaching for like 30 Years that are now stepping away right So just talk about that a little bit Coach with the time stuff that goes Along with being a head coach and then Obviously like your assistance how do You handle That yeah so we've been lucky enough to

Build serious infrastructure at Iona we Have a full-time strength and Conditioning coach that's there from 8 To8 so like if you're playing other Sports we have a state-of-the-art weight Room that we pumped a half a million Into the last five years um we have um a Speed coach that's Second To None he Trains you know he's he doubles as one Of our track coaches he only deals with The sprinters and the jumpers which is Primarily my skill guys um there you go Dave track guys da you know our um Orthopedic company provides us with Nutrition presentations and talks to our Kids about recounting and you know we Have a sponsorship we Gatorade where we Get the boys protein bars and Supplements um during season to make Sure we're not losing weight um you know I have a 12-man varsity staff you know Um I we kind of merged with the Nell Coaching staff we have the legendary Lou Derenzo is our defensive coordinator Coach Ray Rice coach Courtney green one Of the Wiest coaches in section one he Brought his top two assistants with him I brought you know my my core guys on Offense with me so we're two plon Coaching staff with virtually coaches at Every position you know I joke now I Don't coach much anymore I I'm still Calling oh hell no oh hell no coach you Hold all the keys man they're

Doing and game planning and you're just Worried about hey all right well like What's going on over here you're dealing With Administration you're dealing with This like head I tell that all the time Head coaches they don't coach that like They really don't coach anymore man like They don't have the Time well a bigger program you know like What you've developed you obviously You're you you're you're overseeing the Whole thing and that's that you know you Got to make sure everybody's doing what They doing I mean smaller programs it's Different but at Iona Prep you gotta Right you have the Courtesy it's great to have a 12 man Coaches that but I'm curious has it is It is it um harder to retain assisted Coaches than it's been in the past or is Or has that been pretty stable for you No coaching and I own is like football Heaven I mean we have uh football Ops we Have an equipment manager I mean no One's giving out should ER pads um we we Have a guy that that Mike deso who's my Right-hand man he was a youth uh he ran A Youth Organization for 30 years he's Uh gonna be a retired fireman and he's We're hopefully gonna get him in the School fulltime but um he runs all my Football operations you know so you know I think what happens is you get a lot of Good coaches that are just sick of

Dealing with a lot of the Nuance a lot Of the tougher things about being a high School coach and they can come here and Just coach great kids go home and be With their fam I put the fires out I Kind of deal with a lot of the Day-to-day issues and they can really Focus on coaching you know I make it a Joke it's like you know I don't get Involved in specials I don't get Involved in defense I try to score 40 Every game I try not to turn the ball Over and then I manage our program and You know that's what you know that's in Order what what what I do in season you Know and that's it that's it score score 40 every game you're in good shape score Score 40 and we're good bro that's it That's right years some years like that But you know we we're we're very lucky What we have on the defens side of the Ball hopefully it's just don't turn the Ball over absolutely what what um has And I don't know the answer to this so I Know New Jersey has like you could do Nil I guess in high school right does New York have that too is that they have It as well so does that I mean I guess Maybe only your top tier players maybe That could be an issue is that something That's creeped in at all and some of the Stuff you're doing I I I don't know That's why I'm asking a question I'm Curious yeah it definitely has I mean we

We have we last week we had an agency at Our practice talking to the kids about Nil um one of my best friends is an nil Specialist um Doug Phyllis um look him Up he you know he he works with Penn State BC um NC State a lot of the major Division one schools he's come and giv Lectures on nil to to our student Athletes um you know we probably had Three or four kids that had had some Level of nil deal Coming out of high school um it hasn't Hit huge I mean obviously when we had Ellis Robinson the number one player in The country you know he was getting Approached with it um we've had a couple Other guys that have gotten some small Things um but just the knowledge of it And just understanding it you know to me At the end of the day it's just an Extension on what you teach kids your Brand you know what your you know what Their social media account should look Like you know what they should look like How they should present themselves to Colleges a lot of that stuff goes hand Inand already you know it's really just The marketing of it that's been the the Nil stuff what what are the uh what are The college coaches saying when you come When they when they come and look at Because you had so many BigTime Prospects what what kind of kid are they Looking for from you guys um and and uh

Like do they care about the nil stuff is That like something that's a concern With your top top guys um talk talk a Little bit about that yeah so I'm seeing In the college landscape they're getting Away from ning kids out of high school Because the window and everything's Expedited so quickly the top top top top Top kids yes but I think the funds are Going more towards the retention side on The college level now and it's creating Waves in locker rooms as far as like You're bringing in more money than the Starter and stuff like that so I think I Think that's gone away for the normal Like three star kid you know once you Get into the five star kids there They're dealing with it but even the Four stars like our tackle is a four- Star guy you know there there's some nil Stuff being spoken about but it's not Le It didn't lead his Recruitment and it Wasn't something that came up on a Day-to-day basis um so I I think it's Really going a little bit on the other Way with that as far as College's Impressions with us college recruiting Is really hard for us now because Unfortunately at the P4 level it's Become position based so if you have a Four-star tackle yeah I met every single Tackle stud by the way Great kid thank you thank you I met Every single o line coach in the in in

In the FBS level over the last nine Months but you know I have a DN who's You know a scholarship kid I have a DB Who's a scholarship I have a receiver's A scholarship kid everybody wants an Offensive line it's a huge Market those those coaches to come in And see those guys because they're Position-based recruiting now so if you Don't know coaches on staffs that can Get kids on a map and get kids on a Board it's really difficult ult to get Kids recruited at that level the FCS Level our um you know our mom and pop Not mom and pop that's the wrong word But our bread and butter Schools they're Always gonna recruit and they're always Gonna see on what we have but to get Those you know Powerhouse schools in Here without having a kid that's already Got accolades and or early offers it's It's a challenge it definitely Definitely is a challenge nowadays I Think what we do get though is the I Think when they come and see our kids Their eyes open up and they're like oh My good you have a like look at like It's not just one like they have Multiple and then look this one's going To be one right like so I mean and look Get them there that's my goal in this Live period get get as many coaches on Campus and then they Talk have um absolutely you so for your

Like for example your tackle so you'll Have an offensive line coach com in he's Specifically coming in for that player And then but but obviously you have Multiple guys so in order to come back For your other players you have to talk Reach back out to that same school Because the area guy isn't covering it The same way talk specifically to say The defensive line coach to get him back Is that is that kind of how it works a Little more now or is that what's going On so like right now it's more important To be a Savvy High School football coach Than ever because you need to work Around the system like if you go and Tell the o line coach you have a dline Guy he doesn't probably even talk to the Line coach or anyone on the defense Often they don't give a [ __ ] they just Got there three months ago right like Freaking beers together they don't care Want their guys to be good he's about to Get on a plane and and fly across the Country and go meet another tackle like He's not going to help you you know what You gotta do is you gotta nag him and Get the dline coach's cell phone number You gotta nag him and say do you have Any dline spots open left you know you Need to do more leg work now to get that Other kid an opportunity so it it takes Way more work on the High School coaches Side of this thing now I mean look at it

This way college coaches have access to Every single College film in college Football they can recruit the portal Very very easy to recruit High School Football is very very difficult what is What's the natural answer they're gonna Recruit the portal you know so you got To work that much harder to get kids Recruited now it is it's a it's a job It's a hard job you know we have a kid We had to keep the transferred in as a Junior name is Gabe George he just Committed to Navy on on on Saturday kid Kids 65 260 pounds he played last year At 230 he's 260 now he's got he's got He's got an 82 inch wingspan the kid can Dunk a basketball with two hands he Could throw a ball 50 yards he could Probably play tight end and run vertical Routes for Us five years ago that key would have 30 Power four offers easily right now we Bob and weave to get him offers because Him coming as a junior was almost too Late because of the way these windows Clos now so it's it's hard it's really Really hard football's become a little Bit like um and and they don't give out As many many scholarships but like you Know they used to say like with baseball Players or or they had to go to these Things a year in advance ahead of time To get their offers Jun by by the time They're spring of junior year because if

It went to the summer if it went to the Summer before their senior year they it Didn't matter if they developed because Everybody's offers were already out and Football it seems like just cuz when I Talk to a lot of different Rock like if You get to the summer and you're gonna Be if you're a 2025 if you're in the Summer and you're hoping the camp is What gets you an offer unless you Somehow you know showed up at six foot6 Right and even there they you know Depending on the position they may Already have a 6 fo6 inch guy that has The offer right or or has taking it and And I I think that that's um that's That's a thing that a lot of parents Don't you you uniquely understand I mean Hav't talk to a lot of High School Coaches um and a lot of college coaches Too that you uniquely understand the Landscape a lot of guys bury their hand Head in the sand on the on the landscape Like they just say you you know like I Really don't understand that I'm just Going to do it but but I really like how You have like you understand the the Strategy of it 100% and the and and and you're able to Tell your parents hey the portal is Affecting how many offers you may have Right that is that if you were like you Said this kid was a 30 offer kid uh 10 Years ago and now now he has a you know

A handful or or a few um a kid who maybe Would have had a few is now an FCS kid Right and uh talk about how you have to Educate your parents directly on this Now you could educate the kids I Actually think the kids are maybe more Understanding than the parents on this Because they they have high expectations They all watch TV they all see these Guys you know getting offers on Twitter But they don't realize it's the same Kids getting offers over and over again It just keeps getting it's on Everybody's feed it's on your feed Because the way the algorithm works but Talk talk about how you have to educate The parents what what that process is Like yeah we do a recruiting seminar Every January like once I recharge my Battery after season's over I get all my Parents and all my players in a room in The cafeteria and we do a big seminar we Tell them you know what they should be Doing how they should be marketing Themselves um give them timelines on Things the timeline's huge you Dave you Hit the the nail on the head the Timeline now the summer camps are for Juniors and sophomores now if you're a p If you're looking to get P4 offers if You're looking for FCS offers it's Wheelhouse like if you're looking to be League kid a CA kid a patriot League kid The summer camps for Rising seniors are

Great you'll get you'll get the Validation you'll get in front of the Position coach you need to get in front Of you're good but if you want to get a P4 offer you need to have in my opinion You need to have verified Junior film That's check marked if you have any Question marks about your Junior film Even if you have the measurables and you Have a lot of things going in your favor If you don't have D1 Junior fil film You're not getting D1 offers anymore That's because why would you go down a Road why would you go down a road where You're projecting a kid when you can Just go in the portal and know what You're getting so it's totally different As far as that stuff goes now but here's Reality and parents don't always want to Hear this and I I I say it nicer than I'm about to say right now if you're not Getting on the field and having legit Film by junior year at Iona Prep you're Not a P4 kid because those kids are not Sitting on my bench I promise you you Know so [ __ ] coach finally somebody let It fly thank you so so the kids that are Really good role players on our team That are high academic great kids they Will get recruited off their senior film And they will get recruited in the Summer before their senior year but Guess what they're not getting a P4 Scholarship they've been crossed off

That list a very long time now as far as Getting on those boards go from a camp Like you know I we just had a kid that's 6'5 that went to a bunch of these camps The problem is this they go and offer 10 Guys at a position that they're taking Three then they have five other kids That they're about to offer that they're Waiting for guys to say no and then They're going to offer those guys you Show up at a camp and you're not on Either one of those lists you're like 14th for three spots yeah yeah well good Luck buddy like you're just sending kids To places where it's it's not gonna end Nicely and it's just you're wasting kids Time and money and the risk reward of Kids getting injured it really doesn't Make sense my kids don't go to Camp Unless I talk to a position coach that I Know is going to be there that were They're legitimately on their board if They're not on the board I'm not sending Them there you know so you know it's Just and Coach like that's the Difference though right is like you will Now go out of your way or not go out of Your way like you'll do your job at a High level like it's expected to be at a Program like you and you'll reach out And say look my kids's not like where is My kid on your board is is he is he like Am I sending him to you for a legit Reason or am I sending him to you so you

Can get 120 in your pocket like let's Have this conversation let's be real oh You know coach well you know he's kind Of like eight we're only taking four all Right thank you coach I respect it but My boy's not going to be there he's got Other things to do Co that's the that's What I think separates coaches nowadays That extra bit of hey I'm gonna make That phone call so now we're not just Like sending these kids places and it's Like no now you have Mom and Dad coming Back going coach why did we go to this Camp like this coach didn't even talk to The kid he only got five reps like they Made him do this and that's not what he Does that part of it I think is where You separate yourself and other coaches Can separate themselves now within this Process we have we have a a process too We make the kids do it first they they Ask first like coach where am I on your Board I'd love to come to your camp but I want to know I'm there and if they Sugar coat him and give him a BS answer Then I'll get on the phone but there's No need for me to do it first you guys Start the relationship you guys Communicate and then if you need me to Get involved I'll get involved I get Involved every day what I will tell you Is this the college coaches have been Good like they know what this has become And they've given us good transparency

And if you navigate it right you could Send kids to the right places and get Them the right exposure you have to earn Their trust and that respect from each Of those coaches as well right like you Know works both ways it works both ways Absolutely I I I love the point you you Brought up there um it kind of brings a Couple of questions I have to mind so Number one the first one is and Um when do you tell your kids that it's Time to commit because I think that's a Very very difficult thing for kids you Talk about uh your player that just Committed to Navy and that has to be Very difficult in the sense that Obviously let's say you have a couple Division one offers or or let's say you Have a few FCS offers and you're holding Out you know for one of these uh um Group of five offers or or or and you Don't know what's going to come in how Do you when do you advise say Hey listen You have several offers it's time to Make a decision obviously everybody Knows look if something down the line Six months alab walks down in front of The door and says we want you that that Could change things right but at this Point you've got to make a decision with The best information you have how how do You advise them when to do that that Kind of a thing Hello uh oh uh oh do we have AO

Frozen am I Frozen his coach we talked we talked him Off so that We many said so much great [ __ ] that They like f they took him Off right the the the the powers that be Said okay I enough he's he's like wait He's wait he's telling the truth he's Giving away too many Secrets like we Can't And and the stre the streamyard Must the streamyard must end go it's Like uh it's like when um I have uh uh Conversations with L Lenny and we're Talking too much about Jesus over a Sudden the phone breaks up and we get Cut off they oh they can't we're we're Talking about Jesus no like they're Listening they're listening send their Conversation immediately they're Listening bad bad juju it's bad juju ju Guu I will say one thing though like you Know and we'll figure out kind of what's Going on like him that explanation of Under and just exp and knowing the ins And the outs of this new world that We're talking about like absolutely Amazing you know let's see oh here he is We'll remove him from this one and we'll Add him back in here oh you're back good You're good you're good well we said When we we said that you you're giving Was so much great information that the Powers that be said no more great

Information from coach we must cut cut Off cut it off they cut you right off um I I said I said to Derek I have a friend That uh uh we talk a lot about Jesus With and every time we get too far down The line talking about Jesus all of a Sudden our phone gets cut off and all of A sudden I said the powers of fa won't Let us talk about Jesus Anymore but um uh what was I going to Say so so what what I was asking was um You know about committing and when when Do you have them make kind of make that Decision yeah so the Landscapes Chang Another great question used to be the Fourth of July I used to tell our kids Before the Fourth of July if you have Full scholarships you have to commit to One um because before the college Coaches go away because they always go Away Fourth of July let them know on Their boards that they got you locked in You're done yep I'm in unfortunately the FCS guys have gotten smarter they are Not offering early now they're big into Their July camp camps you go look at Stony Brook Stony Brook didn't even have A June camp they're only having July Camps right A lot of these FCS a lot of These FCS SCH is still running another Five or six right Like Are they're going the other way now They're waiting because there's so many

Good kids that were P4 level kids that Are dropping to them that they want to Take a step let it let the boards play Out and all right look at all these kids That are still out there so where I used To like the Fourth of July I have two FCS level kids that are not going to Commit by the Fourth of July because There's two or three camps in mid July They have to go to before they make the Decision what I tell our kids is This when you commit to a level you Cannot decommit and stay on that level You have to go up so if you're gonna Commit make sure it's a level it's a School at that level you want and if It's another school talk to that school And ask them tell them you're about to Commit and then move on um you know our Our quarterback a couple years ago John Shepard was committed to Old Dominion And Ricky Ronnie's an unbelievable coach And a great guy and I would love to see Play for him but when he got the Opportunity to go to Ruckers coach Didn't you know blink an eye he shook His hand said good luck it was I think The third time in three years he lost a Quarterback to a P4 school late and you Know that's that's acceptable in 2024 That's the nature of the beast but you Can't you can't flip from Stony Brook to Albany like that's gonna get you know You can't do things like that you know

So our guys know that and they handle it Well it Dave it is getting tricky though With the FCS level kids if you have G5 Or if you have P4 offers at this point You're committed like our two our two Guys in this class are done you know Rowan's going to Clemson Dave's going to Navy we have a DB a wide receiver Probably a tight end and probably a Another tackle that are going to be Scholarship kids it's just a matter of What it's the process you gotta Understand it's it's those schools Somebody fitting in maybe it's a Positional thing right the timeline now Is crazy right for college coaches too It it's it's pure freaking Insanity You're you're getting ready for a bowl Game but the [ __ ] the Portal's open and I you know Assist even now with official Visits happening in summer like you got A camp going on but you got official Visits going on you got these guys on Campus right like and you just see how It works and for your guys you know Rowan great kid talked to him a couple Times right just absolute all around Understood the whole process watched him Go from you know those first couple Offers to see like where he's ended up In his process now he's look I'm Committed to Clemson I can go now work Out play my senior year without having That weight on my shoulders and maybe

Help some of the other guys on my roster Kind of navigate this world in terms of Like hey man like that happened to me do This right I think that too is really Kind of going to Aid like your program Itself because you have those guys that Have gone through it who can now go talk To their teammates and explain it Because it's one thing when it comes From us as coaches or from somebody else But when when it comes from the guy That's you know sticking his hand in the Dirt with you like now it's a different Type of conversation and I think that Only happens obviously if you develop The talent and then you also develop the Player that you have on your team who's Now willing to talk and have those Conversations with his teammates which Now I think we've seen you know the Whole team thing is a little different Than what we thought of like oh this is My teammate right now these guys are Kind of a little different in that terms So to have that collectively together I Think that's just you know it's just the Nature of the Beast that what we're Dealing with now Right without a doubt I mean I invite All our alumni back during the live Period workouts in May because one if They're going to go in the portal they Can go meet coaches that are recruiting Our high school kids so it's a

Networking opportun But but two it gets all my alumni that Are playing college footb around my Current kids at a time when they need Advice the most so it's just a great Networking opportunity to get everybody Together so yeah you're that's the best Tool we have is each Other um mega camps I'm curious we had On uh who did we have a coach uh Carl Reid who you probably know uh 247 Sports Uh and and he was a a big fan of Mega Camps and he kind of uh put a different Perspective on it for me I have never Been a huge person on Mega camps in the Sense that um I feel like yes there are Co college coaches there they were Looking for a specific thing if they Don't see it what's the point like other Than the host most kids are going there For the host school not for the for the Other ones um Call Reed's stance on it Was that um you come out of there and uh You are what level you are out of it and I kind of I disagree with that to an Extent I I think that it depends on who Attends the mega camp and um and you Don't know that as a prospect and I go Off of a lot of parents feedback as you Probably do too just because you have You know a lot of players that have gone Places and I found them to be hit or Miss and I really feel like I I felt Like a lot of cases because most kids

Are not power five kids Um even if they're scholarship kids FCS A group of five but most kids are power Five is now a certain level right um That they go to the mega camps with These things and then they end up not Going to other camps they should go to Because they come out of bit Disappointed okay and people could say Oh you know they want to be a college Player they shouldn't be disappointed I Look at it like they're kids right I I Would like them to think the way that I Would think about it but the reality is They're not and they come out of a mega Camp and didn't get the experience and Now maybe they should have gone to a Forom camp or a Stony brg camp or or a Rucker camp or a Yukon Camp what Whatever you know and just gone to that Prospect Camp maybe they don't go there Instead and and what what do you think Of the I'm curious what your thought Process as a head coach of a really Really good program that has a lot of Players the pros and the cons of of These kind of Mega camps for first off Our kids are spoiled um as far as our Exposure in the spring you know there's Um a coach by name of Tim Salem he was At for a long time um he's now Georgia Tech he's a great guy he turned me on to What Ohio does you know in the Cincinnati area what they do during the

Live period they stagger workouts at Different locations so college coaches Can come in in a day and see four or Five schools in a row go us and steppen At kind of backto back it every Wednesday during the live period and Then I organized the third leg with uh Coach jully of Avon Old Farms and a Bunch of the mass and Connecticut preps We they got a bu we together a three-day Yeah we put together a three-day we were The third leg in it where you could hit All the Jersey Catholics for the most Part and all the New York Catholics in Seven eight hours we had 87 college Coaches at that thing so like you can go To Mega camp and you could be there with A 2,000 kids or you could be there with Our 60 kids and have 87 coaches watching You so you know I our parents off the Bat like we're going to get you more Exposure than any Camp you could pay for Now here's where the mega camps are good Right you do the you do our exposure Days right the dline coach at Bucknell Is there but the o line coach needs a Stamp on you right the wide receiver Coach is there and you need the DBS Coach stamp on you well those guys are At those Mega camps so what our kids do When they decide they want to go to a Mega Camp they go and look at what schools Have spoken to them during our live

Period and then they go and talk to Those schools hey your dline coach GNA Be there no oh yeah he is okay all right Now I got six dline coaches at this Mega Camp that I know are looking that are Trying to get a live look at me I'm Going there you know if not you are just Wasting money unless you're 66 or unless You're G to run a scorching 40 or unless Unless you're dropping a 44 here right Like you know you're measurables maybe Or you could throw a ball through a House right like so one of those three Things if you're not doing one of those Three things and you're going to a a Camp just to get Exposure you're playing checkers you Know so our kids use those Mega camps Opportunities to hit multiple birds with One stone you know you go to place like Ruckers you could hit probably like Seven FCS schools that are probably Recruiting one of our FCS level kids and They're not going there for Ruckers you Know we love Ruckers we want to send More kids to Ruckers but it's a kid That's not at the Ruckers level he's Going there for five or six other Opportunities that those position Coaches going to see him during the live Period so I agree with you Dave like if You're just Mom and that I'm going to Send Johnny to you know ex school this Oh look at all schools that are going to

Be here this great yeah like we all look At that this is great bone Camp is great For our guys the bone camp this year was Great for our guys we probably got like 10 12 offers out of the bone Camp Because that's the best New England Camp Yes yeah so we had probably like I've Heard like that's L that's slowly Steadily been starting to gain some Traction where it there you know what I Mean where where did they host that one That I heard about I see a bunch of Where was it Springfield College oh okay Okay Okay nice I I I heard I heard I heard a Lot of good things about it I saw a lot Of posts about it I heard a lot of good Things a guy I played ball with in College his son's a quarterback in in Connecticut I think he went to and he Thought it was great so um but yeah that That's a great I I was curious to hear You take because it it is it it is like Um it it is difficult for people to Navigate and and I I love how you have It really structured in your mind um how You approach it with your kids and it's It's so or it's organized so well like I I really understand how you're thinking About the recruiting process and the Bottom line is that the kids have to you Got to go to places where you know that You're already kind of getting looked at Through what you guys are doing right

That's the first step the first step is With you guys and you're getting to a Certain point with you guys and now you Got to when you go to camps or you go to Visit You're Building off the fact that Uh with the stuff that you guys are Doing the way that you're getting them Exposure now they can leverage that to When they go to these other places they Already know what they already know a Coach that's seen them they already know A coach that has has good knowledge About them to begin with I I think it's A real for especially for a head coach Because you can only control what you Could control right so that gives you The opportunity to set your guys on the Right path which I think is is really Really good and by the way coach don't Get this made by my background which Looks like I'm in a lovely lovely house I'm actually sitting in a car so the Modern technology I've been able I I I've been able to make it look like I've Sitting right in my home meanwhile I'm In my car um uh you know and that's why And that's why D Derek is taking overt Because I had to get my uh my my knee is Slowly but surely falling apart and I Have to get I had to go see the doctor Get uh get that thing boosted a little Bit there but um it it's really Interesting the way that you you Approach things um you I I want to talk

Briefly about football I'd love to have A whole another conversation with you Literally about down the line about X's And O's um what about what you guys do Offensively and defensively is so Exciting to the kids that that play with You yeah I mean offensively that's my Baby you know we're spread Up Tempo well Not Up Tempo we can get Up Tempo no We're no huddle spread offense RPO based Quarterback Centric system you know I Was a quarterback growing up so I mean As far as where my skill set is and Where I can impact the game the most It's definitely through the Quarterback's eyes um you know I think I've had eight division one quarterbacks In the last 13 years so um you know to Me in the spread you got another one Who's a celebrity too now so like [ __ ] Coach you really hit on the double Whammy for this this Hammer my man is I Want some concert tickets I want some Concert tickets [Laughter] Coach I can't you gotta write a book Right because just based off of like Everything that you've been like talking About and I'm not trying to interrupt You or whatever but just like the adapt The part that you've adapted to this Entire new world you you've you've and At the same time you're dealing with all Of this and you're still winning games

At a high level on a national level like To me that's just absolutely phenomenal And I love it but and and it's crazy Because like you said this is the world We're living in and I also think there's A little something with the head coach Having been a quarterback because we Know everything in football it's a it's A quarterback based game now right and That's kind of where it goes so you just Said you know you've had eight division One quarterbacks about to have another One like is that where it all goes Through is that where it starts it's Offensive because you're the offensive Guy got it Go starts with the Quarterback you could identify a Quarterback at a young age that he's got The goods or he doesn't and um then you Need the size right you need the big Boys up front to be able to play other Big physical teams uh and then the skill Guys kind of you figure it out and you Hope you have enough with our RPO based Offense we can get away sometimes with Um wide receivers that don't get a ton Of Separation because we're getting Oneon-one matchups because the RPO so if The quarterback can throw it we can make Up for some of that we tech tech Typically put our more Athletic kids in The secondary because you can't hide Kids on defense they got to be able to Tackle they got to be able to cover so

You know you gota you got to be in the Secondary you got to be good in the Trenches quarterback can can clean up a Lot of things up you know as far as what You do and that's how we try to build it Every year but you know as well as I do You can't invent kids and you know you Get who walks in and and you hope you Attract enough uh good talented kids and Then you kind of build it around what You got you know wh W with your RPO System and you don't have to go you only Go as in depth as you want I don't want To you know give away any any your Secrets or anything but I'm I'm curious What what area do you like to have them Like there are guys that like when They're when they're do rpos they like To pick on the outside linebacker they Like they like you know to pick on the Safety um I you know back when I was at Uh palates Park we actually used to pick On the corner I I I heard some guys are Doing that now we did it really as like A a home run hitter to pick on the Corner you know we we would we would run The bubble screen with a with a vertical And and run the Zone read and pull it And if you had it you you take your shot But um what how where do you like to Str Like what are you looking to go after From an RPO system standpoint yeah we Build our menu to be able to read every Player on the field so we will RPO any

Player on the field literally all 11 and Then it's a week to we match up thing It's a week to we matchup thing it's a It's a what they're doing defensively Thing so it's it's you know it's the Dudes that you're playing against and Then it's the scheme that you want to Attack certain spots as well so yeah but You got to build it that way you can't Just week four say we're gonna go attack The corner you know like you gotta do You have to practice that of learning You have to instill that got be part of What you are and what your culture is You can't just say I'm gonna minor in Doing this or something like that so It's what we do it's what we are very Very very cool stuff I mean it it's Awesome that's interesting honestly like I I haven't heard a lot of guys say what You say um that they'll they'll RPO any Guy on the on the field I mean that That's the philosophy of of your system Which I think makes it unique in that Like you know guy guys will Use and you probably know this because You've been to probably a million Clinics guys will use rpos and spots you Know what I mean like they'll use it in Spots only for this right um the the Actually making the RPO as your system I Think makes you makes you unique over a Lot of other teams because people mostly From what I've seen use a lot of rpos in

Spots in certain in in certain areas in Certain situations on certain individual Ual only and U I think that's really Interesting so your quarterback uh and Obviously you had a lot of guys go on The to Big dime things what what is the Kind of makeup of that individual I I I I get athletically what you want you Know what I mean like you want to have a Guy who can run throw you know but what What kind of mentality does your Quarterback have to have he's an alpha Um he's a guy that um wants the ball on His hand every play he's not a guy That's just going to hand the ball off And not think he has to think on every Play the biggest adjustment of playing Quarterback in our system is the mental Fatigue because you don't get those Plays off where you're just handing the Ball off where in youth you probably Just ran ISO 20 times in a row or power And the quarterback doesn't have to Think for extended periods of time in Our system he's got to think every play So if he makes a mistake the next play He's got to come back and and get right Back and focus and lock back in and That's something you have to build up in A Young quarterback just like you have To build his arm strength or his legs up So um that's the biggest learning curve I think for me is just Getting those guys every play to be able

To refocus and make the next read right Even if the last read wasn't and do you Do you try to have h a quarterback in Every class how how do you how do you Try to do it so you you always have that Stable of quarterbacks so if one guy Leaves or one guy goes down the next guy Can yeah it doesn't it never works that Way because quarterback dads do not want To be one year behind the division one Quarterback so so you can bring a kid in Every class and we and we have a Quarterback walking in the door every Year we need a freshman quarterback Right for a freshman football team um is He gonna be the next guy or not that's Always the question and that a lot of Times that comes up to how hard the kid Works and what a skill set is but um Yeah we'll have three four quarterbacks Every year that start the year and then Some guys transfer some things happen You know you're not their window doesn't Open the way that the father anticipated It would and you know and and you get Some turnover because of that Unfortunately but I like to think the Time they spend with us they learn how To play the game at a pretty decent Level and they're going to use those Skills somewhere else if they leave us Right and that's another thing too I Think that's amazing coach that you're Just talking about it in that facet like

It's obviously a thing right like a Quarterback each class nobody wants to Sit anymore right nobody's willing to be That backup and play that role and do All that kind of this stuff but the fact That you still respect it and you still Coach everybody up and and look man You're leaving okay it is what it is It's type of that situ ation but you Know use what we've taught you to go be Better or go be great wherever you're Going dude you know what I'm saying Because at some point you still have This Iona Prep stamp on you right Whether you stay whether you go like Make sure you still conduct yourself the Right way you know and I think that's Something that you know like you said a Lot of guys don't want to sit behind That guy and maybe it's not the right Situation right maybe they can go back To their public and light it up and go Get that offer that they're looking for Or whatever but I just think to prepare For that next level And life in general if you have to sit For a year and be that guy or I just Think it creates a better man a better Human and that's part of the process but At the same time you understand ain't Nobody want to sit right like I'm I Don't want to do this I don't want I Don't want to sit here I can go play Quarterback now and and kind of go um so

So it's definitely a difficult process There's only one quarterback right and Dave what do you say all the time There's only one ball only one ball and Everybody wants that ball Including your offensive Lineman they they wanted just as much They just been they we you know over the Years they just had it beaten out of him So they just gotta stay in the line but They want that ball Too and if you gave the Opportunity but coach it's been fabulous Having you on I really I I learned a ton Like thank you to me your perspective on Coaching it is really really the not Just the right perspective I mean the Way I see it but also allows you to Really adapt to your players I mean I Think that's the number one thing you Know going forward right you have your System of what you expect of your guys But you will also understand that They're individuals like and I for years I always said this to Derek like Football football is a team sport Everybody has to be for the team but There's still individuals on that team That you still have to treat like people Right and and that's the key and I think The coaches that understand that uh Really go to a whole different level to Understand yes we want to do everything For the team everybody should be a a

Team guy for the team to do the best They can for the team at the same time That we're trying to get you better Individually to help you hopefully get To where you want to get to or be the Very best that you can be you know what I mean and and that's that's the goal And you walk away from your experience Here that you've been able to get the Most out of yourself and usually what Happens is if they get the most out of Yourself themselves usually the team's Probably going to be in good shape right Because those are the kids that you want In in in in your program that that have That desire to to be really good I can't I can't thank you enough for coming Sorry about the technical difficulties It's definitely my fault because I had To go to the doctor this morning and and And and get my knee taken care of you Know so um but uh but Derek did a great Job handling we had a switch switch Rolles a little bit and it worked out Really good um if you ever want to come On and talk just you know I I say after The season right you know Clinic time We'll have you on talk some me and those And and stuff that you guys are doing we We'd love would love to have Yan and Best of luck in the upcoming season Enjoy the rest of your summer yes coach Really appreciate it thank you for Taking the time really and look our

Viewership got like look you're good Right now Dave we've had like you know a Bunch of people but I think it's because You know we touch on topics that you Know matter to the guys that that are Our audience right and Coach I think you Gave a a phenomenal perspective on Everything I think in my eyes if if Somebody asked me like what do a head Coach need to be doing and how do they Be successful in 2024 right now coach I Think you just literally hit everything Every point of you know everything That's going on when nil transfers all That kind of stuff getting recruited up Building a program doing all that kind Of stuff at a high level I really Appreciate you coming on because we know You got a lot going on so good luck During the season I know you got a nice Little National schedule don't beat up On the Jersey guys too much because you Know it is what it is yeah no you're Good coach you'll be all right but I Appreciate it thanks for taking the time Man thanks guys I I appreciate it as Well please email me the live stream That you know if you guys recorded I'd Love to put it out there on our social Medias and promote you guys I've watched A bunch of your guys podcast you guys do A great job and I appreciate it thank You so much thanks talk soon take care Bye all right oh good all right d dere

You know how to do it good that that was Fantastic I I he he Era new school it's how I think about Coaching in a school with the old school Right like new school like hey man like Also like has seen it change and has Adapted and gone with it whereas some of These guys are still you know hey we're Doing it like this like I mean come on Man you're talking about making things Easier for your own kids within your Program but still having that structure Right and then kind of rolling with it I I just thought that was Awesome AB absolutely awesome I was glad We're able to get him on and then and Then uh and then tomorrow we should have On the Harvard head coach which will be A great great great segue so be high Schooled and college um and we'll talk a Lot more there um uh with the head coach From Harvard which would be really Really interesting uh he can't you know He's at Ruckers before and yep new spot Highest ivy league I mean look they Probably highest emic standards right Like let's let that works in the United States the most maybe recognized college In the United States I would say yes I Would say Harvard is number the most Rec You could argue from year to year Between Harvard Yale and Princeton who Is ranked higher quote unquote but as Far as the most recognized of all time

Obviously Harvard as far as especially Obviously from an academic standpoint so Oh absolutely and it it must have been The first uh university in the United States I'm thinking I gotta look that up He's got to be like that or Princeton or Somewhere along those lines right number Two is William and Mary they were the Second new uh college in the United States only reason I know is because I've been down to Williamsburg and I Always say it but right um I'm guessing Harvard is number one but I I'm curious Before we before before we go and and I Think you have to say it like this har Har But anyway great great podcast um we We'll get that stuff to coach and then You have the ability to end it whenever Whenever you're Ready Harvard founded in 1636 okay was it is it number one is the First Uh was the first institution of higher Education in the English colonies 100% First Col what are they the Harvard what Harvard Crimson Crimson Crimson I think Crimson I think I'll have I'll have to Do some research on that I think right I Think I'm right Harvard Crimson I think But I could could be I'll go with it Ryan Fitzpatrick here we go Baby that's right Fitz magic went there

That's right oh the uh fullback from the 49ers went There whatever his name is Uh his wife makes amazing Clothes with Ja yes and on that note we'll see you Guys tomorrow you got it

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