Building a Winning Culture: Establishing a Strong Foundation for Success
Discover the importance of building a winning culture in football and how it influences a team’s success. This video explores the significance of tradition, teamwork, and effective leadership in creating a successful program. Join us as we discuss strategies for establishing a strong foundation and achieving long-term goals. #WinningCulture #FootballSuccess #Teamwork #EffectiveLeadership #Tradition #StrongFoundation #FootballProgram #CoachingStrategies #BuildingSuccess #LongTermGoals
They have some of the the guys that I Kept from the staff previously uh have Such a great relationship with with the With the young men that outside of just Being good people I'm very happy and Fortunate to keep them I think that's Also very important with any kind of Transition that takes place I know that Naturally speaking sometimes when new Coaches come in they come in they bring Everybody with them and that that There's definitely value there as well But for me in this situation because It's such a unique spot and a unique Space and you know the timeline of when I was tired I'm very I'm very very happy That for right now we've we've really Got a nice a nice Groove in the office Everyone's working each other and it's Stable and you know it's consistent you Know at the routine all these things That are important and also because this Place is so different than most colleges I have guys that know hey no the reg is Gonna be doing this today uh we gotta go Over here today nope don't practice at That time that's not work the ins and The outs of the actual like what go on At this school right like you know and Even for you you know coming from from Juk to D3 like there are going to be Certain things that you know look I'm Sure you do your homework and all that Stuff but just to have somebody that's
Been there been in it can now say hey Coach like we got to do this this way or Hey this is a bet like maybe we should Go this route like just to know the ins And the outs also got to be a little bit Of a comfort for you that you can you Know bounce that stuff off of them and Be like look guys like what do you you Think or hey is this the best way to do That that's got to be a littleit Definitely a help yeah definitely and Like I said if they they also they've Earned themselves their rights right They understand what I'm looking for They they all have good football Knowledge they've been in the game for x Amount of times so I'm I'm over the moon With the opportunity to be able to like I said bring in the guys that I felt I Need to have to kind of help me lay down Some of the traditional and cultural Things that I want to see for the to Move the way it want it wants to be but Also as Coach Collins God Rest his soul When I took over the nasso program one Of the things that he told me he said Listen you make sure that you embody Tradition right you embody the tradition Of the program of the school you embody That and then you you lay your Foundation within the tradition of the Program and I think that's important and I also am a firm believer that X's and O's don't win football games that
Culture wins football games so I am Going to establish a culture that I know That's been proven to have success now I Would love early success inant success I Want to go out there and get it done Right away right but I also know that Sometimes things take time and it takes A process so I'm willing to be able to Work through those things uh I I feel Like I have a leg up though because I'm Not starting at the Bare Bones of what What it is like we have a good Foundation they won five games last year