Brock Dandridge Explodes for 4 Tds in the last two weeks

Brock Dandridge Explodes for 4 Tds in the last two weeks This is coach Schuman talking about Brock Dandridge who scored four Touchdowns the last uh two weeks here's The first one really nice run shifts his Way through slides…

Brock Dandridge
for 4 Tds
in the last two weeks

This is coach Schuman talking about Brock Dandridge who scored four Touchdowns the last uh two weeks here's The first one really nice run shifts his Way through slides around uh Defenders Gets to the end zone there's he also had A real long long carry against Clifton This one right here picks his way Through explodes through in the Secondary accelerates wasn't for this Great ankle tackle he was he was gone For a touchdown showing that Acceleration um that he has real real Excellent acceleration especially when He gets the outside he has ability to Sift his way through gets another Touchdown here he's roll against Clifton Um and here was his third touchdown of The day this was an easy one but he has A nice way of picking his way through And ease of running and explosing this Here he is an excellent block last week Against pams Catholic steps up um makes A block quarterback's able to get rid of The ball uh here's his fourth touchdown Over the last couple weeks sips his way Through finds the hole explodes into did A secondary uses speed acceleration yenz On that's prams Catholic and then here's Another good power run inside um HS a Little stuffed up here figures out a way To get himself through that hole and Explodes for a big gain um so there's Brock D is doing some great things over

The last couple weeks uh he's a got to Continue to watch from delart

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