Broadcasting vs Podcasting: The Thrills and Stories Behind the Mic

Broadcasting vs Podcasting: The Thrills and Stories Behind the Mic Subscribe right away and get all the great updates #football #camps #recruiting #collegefootball #highschoolfootball #footballrecruiting #transferportal are you looking to get recruited and need to accelerate your recruiting process then…

Broadcasting vs Podcasting: The Thrills and Stories Behind the Mic Subscribe right away and get all the great updates
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Know what I mean and uh so it's it's Really cool cool to have you on and and Talk about those experiences now first Of all what what do you like better Because like everybody everybody's in The podcast world now do you like Broadcasting a game better or do you Enjoy like meet meet with people in Doing the podcast or is it equal it's Just so different I mean it it's it's I Mean when I get ready to call a game You're going on live television I mean Your heart's racing your pals are sweaty It's like a game right it's like kickoff It's like kickoff I mean you're like you Got the producer in your ear like Counting you down uh you're preparing All week I mean I show up to do a Podcast I'm just winging the damn thing I'm like you know I show up and I just Sit down and start talking to the coach Um it's it's a little bit of a different Spectrum as far as you know I'd say like The podcasting stuff for me is fun Because I you get to kind of peel back The layers and I feel like I've got Enough respect in the sport to 100% for People to do it and for coaches to know That I'm not gonna screw them at the end Of the day but they also know now that Like I'm not coming to do a podcast with You to talk about you know who your Favorite second string receiver is on The team like I want to know like the

Story I want to know about like Jeff Halley what do you hate about college Football James Franklin told a story in My podcast about him getting booed off The field at Penn State and thinking to Himself like man am I gonna make it here Um you know talk to Dan Lanning about The challenges of his wife being sick And like all that kind of stuff is the I Want to really peel back the layers and Allow you know one of my favorite Comments when when I do the podcast After it goes out is fans you know Obviously a lot of times it's new it's New fans from different schools that are Now following me or seeing my content And I get a a lot of comments saying Like I've never seen coach X i' never Seen coach Landing in this in this Format or this way before

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