Breakdown of LSU’s Empty Formation Skinny Post Safety Attack by Coach Schuman

LSU’s Empty Formation Skinny Post Safety Attack coach schuman breaks down how LSU perfectly attacks the middle of the field by putting the olb and the safety in a major matchup bind. He breaks down how their use of space…

LSU’s Empty Formation Skinny Post Safety Attack
coach schuman breaks down how LSU perfectly attacks the middle of the field by putting the olb and the safety in a major matchup bind. He breaks down how their use of space dictates open throws that are easy for the QB and hard for the Defense.
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Welcome back another breakdown I love Breaking down let's use plays because They're very simple you can run these Plays in high school more In any limb so play I'm gonna break down Today it's real real simple real basic It is literally a slant that is working On okay out of the spread formation Empty the weak side to receiver side on Empty okay where the will linebacker Isn't a major bind this will linebacker Has to get out in this zone coverage and Get some with it get hands-on if he does Not do that this space there's a big Problem okay and you'll see here Essentially they they could end up with Zero people in the box here so so you Have at the top slow it down Here quick so you can't see the three Receivers down below but two receivers Up top you have corner corner you have Some sort of zone coverage quarterback Recognizes that right away because Obviously there is no man over number Two so we know it's zone so one of the Great things about this office is they Make very simple reads out of empty the Real easy read here okay is to read the Does this linebacker get with and then Is their grass after that see the Linebacker gets with is no hands-on eyes Are back towards the quarterback as soon As running back for the receiver breaks He going to be wide open on host so ii

Need to hear me really input The Safety's in a bind so you have to Looks like some sort of cover or a look You have three receivers down here at The bottom of the screen you have a Corner that's a linebacker safety you Have a corner a safety up top here just By alignment without this outside Linebacker getting hands on by alignment Alone this safety is in a major bind Major bind because there are three Receivers that this front side safety Have to take care of there's no help Gonna go to the short side it basically Creates a one watch of weight on the Route run a short post wide open and in This case when you have athletes they Make plays in this case for a touchdown Third example I look on the outside Linebacker and the safety utilizing the Empty set for a very simple skinny post For a touchdown You

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