Ball hawking safety 2025 Cash Farris is a fantastic player to watch #footballrecruiting

Coach human you're talking about some Things in recruiting that you need to Change on your Twitter number one if You're posting all kinds of stuff with Someone other than yourself meaning all Your teammates over and over again it…

Coach human you're talking about some Things in recruiting that you need to Change on your Twitter number one if You're posting all kinds of stuff with Someone other than yourself meaning all Your teammates over and over again it Gets very confusing Waters down your Profile so if the coaches can't find Your stuff it becomes very confusing Number two you don't need to post every Single camp that invites you to come There with their image that does not Help your recruiting post to camps that You're attending so people know where You're going post those things that are Relevant when you visit a school things Like that other stuff can really just Water down your Twitter profile make it Very confusing for a coach to see what's Actually going on with you

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