Backyard Pickleball Training Part 1

Here's an example of how you can do They can do pickleball training around Your backyard you get yourself one of These go sports Nets It's easy as welcome to pick up on Amazon well and then you simply start…

Here's an example of how you can do They can do pickleball training around Your backyard you get yourself one of These go sports Nets It's easy as welcome to pick up on Amazon well and then you simply start Hitting and I'll show you the drills I Do that have helped me out a lot These are simple drills you can do right In your backyard First you could start with hitting your Ball into the net I work on hitting on Level slightly above the net Getting it into the hole that's a great Thing about this you can you can really Work on your aim [Music] You're going to work on your ability to Drive the ball Over and over again This works on your aim we'll get Different shots you've ordered your Backhand you can work on your off hand You work in different areas and work Your forehand right here Just repeatedly wrapping it over and Over again

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