Azavier McDaniel – Liberty High School – NV – 2027 – Big Time ATH takes home MVP at NUC All-West Elite Prospect Camp !!!

Azavier McDaniel Liberty High School Henderson, Nevada ATHLETE 5.9" - 155 40 - 4.74 Shuttle - 4.28 Broad Jump - 9.8" NUC All-West Elite Prospect Camp X - @McDanielAzavier

Azavier McDaniel: Liberty High School Football: 2027 Athlete named All-West Elite Prospect Camp MVP !!!

Azavier McDaniel, a current Freshman at Liberty High School in Henderson, Nevada recently attended the All-West Elite Prospect Camp presented by NUC Sports and walked away with some MVP hardware.  The Prospect Camp showcased some of the West’s top football playing talent from middle school through high school.  Players participated in NFL Combine like drills, agility work, individual positional skills, and one on one competition periods.  Overall, McDaniel made his presence known and is now being looked at as one of the area’s top players.

McDaniel, a 2027 prospect, recently relocated from Northridge High School in Utah where his now retired father was stationed at Hill Air Force Base.  The current freshman is no stranger to participating in NUC events, he took home MVP last year at an NUC sponsored event in Utah!  Freshman or not, Azavier earned himself playing time as freshman at Northridge where he accounted for over 60 tackles and 3 ints starting at Free Safety.  He also plays basketball and runs track!

He had a fantastic day dominating all phases of the event.  Azavier ran great times, clocking a 4.74 in the 40, a 4.28 shuttle, and had a broad jump of 9.8”, all great numbers for a freshman.  In the competition phase he was clearly ahead of other athletes on both sides of the ball.  Offensively he made some fantastic catches winning his one on one reps in all phases.  Defensively, he was smooth and showcased the ability to cover from both corner and nickel positions.  

Although he showcased his skills on both sides of the ball, if pushed to make a decision McDaniel would choose to be as DB.  My man enjoys being the underdog and there is no greater spotlight to show that than the DB position!

In terms of physical ability, at 5.9” 155 pounds, his speed may be his best attribute.  He separated himself from other players coming in with an all business approach.  As a WR he used his shiftiness to get free releases off the line of scrimmage displaying his ability to beat opponents.  He showed his great speed on both short, intermediate, and long routes.

It will be exciting to see what McDaniel will bring to the table as he becomes an older, wiser and more mature athlete.  His ability to play multiple positions allows him to see more reps and more plays which inevitably will benefit him as he progresses in his career.  Development happens with experience and this young man has displayed that he deserves to be a varsity player no matter what school he attends!

A little Q & A !!!

Why Football ?

“Football kind of chose me, I grew up around the game and just fell in Love with it, all my brothers played and my father coached”

Why do you think other athletes should participate in NUC EVENTS ?

“I think it can really help to gauge where you are in terms of skill and ability in the offseason, it can let guys know the areas they should be working on!”

What is your favorite subject in school ?

Geometry, because it really challenges me and makes me work.



Favorite cereal ?

CoCo Puffs

Favorite NFL Team ?

“All of them, I just really Love Football!”

Favorite NFL Player ?

“Sauce Garner, I really like his energy and confidence.”

Quote to Live by . 

“What you Put in is What You get Out!”

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