Dave Schuman

You guys mind if I hop in next game all Right sweet Yeah let's go oh you guys have never Played before that's fine I'll take it Easy on you of course of course Yep this is a this is…

Is anybody surprised by this I don't Know if you played football then you Probably know this is definitely a fact Um but it used to be less than this it Used to be more NBA players but now Football…

This is interesting pickable injuries Could cost about 500 million the health Care with pickleball we got to make sure You take care of your body uh because The physical wear and tear people are Getting knees and hips replaced…

I noticed a cop-out answer but Brian Kelly runs probably a better system Jim Harbaugh's more relatable both have Great qualities hmm I think I'd probably Rather play for Jim Harbaugh because He'd be able to motivate me every single…

This is wild Isaiah Rogers and a bunch Of other NFL players preached suspension For gambling Where the NFL has a huge relationship It's crazy how everybody's now being Held accountable for