Dave Schuman

Is Greg Olson Right on NIL? 1 min read

Greg Olsen right here listen to this I Want to know your opinion did he go too Far or is he dead on with the fact that Athletes now don't care as much about You know getting to the NFL…

1 min read

We use amphetamines to conveniently Modify the behavior of bored boys Because we're too stupid to construct Our education systems in a manner that Doesn't drive the Mad Yeah hyperactivity is an iatrogenic Disease created by schools Yeah that's that's…

1 min read

Highlights from NUC Sports Boardwalk Beasts Parochial Private School 7v7 Clips from and filmed by @JerseySportsZone NUCSports.Com for more I got a short memory just like when I Was in the third grade two of the best Years of my…

1 min read

Highlights from NUC Sports Boardwalk Beasts Parochial Private School 7v7 Clips from and filmed by @JerseySportsZone NUCSports.Com for more