Agility Drills at NUC sports Winterfest
We want to be nice and precise with our Movements we want to be knee Benders hip Droppers we don't want to bend at the Waist we can't play football like this We want to be here and work our arms and Our feet around the Con don't do this we're not chopping We're getting around the cones we're Getting around the conb we're getting Around the conb all right you got it you Got it let's go let's work let's work Let's work get your hips down get your Hips down swing your arms swing your Arm come come on come On come on you got to use your arms you Got to use your arms get your arms nice And tight close to you there you go That's better that's Better you got to use your arms you got To use your arms that's why you're Having problems you got to use your arms That's a good job good Job there you go come on come on you got To use those Arms you got to swing your Arms Finish Line hey Back we're going back to the first drill But now You're get a break let's go get a bre Bring bring bring bring let's go pay Attention to the detail guys right watch The guy in front of you here we go make
Plays on Through I Need I need four lines on a cone water Almost almost done this the Last L look I need a line on a Cone