#9 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown – Travis Shaw, 2022, DT, 6-6 330, Grimsley HS, NC Top Player In NC

9 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown – Travis Shaw, 2022, DT, 6-6 330, Grimsley HS, NC Top Player In NC by Coach Schuman Topics discussed: 1. Amazing Athleticism for Size 2. Power 3. Playmaking Skills NUC is the longest running…

9 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown – Travis Shaw, 2022, DT, 6-6 330, Grimsley HS, NC Top Player In NC by Coach Schuman

Topics discussed:

1. Amazing Athleticism for Size

2. Power

3. Playmaking Skills

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Breakdown was our second one today we're Going to go into uh a breakdown of the Number one player of North Carolina Right right rated right now Um he he's a big guy Travis Shaw 66 330 Defensive tackle from Grimsley High School uh he's a top rated player in North Carolina I think number two at his Position number seven uh 247 Sports um Number nine on Rivals.com So yeah ra number three on rivals.com And is position number two um rated by Uh 247 Sports uh the favorites for each one It's interesting who who uh the rivals Rivals kind of favors their fan the Clemson I guess just because of the Defensive tackle they have this is a Player that has 21 offers uh from Alabama to Arizona State to Arkansas to Clemon um to Duke to basically every School in the ACC uh Georgia Michigan Mississippi North Carolina North Carolina State Ohio State Oklahoma you Name it he's got it um and uh He's he's ra rated as a five star out of North Carolina now obviously North Carolina didn't play this season So there's no senior film yet now Whether they play In the um the spring I guess remains to Be seen but we're going off of his Sophomore film here on the evaluation

Which does make it a little bit more Difficult you kind of have to project a Little bit that's that he's improving um So you want to see you know see what That Improvement is but let's let's get Into this let's get right into it and Break down the film of Travis Shaw okay of Grimsley High School not high school I'm super Familiar with either but uh let's get Into it so obviously it's 66 330 is a Huge guy Um I mean he you know this is probably Going to be the theme that I see going Forward it's interesting he stand he's Playing some standup end here he runs Incredibly well see now I expected to be See someone that would have to maybe Lose a few pounds he probably does plays A little high um stands up but man is he He Is he looks pretty good physically for a Guy at 66 330 um again flatting flattening and Getting down the line it's interesting To see him playing defensive line now He's just overpowering a lot of players At the at the high school level but he Doesn't show tremendous explosion off Off the ball what he shows is amazing Athleticism getting to the ball and uh Um you know speed not Twitchy per se but Just strong and physical and has speed

As far as running speed Um I I think somebody Aries that he's Going to have to really work on is is That not just his get off but his Explosion forward Um being able to stay low I mean he he Seems to react real well and Knox BS out I'm I'm amazed at his ability to play Defensive End um at that size to be able flatten Down the line and and actually make make Some plays um I'd like to see his stance You know his stance is going to have to Improve at the college level there are a Lot of things that are raw he stay he he Plays a little bit high but just I I I I'm flat out am me he's one of the most Physically of of the the nine prospects They broken down so Far for someone who's 66 and 330 I mean I'm amazed at how he moves it Is actually so freakish his ability to Move and he likes to like take his hand Off the ground a little bit as well Which you know I think in college he's Going to have to do a better job with His stance again know but he's so Athletic I mean it's hard to believe That he's 66 and 330 pounds this is his sophomore Film I mean he as a sophomore he he is More athletic and better physically than 99% of the college players um now he's Got probably as a baby fat maybe not

Strong Uh as strong as some of them he plays High and stuff but his pure athleticism Is just is unbelievable how he gets up Reacts to block the ball flat is flat Down the line is is is just fantastic He's out running much smaller men to the Football Um this is a guy who's upside you know He he's the first one I could say for Sure that watching a film that that I Feel like if he could Fix uh his stance uh the ability to use The hands more um those kind of things He is going to be an NFL player I mean He's got freakish tools uh you just Don't see someone 6633 that could stand Up like that he he's he's in coverage Sometimes it's actually Mind-blowing uh I mean look at him Flattened down the line that's my Favorite part of what he does he does a Great job of getting flat down the Line once he learns to play low and Explode and use his hands and get his Hands in front of him because in high School he just blow him by guys this to Me is the best defensive line prospect That that I've seen um I mean my Goodness he just swalls you up I mean is He going to be a nose guard he might Could he be a three technique at that Side I mean I Guess it's yeah I mean he gets to the

Shape he needs I think he can Be I mean I think he can line up a Strong side end on I mean this this is a Guy that could be potentially a game Cher uh he's got to learn to use his Hands because in in in college he's not Going to be able to just you know push His way through every single guy but man What an athlete patro skills is going to Require him getting better with his Hands Oh I thought that was yeah I Mean last clip here shedding we just got To get his Pad level lower but outside Of that uh he's pretty Unbelievable so this is to Me Um the first prospect that I saw was Like if he could improve slam dunk Pro I 66 it is a little bit dilemma of where You put him um but wow Travis Shaw can flatten down the line he can Overpower you physically he actually Goes and drops and coverage in some of These plays this is his sophomore year This is not even this year as a junior This is his sophomore year 2019 these are his Clips um best athlete I've seen for that Size and Weight uh maybe Ever and Um I'm really high on him you know now I'm I'm evaluating highlight films so I'm trying to go through the clips as

Best I can I don't have the full film to To evaluate but off of just his Movements on on the highlight film he Does things that are Just absurd his ability to get up the Ground quickly is shocking and um he is Just a incredible Prospect the team that gets him is if he Has the right attitude the can do the Job academically he's on a fast track to Be in the NFL he's he's an unbelievable football Player unbelievable football player Travis Shaw uh currently not committed Anywhere as I believe hasn't played his Season yet everybody he's got 21 offers You know I don't know I Mean he can go wherever he Wants I I I don't know how he is Personally what his coaches think about Him but as far as what I see on film Unreal Mindblowing Ability Travis Shaw 2022 defensive Tackle play wherever he wants um Grimsley High School North Carolina see you later

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