#8 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown – JAHEIM SINGLETARY, 2022, CB 6-2 180 Lee HS, FL

8 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown – JAHEIM SINGLETARY, 2022, CB 6-2 180 Lee HS, FL broken down by Coach Schuman Topics discussed: 1. Size 2. Length 3. Playmaking 4. Ball Skills NUC is the longest running series of high…

8 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown – JAHEIM SINGLETARY, 2022, CB 6-2 180 Lee HS, FL broken down by Coach Schuman

Topics discussed:

1. Size

2. Length

3. Playmaking

4. Ball Skills

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[Music] Welcome back um to the prospect podcast As We Roll Along here Um a whole bunch of interesting things Going on in football but we want to stay True to what we're doing here and we'll Break down uh top rated players in the Country uh eventually we get to to a Bunch of different players uh but right Now we're going to break Down Jem single ter that's the next Prospect breakdown on Rivals he's rated The number eight Prospect in the country Um as far as Uh as far as on 247 Sports I think he's Number 10 um rated number two in the state and Number three at his position committed To Ohio State which after big victory uh To get them into the Championship um Makes it really interesting taking a Look at who they end up you know having Committed to them so we'll break down His film let's take a Look bear with me while I Uh share the screen Here all right all right this is this Film from um this past season this Season here so we'll get right to it now One of the things you realize at 6210 He's long he's he actually has a great Vertical and you'll see that um Highlighted in in a bunch of his films

He has an excellent nose for football so Uh you see here how he closes not just Closing the ball but then can make Something happen with it Scores um what looks like to be in bad Weather uh So plays wide receiver as well and he's Playmaker there Um he's high pointing the ball you know Gives you an idea of his athleticism is Vertical here he is again picking off The ball just skying for it I mean that Ball was going to the comeback route so If you look at it real quick that ball Was Actually going for the guy that was Running the comeback the next receiver He picks off the ball and they could do Some things when he really strides out Um it he has very good speed but not Elite it's his length and his jumping Ability and his athleticism that really Is the Difference Maker his body control You see it right there keeping one foot In making a Pick Um here he is on on a vertical play and I I like the fact that he played both Ways um whether it's out of necessity or Whether it's uh you know you know that He they he's just obviously such a good Athlete um he's able to contort his body To be able to make Plays um which I think is a huge skill

As a quarterback because you're going to Have to move your body in all different Ways you get turned around um and he Seems to have the ability to do that Find the ball which is really key to be Able to find a ball and um and then make Plays on the ball uh that that's a Unique skill set that's you know he goes To Ohio State in in their uh defense Where Um the way that they play well they Changed it up from the year before but Um when they play in coverage and Anytime he's got to be in man the man His length is always going to be a Problem um when he's in any kind of Zone Coverage his length is going to be a Problem his ability to rip through the Ball you see it over and over again um On every one of his clips that he's his Ball skills are Elite he's got Elite Ball skills um you know you don't see a Tear some tackling there you don't see a Ton of tackling but his break on the Ball is good his instincts of when when He's going to have to break on a ball um Again it's we saw that one Earlier here it is from his earlier pick If it's just the endzone view from his First one Where he scores On I mean he's got great instincts once He gets the ball as Well obviously he's a he's a top R Rig

Uh player I'd like to see Um you know look at him coming downhill And make Tackle uh playing corner you don't see a Ton of of that stuff but anyway So get out of here real quick So what you see on this film is is Someone who has unique characteristics Athletically okay his height and size It's 62 180 um it's elite level size obviously Uh his length as far as how how he's Able to elevate and Elevate quickly he's Able to quickly Elevate and get up in The air um and and make plays on the Ball and then do something with the Football once he makes plays with it is Unique uh his his skill set is such that When Ohio if he stays committed to Ohio State um he's the kind of corner that Can match Up um but if he's got a guy that's Faster than him on him he he can play Zone and really kind of uh read the Quarterback and sniff out um the plays And be able to make plays off it he has A great reaction uh from the time that There's an a need to break on the Football that he can go and break he Gets his hips downhill and like I said He could Tor his body whatever way Necessary uh in order to make plays That's shahim single ter um number eight Rated player in countryid Ohio State uh

The breakdown coach signing off

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