6 Month D1 Promos by Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell are Changing the Game

6 Month D1 Promos by Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell are Changing the Game go to myfootballcamps.com/d1 to get promoted www.myfootballcamps.com www.nucsports.com @coachschuman on all social Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars…

6 Month D1 Promos by Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell are Changing the Game

go to myfootballcamps.com/d1 to get promoted
@coachschuman on all social

Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go to http://myfootballcamps.com/campsevents to register

This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm (https://wwww.zencast.fm)

You know most people sign up you know For the six-month plan uh and we go Beyond that obviously you know I think The guys who sign up for the six-month Plan in late June have probably gotten 12 videos you know but but now that We've been through a full six- Monon Cycle with it and we see it works it's Almost like a it's a nice surprise I was Never confident or cocky about it I Didn't didn't know i' never done this um You know like you said every five star Since I started in 1998 yeah I never did um zero Stars with No FCS interest much less FBS so I Didn't know if it was work but now it Now it does and it's kind of exciting And and I'll I feel more comfortable you Know expressing to people that it will Work now you just got to be patient and A lot of people want to do the one-timer And I get that and we've offered the Three Monon now uh as as an addition Because we were started one time then Six month 12 month you know and that's Fine too but now I'm I'm understanding You know if you've got nothing the one Time's not going to really move the Needle for you it's this it's the three Monon minimum maybe six month

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