#6- Coach Schuman’s Live Prospect Breakdown – Julian Armella, OT, 6-6 300 2022 Absolute Beast

6- Coach Schuman’s Live Prospect Breakdown – Julian Armella, OT, 6-6 300 2022 Absolute Beast from Columbus HS, Miami FL Area offensiveline #football #highschoolfootball #tackle NUC is the longest running series of high school combine and football camps in the…

6- Coach Schuman’s Live Prospect Breakdown – Julian Armella, OT, 6-6 300 2022 Absolute Beast from Columbus HS, Miami FL Area

offensiveline #football #highschoolfootball #tackle

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All right I'm back once again another Player we got to get a two for on this Wednesday here um Nu see all American Day we got to keep breaking down Prospects because there's nothing better Than that so let me get this brand Imaging off and get right to Julian Armela offensive tackle 66 he lists Himself at hudle at 67 he's 300 pounds He an absolute beast from Columbus High School in Miami Florida Columbus High School is known for putting out Prospects uh Corner Rivals he's 6.1 Number six player Nationally uh slightly favored to go to Florida State I don't buy that for a Second um 35 offers Alabama AR Arizona State Auburn Miami Um Florida yeah of course FIU I mean Clemen You name it he's got it as an Offer um He's got some interesting guys that are Recruiting him it's it's cool to see the List Kevin maw in Arizona State his Direct recruit Bren venables and Clemson um just some of the big names Randy Clemens from Mississippi are some Of the big names that are actually Recruiting him but hey you want Julian Armela you better get the head coach on The phone and spend a lot of time with Him because that's how it's going to be

Um offensive tackle Prospect number Number one lineman in the country let's Go right to the video tape and break Them Down all right here we go here we're Just going Clips because no one wants to Put highlight tapes together which is Fine here he is uh there he is a little Choppy chop he's tall he's lean his hips Are a Little he's a little there in the hips But that's okay as a left tackle I mean He gets Low oh that's Nice you try to cut him he cuts you all Right here we go here's a here we get Highlight tap year three baby Julian [Music] Arela like the unies of the teams are Playing looks like Miami Northwestern Let's let's no we got to slow it down a Little bit with lime in here Because otherwise just waiting for the Sauce I guess Okay there he is on a down block he's Right over he he keeps moving I'd like To see him keep working finish people Off Man Oh okay let's say here here it is again This get Miami Northwest slide I'd like to see him sit A little more He is huge and athletic

Looking hands are low nice hand Excellent hands technique as my man Paul Alexander would say his hands are low Let's see if he has the um uses one two Or he's a double puncher he's got to be A onew Guy I mean I'd like to see a little more Aggression I don't love love love the Lumbering There we go let's see what we got Here boom finish him okay I like that Good finish good pancake got a little Nastiness there to him I like to see him Now he's Down he's just pancaking Dudes some of these dudes just fall down Like I I don't know what they're doing Okay here we go Down block buries Him it looks like he he's got good Enough punch and Pressure gets keeps the hands inside Like really tight which I Love he can Bend he's under control he bounces off On double teams he's under control I Love that I Mean uh I think he's got to work more a little Bit on his upper body strength and his And his hip thrust Um hands are nice and Low he's got to get he's got to have the The placement of his hands on the chest

High chest area and then down by the hip Man so he's got Control um but he's I like how he keeps His hands low that that looks pretty Darn good Um you know on the offensive line There's a lot of things I think you're Going to always see that can be improved And and uh I see a bunch of things that Can be improved there um he he is a is a Heck of a Competitor um plays for a good Program and uh he he's a real physical Guy so you know um hell hey Dominic how You doing yeah I mean youo check out Nuuc sports.com or top prospect Elite And we'll get we'll get you set up with Some stuff you got going have to get out Of your state if you're on the west Coast you're in what we call lockdown Mode which means get the heck out of There Um anyway Co does suck yes 100% Vin Viv No doubt about it um but yeah he's a Beast Julian uh he he finishes he's Nasty he's somebody that uh Um coming out of place to produces you Know a lot of great football players Especially known for skill players the Fact that he he's a lineman that really Just has nice technique with his hands Low like he's got to get the two you Know instead of just the twoand punch All time which overextends you a little

Bit using one hand when you need it but And then the finishing with the two Especially on his down blocks he does a Good job of that um I'd like to see him Work on his feet I like to see him Working staying lower uh I like to see Him work on his physicality of his not His physicality his his strength in his Upper body um I think his power in his Legs and hips continue got to continue To develop he's got the tools um Definitely got to work on quickness but Um he moves with ease he picks up double Teams he's a guy that's going to be a a Big time Lineman uh To me as a left tackle Prospect and a Person that looks like he fasting game I Mean I I I you know Florida's gonna be a Candidate Alabama's G to be a candidate Um he's G to have to go to a place that Produces a lot of left tackles and That's where he's going to want to be But there's also to be competition there So he's going to have a lot of decisions There um but he's definitely a top Player as I get through it I'm going to Start to to compare if I see a guy at a Lower rank that's better Um number one lineman in the country He's impressive definitely definitely One of the top lineman um definitely has Got the body structure and the height And

Size um and he's nasty so the other Stuff can be Learned uh the prospect Podcast Julian Armel off Tackle Columbus High School we'll see you soon

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