5 Questions To Ask College Coaches by Coach Schuman of NUCSports.com
5 Questions To Ask College Coaches by Coach Schuman of NUCSports.com See more videos like these at www.nationalunderclassmen.com!
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Kermit is back with five questions that You should ask college coaches it's Important to ask college coaches Questions on the phone or in person and There are five questions that can help You along that path from a recruiting Standpoint number one have you seen my Film have you seen my film it's a very Simple question if they have not seen Your film and don't know who you are They haven't begun recruiting you it's Important to ask that question to the Recruiting coordinator or the position Coach find out how that have they seen Your film number two what positions are You looking to fill for my class this Will help dictate what school might be Right for you who will be recruiting you And what type of applier they might be Looking for number three have you heard Of me and if so where do I fall on your Recruiting list that's a very important Question a lot of times players think That they want to go to a school but if They college doesn't know who they are They're obviously not going to be Recruiting you you must know if they've Heard of you you tell them your name Have you seen my film have you heard of Me if they haven't heard of you then It's probably best to either introduce Yourself again get film to them and Start that process over if they have Heard of you and they tell you that you
Don't fall within the group that they're Recruiting it's time to move on number Four do you recommend me coming to your College summer camp one day camp to be Get looked at if not where do you Recommend I go look at that be most Beneficial for me from a summer camp Perspective most coaches will be honest About this if they feel that you're not A Division one level prospect you're Talking to visual level school they may Refer you to another school from a Summer camp standpoint that might be a Better use of your time And finally what five things makes your Program better than other programs that I'm looking at and that could go into a Lot of different things it's up to the College coach to give you Answered I'll tell you a lot about the Program that's recruiting you those are Five questions that you should be asking College coaches right now this is coach Schumann signing off