#5 – Coach Schuman’s Live Breakdown – Keithan Alexander DT, 2022 6-4 340, Top DL Football Prospect

5 – Coach Schuman’s Live Breakdown – Keithan Alexander DT, 2022 6-4 340, Top DL Football Prospect Topics discussed: 1. Physicality 2. What Makes him Different 3. Areas of Improvement 4. Footwork and Hands NUC is the longest running series…

5 – Coach Schuman’s Live Breakdown – Keithan Alexander DT, 2022 6-4 340, Top DL Football Prospect

Topics discussed:

1. Physicality

2. What Makes him Different

3. Areas of Improvement

4. Footwork and Hands

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Welcome to the prospect podcast number Five breaking down the top players in The Country uh today we're breaking on Keithan beay Alexander defensive tackle Class of 2022 64 340 Yes you heard it Right top defensive lineman Prospect in The nation according to rivals.com we're Going to break down a little bit of his Film there's a few Clips not a ton but a Few Clips um I mean he was the top Freshman lineman in the Country uh and then you know now he's a Uh uh a junior um and uh playing for Denton Ryan High School out in Texas um he's a physical presence uh if There ever was a physical presence we'll Break down a little bit of the Bear Denton Ryan High School let me get His Uh clip Here we'll pull a little bit up here we Got a little we got a little we got it Right from Rivals here so um while That's breaking down what you're going To see is someone who is just physical As all heck um 29 offers on the year Which is which is pretty uh mindboggling For def of course he's got Alabama Arizona Arkansas Auburn Baylor they say He's a b slightly in Oklahoma but nobody Really Knows um he's got 30 total schools Interested in him you name it he's got

It um he's a Texas guy he's skyrocketed Up in the rankings I guess based off of A lot of the stuff he's doing this year And uh let's let's see if we can really Open up his uh Prospect video so we Could so we could watch more on on him Here so uh let's see what we got Here that's not working okay Let's I don't know why I got an idea all Right so sorry for the quick technical Delays but I'm zoom in Here and we're going to get a a really Good view Of his film here okay good all right Let's let's share my screen and let's Break him Down by the way if you got to watch the Uh the senior Nu allamerican game what a Game today 2624 uh by the south Unbelievable game let's share my screen And let's watch a little bit of Keith And Alexander the bear this is from his Freshman Year and I do have some 2022 cups but There's something Weird you know uh well anyway here he is Again I Mean he is Enormous plays a little high super Physical I'm not exactly sure what but I Mean he's obviously have to be a big Daddy wilers my goodness gracious he

Just blows past but he's going to have To work on his hands uh and his his his Feet are pretty good Um he does get down in The Stance he is strong I mean he's this is This is when he was a Freshman so I mean I I he's got a good Get off I I want to see if we can get Some some clips on him uh um Uh from his Huddle see Here see what we got here bear the bear The Bear's got a lot of huddle film here I don't Terrell high school did he Transfer out of uh Denton Ryan that's Only I don't understand but let me see If we can pull him up Here okay Lot of technical difficulties today I Don't know what's going on Here Denton Ryan we did Trans let me get this let me get this Right here so he Transferred at Denton Ryan so he's at Denton Ryan very Confusing Um show you ninth grade Film trying to get some stuff from this Year though I mean let's see if we can Get some stuff from this Year here we go okay all right here's Some film from this Year yeah looks like he's in a different

You this is this that Ryan is blue or is This Terell high School well regardless my goodness I don't think is he at Terrell High School we'll figure that all out um Let's watch the film I don't know what's Going on with that but he's explosive Off the ball I mean he's just running Right through guys this is Texas Football folks so this is not some Slappy football here I mean he he just Lines up o Over his physicality is just Unmatched my Goodness where is he again can can you Highlight yourself I'm I'm assuming he's The D yeah that's him just he just comes Right up the field I mean he just Manhandles every I don't love how high He is at times I I think that's that's a Little bit of an issue he's able to get In down a stance he's enormous um he's Physical but he does stand up and that's Something that he's going to have to Contin continue to work on he's also Going to work on his foot quickness um But at that eyes he's going to be Basically used to stuff the Run be Physical I mean I don't think you're Going to get any wide bodies any bigger Than him I don't think you're going to Be able to run up the middle against That guy like that I like how he chases He looks like he's got good

Speed um he's got that dog in him that You want I mean w i mean that's that's Some good those are some good Clips Right there let me see let me see let me See him the spring game this is this is At a different school I I don't know the Hell is going on Here H Um Okay this must been at his former School Spring Ball my Lord is he Bing Fast he is so big and Quick let's get Off goodness gracious he's just he's He's a bear all right he is an absolute Bear let's let's see uh I don't know What something must have happened here With him because I don't got a lot of Clips injury who knows but Um that's why he's the number five Player of the country there's a lot of Mystery around I don't know how come I Can't find huddle Clips on this guy it's It's confusing to me um but you could See he's going to be an unbelievable Presence he's got a million offers uh He's definitely one of the top top Players in the country I wonder if I go On on uh Twitter see if I share and I Don't know if I got to share this but Let's let's reshare this with you Guys and so you could see these this Kind of playmaking that he has here okay

Um here he is coming off the ball this Again like I said this looks like some Sort of scrimmage of The I guess Terell is red and blue uh or Denton Ryan red and blue that's one clip I don't know why there's then there's a Bunch of South Cliff Clips here where He's just making Plays by the way their whole entire Defensive line is uh pretty Awesome watch the explosion they Actually play a 30 front where Everybody's tight down basically so you Can't run inside it all it's crazy Here he's again getting up the field Physical I Mean he's pretty darn good Um but yeah so I mean it's easy to see Why he's a top prospect uh Keithan bear Alexander I mean no doubter five star But he's got to work on his lip pad Level he's got to keep improving I'd Like to know why he's transferring I don't know what that's about um those Things always concern me and then uh he Also has to keep working on his hands he Does a lot of belly bumping and just Outling people but once he once he can Work on his Hands and he utilize his speed for his Size he's got incredible speed as a Linan it's it's it's mindboggling how Fast he gets off the ball um yeah he's He's a physical presence that's at the

Nose guard and even a three technique Spot is going to be trouble Keith and Alexander Bear Coach prect podcast

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