#3 – Coach Schuman’s Live Prospect Breakdown – 2022 Denver Harris, CB, North Shore, Houston, TX

3 – Coach Schuman’s Live Prospect Breakdown – 2022 Denver Harris, CB, North Shore, Houston, TX breaks down the strengths and weaknesses of this five star prospect with 37 offers Topics discussed: 1. Man to Man Technique 2. Run Game…

3 – Coach Schuman’s Live Prospect Breakdown – 2022 Denver Harris, CB, North Shore, Houston, TX

breaks down the strengths and weaknesses of this five star prospect with 37 offers
Topics discussed:

1. Man to Man Technique

2. Run Game Chase Angles

3. Playing Vertical and In Routes

4. Squeezing on Cover 2 Run Support

Links mentioned in this episode:
@coachschuman on twitter, facebook, instagram, and tik tok

This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm (https://wwww.zencast.fm)

[Music] Hey welcome back to the prospect podcast Um we're going to talk about the number Three player in the country Denver Harris of Northshore cornerback this is Our second quarterback the top three Players according to rivals.com uh Prospects Um similar variables from a height and Size uh from our last Prospect and um uh From modern day so Denver Harris plays For North high school out of Houston Texas obviously Houston Texas produces An unbelievable plethora of of top Players um we're going to do our live Breakdown of his film now his highlight Tape is not not up yet um but but I have Uh a lot of his clips from different Games we'll break those down for you Okay And just so you know if you can if if You're on our podcast or over there on YouTube if you can like And subscribe it It helps us with the algorithm um that's A big deal uh obviously we got a good Amount of popularity got a lot of people In the show but we want to make sure That we keep growing this um the Popularity is key to to the the success So uh Denver Harris We'll go right to His highlights Okay and like I said with all every Single one of these these podcasts we Are we are live doing them right from

From the time um that we see him so ver Is just ball skills I mean one of the Things you're going to see if you're Going to look for a top divisional Prospect at 61185 he's got gigantic size Incredible length I mean he's strong um But he does a lot of different things on The field so um he run you know he's a Guy that's going to be impact player Right away I mean here he is he's making A play after making a pick early on he's Getting off a block on Kickoff um what you guys put together Prospect takes you want to show Different things so here we go looks Like manto man it Is he's going to chase somebody down This is a big theme as well Um you've got to be able to chase some Way down cor I love his angle there that I love his angle there he he he shows The excellent ability to stride out Gives up the inside there uh on manto Man um it could be part of how their Alignment is we'll go to his next clip Here bear with Me can see King He's at the bottom of the Screen they play head up here we got a Direct fade ball plays through the hands Rips the ball out that's another thing That you'll see at his height and size He has the ability to recover if he's Beat um and then he's also able to uh um

Put together a situation where he plays Through the hands you want to play Through the hands at all times play Through the hands I mean he just that he Just bounced him the club right here I Mean wow Physicality On The Run does a good job getting off the Run Block I don't didn't love the Aggressiveness there I mean it was Clearly a Screen um again these are the things That have to really improve you've got To become more aggressive on on the Run Tackling College again rips through the Ball I don't like they lets him inside So easily on he's giving up a little bit Of the inside Release I don't know if that's their Doesn't seem that they're trying to Funnel that way so the the fade boy does A good job On here he's playing a little Receiver you can see his great Speed just run by Guys here's back in corner I love how he Chops his feet that's good this Physicalities is Elite level Physicality Let's uh let's go see how he Does get Manville one of the top Programs in Texas So Zone gives the Dem man that's a great Job on closing on the ball there I mean

He covered he covers 20 25 yards now Only one Clip that's how cover Ground discover ground Klein Collins Another usually pretty good program Texas just playing cover two Bounce Bounce again I like to see him more Aggressive excellent job tackling but if He if he just comes up now he doesn't Have to recover with his Strength excellent job getting off the Chop lock again gets himself in position Love to see him being a little more Aggressive Two in a Run squeeze in a run Support and then here you know so a Couple things he does real well he does A good job of getting people off of them Um disengaging from from the uh the Locker uh in in zone squeezes on run Support plays a lot of cover two in zone So he shows the ability to uh to squeeze Maintain his outside leverage squeeze The ball back in manto man I love the Way that he he plays um I love the way That he plays from a physical standpoint Manto man he gives up a little bit uh Every once in a while the inside release Which will be a problem um uh unless Their defense design to with they're Playing man where where you could funnel The guy in but it seems like he he has

To recover on some of the inside release Of any vertical up the field routes he Does a fantastic job his ability to Recover his flat speed is elite elite Flat speed um so you could see that That's the thing that he has over Everybody else that Elite flat speed at 61 185 um Denver Harris class of 2022 he's Five star Uh from from Northshore in Houston Texas uh he he's a guy that's going to Have an impact right away let me see Where what do he got he Is 37 offers um I guess they got [Music] Him leaning Texas LSU Ohio State Kansas State Alabama are among the kind of Forecast leaders Uh Houston Texas you know I I would Assume he be looking at Texas probably Even uh you know obviously LSU um and he He he's a guy that's Skyrocketed um based off of this year And and his speed but he's a five-star 2022 Denver Harris Cornerback um from Northshore High School in Houston Texas

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