#2- Coach Schuman’s Live Prospect Breakdown – 2022 Domani Jackson, CB, Mater Dei, CA #1 DB In His…

2 – Coach Schuman’s Live Prospect Breakdown – 2022 Domani Jackson, CB, Mater Dei, CA #1 DB In His Class, his skills and play broken down by Coach Schuman Topics discussed: 1. Footwork 2. Length and Physicality 3. Speed and…

2 – Coach Schuman’s Live Prospect Breakdown – 2022 Domani Jackson, CB, Mater Dei, CA #1 DB In His Class, his skills and play broken down by Coach Schuman

Topics discussed:

1. Footwork

2. Length and Physicality

3. Speed and Close on Ball

4. Ball Skills

5. Areas of Improvement

Links mentioned in this episode:
@coachschuman on twitter, tik tok, facebook, and Instagram

This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm (https://wwww.zencast.fm)

[Music] Welcome to the uh Prospect podcast um What we're doing is breaking down like I Said we did yesterday we Quin uh Quin Years from South Lake Carol today we'll Do Damani Jackson 2022 Corner number one Corner defensive back in his class um a Phenomenal athlete 6285 F fantastic size five-star um Didn't get to play obviously this season Uh with the fact that uh California Didn't play uh due to the covid so um uh But we're going to break down basically His 2019 film uh when he was a Sophomore so which which gave him his His uh his initial ranking so uh we We'll we'll break that down and um and Then do our lot like again live analysis Unfiltered Uncut looking at the film first time in Person and then giving Thoughts so uh before I stage here again This is the this athlete deanii has from Modern Day High School which is one of The top football programs in the country In California um he's got like 40 offers You name it he can go wherever he wants Um got to make a commitment uh uh Rivals.com Projects uh 71% to Ohio State uh 30% to Michigan I don't know uh what any of That actually means but he has 40 offers Um which is pretty pretty darn good he's

Got a lot to look at um he's a California player modern day's put out Pros modern day's put out a lot of great Athletes um a ton of division one Players um and and he's one of those Guys that done amazing thing he's known For just his fluidity speed um and he's A guy that you know he plays Corner Position but could you know with his Size he could be a free safety he's kind Of like a reminds me a lot of Minka Fitzpatrick um uh has a lot of Similarities to him but but we we'll We'll break down the film here we'll Share screen and go Okay now mind you this is a last year's Film so um by the way first off before I Even go to it he does the number one no Audio no one needs to see audio on your Film they want to watch your film okay So here he is at the bottom of the Screen look like uh manto man good jams And I I'll tell you what right away First of all I just uh uh retweeted Earlier today that put your first your Best Clips up front so you get the Attention this gets the attention of College coaches so first of all he Is his Jam and his eyes inside watching the Quarterback as he's jamming and riding Him um taking away that that that screen And I mean obviously he's to the house Here that I mean that that that was

Stealing There ver now okay so here here's the Opportunity to see kind of the the Closing speed as he chased down the ball Carrier and a catch here's a one1 Situation a fade ball playing through The Man and mind you he also plays against Some top competition too so he's going To be going against a ton of let's see His cha Chase ability Here okay so and strips the ball out so His his presence of mind to be able to Strip the ball out uh one of the quick Things that I notice is that he's super Physical super long um swipes at the Ball all the time so his ability to make Plays on the ball while while trying to Tackle Defenders um it is very good his Speed Like his acceleration is is good um but His it's his length that makes makes all The Difference uh as I mean really a couple Things that I that I noticed now this is On the highlights he shows a lot of Stuff with him chasing Um some awareness issues W which could Be like when he's playing a person he's Just dominant coming off uh uh from uh Play playing Zone I I'd like to see him Come off even faster because with his Speed and the way he rips at the ball um I I think he could really do some things

Five stars a hefty Hefty Hefty uh uh fate for a corner but I mean The way that he play his feet and the Way he bounces and reacts um and Chase Is is excellent one thing I think is is Is interesting is that Um his field for angles and chasing down The ball Carri I feel like he' get in Front of him better but he does have an Excellent acceleration to to to chasing People down and and preventing uh Touchdowns I my favorite part is his Ball skills just watching this film his Ability to close on the ball rip through It to knock the ball down to make plays On the ball um and and his reaction to It and be able to get his eyes back That's the one thing you know like once Once the head of the wide receiver turn Turns towards the ball and the the arms Go up his arms go up and rip through the Ball his reaction is is really quick um Makes the plays in order to make a play Uh on the football um again a couple Again I just don't love I don't love the Angle on the chase on a lot of his Chases I feel like he can make the play Earlier I don't love that angle um That's going to have to Improve I think his manto man skills and His ability to read the body language of The receiver his back pedal and his Ability to open his hips and move are Really good um you know corner corner is

One of those things projected wise his Height and his length is is is a key key Indicator for his success obviously Playing at a great program I love how he Just plays through through through picks To make plays um I think his Zone Awareness will have to improve but his His man to man is excellent obviously You could always if a guy could play Manto man as physical and he's able to Run look like plays through the hands Right there I mean that's fantastic he Was beat he played through the hands Makes the play it's exactly what you Want to see I I love his technique he Really does remind me a lot of making Fitzpatrick uh maybe not the the the Tackler that maker Fitzpatrick was but The way he plays through the ball and And his um speed to the ball his ability To rip the ball out I I think his Physicality is is excellent his length Um he keeps his body underneath himself When when he extends to jam I I think His body control is real good again I I Want him to get downhill More when he's in those free safety Roles and be more physical I see him as A a returner I'm assuming he's gonna He's going to show some good Wheels here So Um he pretty good wheel I I I think he's A guy that is is a a long Corner that if He could learn to come downhill better

Then he could be a free safety and I Think his size I is such that um it Warrants him to have the ability to be a Free safety does a great a lot of great Things with his hands um and and is real Physical uh just somebody that is going To be a dominant player is only going to Get better as he learns uh that the Technique as far as from a tackling Cutting down angles but as far as his Manto man skills is playing through the Ball playing through the hands of the Receiver anticipating where QB is going With the ball he's a top-notch player That's demon Jackson uh of modern day

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