#13 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown – Cian Curylo 6-3 210 LB/RB/TE 2022, Red Bank Reg., NJ

13 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown – Cian Curylo 6-3 210 LB/RB/TE 2022, Red Bank Reg., NJ with Coach Schuman, one of the top LB Prospects in The East Topics discussed: 1. Takes Gaps and Plays Downhill 2. Excellent Athleticism…

13 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown – Cian Curylo 6-3 210 LB/RB/TE 2022, Red Bank Reg., NJ with Coach Schuman, one of the top LB Prospects in The East

Topics discussed:

1. Takes Gaps and Plays Downhill

2. Excellent Athleticism

3. Natural Instincts and Ball Player

4. Excellent Speed at Size
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Coach back with a another live Prospect Biground we're going to do one of my own Players here uh Kean cillo class of 2022 um definitely uh one of the most uh Going to be one of the top prospects in The state currently you know uh um Moving up pretty quickly he's got a lot Of schools that are interested in him uh We expect hopefully soon that uh a lot Of that translates into some offers down The line there for him um Ken 63210 2020 2 played running back for us tight end Um I think he's going to be a great Linebacker at at the next level at 63210 uh all division this year 3.5 GPA Um I a leading score 12 tackles for loss And score over 70 tackles and he's got Some good speed and and and really some Really good athleticism uh for uh for a Big guy Um what's what's pretty cool is uh he Can play a lot of different spots so you Can play him a tight end you can play Him uh at fullback you play him at Running back um and then you play some HB and then you know you play linebacker Played the Lineback for us uh the whole Entire year did an excellent job there Uh physical fast we'll break down his Film and in I'll go through the areas I Think that he's he's really really good At and he's going to continue to improve Um but I like how he gets downhill gets Downhill fast and and you'll see a lot

Of that in the film here [Music] So hur's against hell uh probably one of The best if not the best running attack In the short conference um average you Know 2 280 on the line he does a great Job getting around the lineman um and And of course this is my player so I you Know I see see a lot of things that I Think are are great about him uh his Ability to this triple option be able to Stop he made 14 tackles in this game um Real physical and single-handedly uh uh Held held their run attack to pay for a Long time Um he gets downhill he's strong and and Uh he you know he's looking for the Grass to run through um aligned we're Aligned a little bit closer in this game Just because uh it's a triple option uh VI attack I hear he's a running back has A nice feel uh it's part of athleticism That I think he has that's that's really Great about um his ability as as a uh as A as a athlete is uh he feels things Really well out for a big guy finds the Right hole runs well um you know him This year coming back coupled with our Our young running back that's coming up There going to be a dangerous Duo this Year uh in the running game um and uh You know hopefully next year we'll be Breaking down his film as well So uh you know you'll see I catches the

Ball real well um this him playing some Tight end Bend he could block and uh Those are things that make you know Really good attribute here's here's the Same play again from different Angle uh his feel for for for making Plays on the ball is is Exceptional uh his ability to get Downhill again we do play quite a few Option attacks he can play sideline on The sideline at middle linebacker um Finds his way to the football which is a Key aspect and having playing linebacker Myself that's a key component when I see A a linebacker I also can play running Back and tight end and and Excel Catching the ball I know that he's got Good hand I coordination which means That his linebacker skills are only Going to continue to improve I mean he's A no doubt you know uh division one Linebacker I mean you're you're not Getting that many guys that are 63 210 That can move uh as freely as he can and Uh uh it is easily as he can um you know He's hard-nosed player and and runs the Ball real well I mean if you end up Using him on the offensive side of the Ball if you think that's where he fits Again here he is you know on The Botch Punt he's first guy down there it makes The play should have got a safety there It didn't get a safety um but you know Again real physical against really good

Competition um you know punches it in Over and over again at at that that Running back Spot here he is getting downhill I mean Tfls are a big thing he does a great job Of getting tfls getting downhill here He's again running the ball nice field For getting through the hole and then Working his way to the Outside here he again he bouncing it Because there's a botched block on that Play and he bounces it out get gets nice Positive Gain here he is on a middle screen um Does a great job catching the ball real Smooth once he catches it uh he's got Just a nice really quick and easy way of Running um which allows him to do a lot Of different things and see the hole and And and continue to progress um on a in An offense that had 313 yards average a Game um offensively there he is getting A two-point conversion his rightand man Mr Jack Rossi quarterback in that play uh here He is getting right through the hole Taking grass getting through a blocker And these were huge linemen on on uh St John vien um Does a great job of of blitzing On The Run feeling his way getting to the Ball here's again same thing taking Grass moving off a blocker finding his Way to the ball he's a downhill player

And he can also run sideline to sideline Excellent job picking up the Blitz H we just missed on that it's Killer all right oh that's just some Quick highlights honestly his game film Will give you even more of that kind of Stuff but Um tremendous athleticism and uh you Know he's somebody that's going to be a Playmaker and uh so let me just share The screen again because I think I Missed playing the actual Clips here so For some Reason yeah I did okay so what we'll do Is uh we will take this film and then We'll splice in those clips and then um You know we'll be in business but uh Excellent film um he's a player that is Is a no doubter from uh scholarship Standpoint with 3.5 GPA and he could do A lot of different things that Linebacker he's only going to continue To get bigger he's lean so he can put on Size um you know he's probably going to Be 63 and a half eventually 225 230 Pounds Um and uh maybe bigger and uh can be a Really Fierce linebacker at the next Level that's King Gill coach human Signing off

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