#12 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown – Will Johnson, CB,2022 6-2 182, Top Prospect In Michigan

12 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown – Will Johnson, CB,2022 6-2 182, Top Prospect In Michigan with Coach Schuman Topics discussed: 1. Is he really a Safety 2. Athleticism 3. Ball Skills Subscribe for Updates You are invited to Coach…

12 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown – Will Johnson, CB,2022 6-2 182, Top Prospect In Michigan

with Coach Schuman
Topics discussed:

1. Is he really a Safety

2. Athleticism

3. Ball Skills

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Welcome back to the uh Prospect Podcast late Thursday um breaking down Will Johnson defensive Back cornerback Gross Point South uh Michigan he is the number one Rated uh Prospect in the state of Mission Co rivals.com Have check and see exactly we'll break Down his film today and see exactly Where he is um Uh rank with 247 let's see here 247 has him as The Number one player at the State of Michigan as well and eight overall in The country um whereas rivals.com has Him at number 11 obviously he is a Fantastic player um predicted to commit To Michigan but has not done so has not Committed to any school has over 30 Offers Um so it is obviously a top player Gross Point South High School Michigan um played six games I think his Team played six games a little Co Shorten season and uh we'll break his uh F Clips down Here second Get right into It and thank you all who are with me Today this evening um this Prospect Podcast like just blowing up you guys Have been really great about um uh

Watching the podcast I see the numbers Keep going up and up every day um it's Exciting and uh I'm glad to break down These athletes film hopefully it helps You guys get a better feel for what a Top player as in some of the attributes Because they'll break down the good and The bad of of what he does things he Needs to improve on So let's make sure that we're seeing it Here which we Are all right so we'll start off um good Great job High Point and RI through the Ball uh he's playing a little Outside um again I guess we missed but Obviously he breaks that one up and Makes a pick that's two ball skill based Plays there he is an offense running Vertical you see a recurring theme with A lot of top top athletes that can do a Lot of different things here is in Wildcat bad snap looks Like solid run I mean nothing crazy but Obviously a really good Athlete here he again running the Oh I'm I'm making a tackle I'm sorry um Okay here he's coming off to make a Tackle again good job coming off the Ball uh he's in a lot of manto man Situations and looks like more of like a Cover two here he is come off making a Tackle I like to see him wrap up I don't Like when people dip their shoulders Playing a little safety there closing on

The Ball don't know what I just Watched okay here he is an offense vert Comeback Routs he obviously has great size he's Strong strong Player here he is one little wild cat Playing through the Man I would like to not see him get open Like that I don't know what's going on There I didn't see Anything oh I see okay just him jamming Guys sh with that Let's see here he is in the Chase I I see what he runs a 40 in Because he's got good speed but doesn't Seem to be overly Elite I mean he's got Great size he plays in Michigan he's Very Physical um plays a lot of manto man Cover Two seems to be able to run pretty well His technique is very Good I think there's a lot of areas that Can prove I don't love his stance I Think he's a little bit off balance There I think that's going to have to Improve Um he bends bends from the hip I mean um Yeah the Hip again the same thing I like I'd like To see him wrap more at that size he's a Big Guy I like his athleticism I think he's

We he's got to work on the twitchiness Is for corner I actually think I don't Know if he's going to be a corner long I Could see him playing safety because he Um he has really good ball skills he's Big and physical he's not unbelievably Twitchy uh like a lot of Corners would Be but he seems to have like a good Amount of physicality good amount of Ball skills he plays offense is is a Um a very good good player a hard Runner Hard to bring down so he's going to be Physical he's going to grow he's going To be 205 210 Pounds um you know I I I I mean I guess Michigan maybe looking at him like he's Like kind of like a jabriel Peppers kind Of player but he doesn't seem to have The same kind of Speed um what he seems to be is very Strong and athletic I don't love his Stance I think I like to see him bend Down more um uh Because I think guys some guys might be A to Quick Him he's a hard runner on offense I mean There are some things I really like About him I think he's uh like when we Watched we watched uh the number 10 Players film Which was Um pulling it up here CJ hick CJ Hicks Is a bigger more physical athlete Playing outside linebacker Will Johnson

Is a guy with great Potential Um uh I I speed-wise quick twitchiness I Don't know he might be track speed like Striding out he's got big height but the Twitchiness he's going to have to Continue to work on that he seems to Have really good athleticism and Physicality um I think those are Obviously pluses he's playing you know Quarterback and and running the ball and And playing receiver and catching the Ball so he's obviously a versatile Athlete um I think all those things are Are are really good I think he's got a Uh a good ability to grind things out And and and make plays and I think the Ball skills he has are going to be real Valuable um on defense but I think he's More of a safety than a corner at College level I don't see the Twitchiness that would make him an Elite Corner um unless he's playing in a Little bit more Zone but if you get a Receiver that's quicker than him could Be a little bit of an issue um I think He's physical enough that he could play Safety he's just got to continue to work On his his tackling and his ability to Run through guys um and obviously his Height is a huge advantage and you know It it's interesting because he could be Big enough to eventually become a a Outside linebacker Prospect is just

Coming from where he played Corner that That might end be a big Stretch uh to do that you know I think He's a solid roundout Runner uh let me See one more time here in manto man he's Physical but getting hands on guys the Way he does in in in high school is not Going to be the same in the Pro so it' Be really interesting to see how he Continues to develop um he's got big Size uh he's a he's a very good athlete Uh got good speed but like to see a Little more twitchiness which he's going To have to continue to work on improve His stance and and I think there's some Raw ability there that um it's going to Have to be developed Um my gut tells me that I'm going to see You know maybe I got to pull up let me Pull up a little bit of his sophomore Film Because I'm not Seeing St Just he's just a very good athlete I I Mean I think I think that to me he's a Safety but that sism just quickly looked At a couple of sophomore Clips uh you Guys can't see it but I looked at it Real quick I just don't I I I think he's He's an excellent Prospect I'm curious To see where he ends up being Ranked Um because the number 10 Prospect he's 11 seems to have a little more

Athleticism than him and the other DB Prospect I broke down does as well and More speed But um he's definitely a really good Athlete I don't know if he's a five star Even though they haven't rated as a five Star um but he's definitely a division One player and he's definitely worthy of All the you the offers he has um and uh If he develops I think he's more of a Safety Prospect um I actually could see Him playing wide receiver to be honest Because with his size physicality he Could probably be really aren't good There um I just don't see it as a corner But uh I've been wrong before but I you Know I'm I'm pretty uh pretty solid what I think on on that ability there so um Coach human signing up

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