#11 – Live Breakdown of DeVonta Smith, WR Alabama, Heisman Trophy Winner Highlights Film

11 – Live Breakdown of DeVonta Smith, WR Alabama, Heisman Trophy Winner Highlights Film WIth Coach Schuman Topics discussed: 1. Superior Route Running 2. Ability to Make Quick Route Moves 3. YAC Subscribe for Updates You are invited to Coach…

11 – Live Breakdown of DeVonta Smith, WR Alabama, Heisman Trophy Winner Highlights Film

WIth Coach Schuman
Topics discussed:

1. Superior Route Running

2. Ability to Make Quick Route Moves

3. YAC

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We're doing a special edition uh today Of the prospect Podcast specifically doing Heisman Trophy winner Devon Smith from Alabama Um Devon Smith let's see what the actual Voting was here um on the actual voting Of Eisman Trophy Devon Smith Had 1856 total points next closest was Trevor Lawrence which we hold I should Have bet that one I'm going to kick Myself for that M Jones was three and KY Trer four I knew that was going to be The order Um 447 first place votes to Trevor Lawrence is 222 so uh pretty decisive win but uh if You're going through five of the top Three of the top five are from Alabama um just Fields finishing seventh In book Ninth Um Zack Wilson from BYU e and Bree Hall top russan in the country at six so Uh we're we're going to do a little film Breakdown of Devon Smith uh in honor of His Heisman Trophy Win um and uh break down the great Aspects now obviously with he wins the Heis trophy we're going to be pointing Out some of the finer points of the Things that he does really well and kind Of try to rewind some of that stuff Because he's obviously a pro he's

Obviously G to be a guy that's be Drafted in the first round but we're Going to go through we're going to watch Clips go through what we see as some of The best uh things on there and then uh Uh give a little breakdown and and Analysis of why he's so unique and so Dominant as a wide receiver okay All right here we Go okay so first first route we'll go Through it I love doing the live stuff Because I have I'm seeing it as you you See it all right he's running a corner Route uh a Quick it's it's an out actually so Here's what he does really nice on this Out route okay as we back it up here I'll freeze It he dips okay he does an amazing job Of Dipping as if he's going to the post I'm going try and freeze it for you one More time he dips as if he's going to The post it's a key component as a Receiver he rips through the first guy He tear it is the dip okay like he's Going to the post that freezes the Defensive back he's running an out Instead of just flattening his out like You would see like in high school what He does really well is he works it as if He's going to the corner route so he Does two things here number one he goes And makes it look as he breaking on a Post freezing the defender then when he

Breaks he makes it look as if he's Running a corner route pushing Defender Over the top of him and then he breaks It on an out Great Route great Route more than just his speed here Okay believe he's at the bottom of the Screen Here Crossing route base Crossing route Not a whole whole lot uh here to analyze Other than he understands on the mesh we Call it Um stepping stepping higher low so what He does as he's adjusting to his own the Defender and his own uh receiver he Steps low bringing himself down to Create himself to be in the grass Area and then he does a great job of as He's going to the sign Lines by putting His foot in the ground going north and South against freezing Defender giving Him a chance to get extra yards And these little subtle things is what Make Devonta Smith an elite Receiver all right here I you know he's Running a it must be a comeback route or Or short short hitch I you know you Can't really see it here so Unfortunately Um hey oh you can't see one thing that's Really good so he sells the vertical Okay right at the bottom of the screen Here um

You'll see on his plant sells a hard Fade gets you turning your shoulders Okay later on when he comes back in Screen because he's got him turning his Shoulders on the vertical when he runs It's a comeback route he does a great Job and then the next thing he does Really well is he he catches he turns And then he dips back inside again Gaining extra yardage I mean forget About his cuts that just make him a Complete Difference Maker here oh here it is here we go Excellent it's exactly what I just said Okay on the end zone he is at the top of The screen here believe that's Him Corner out okay so the skip Move when you're bunched up like this The cornerback or safety whoever's Responsible for you in this situation Here either this guy or this guy Depending on how they're playing their Coverage By skipping you don't know if he's going To come break across break out or go to The Corner the ability to accelerate out of That skip is the key Here he recognizes his Defender when his When his outs uh inside receiver is Covered by that safety he now know he Has the Corner he gets right over on top of him And now this is just pure speed and

Athleticism I'm keeping his feet down It's Unbelievable how he's able to keep one Foot Down there it is let Skip and this is just athletic that's Unbelievable he kept that foot Down incredible high points it keeps the Foot down okay let's go to the next clip Here okay looks like a quick screen Quick Screen okay this is going to be a pure Speed situation he's already got him out Leveraged he's gonna get as much as he Can and he just runs right by you know I'm give you a little tip here watch so If you're a receiver as he gets the Outside he Dips he does a he doesn't really do it There that much the key is really to how He dips and Accelerates okay next route Supposed to be a curl rout Here these are all base routes here okay Here's this curl route presses vertical Slams down the curl route inside extra Yardage difficult to tackle because of His speed and and in athleticism there It is sells vertical slams it Down he has a unique Ability that when he slams it down let's See if we can see this here He slams it down the hips sink so Beautifully so quickly and in two steps

He's going back in the other direction Awesome it's more of a Stop Route than a Than a curl here more of a stop R all Right inside receiver he can play Anywhere on the field that's huge here He is in a wheel this is just High Pointing the ball does a fantastic job With That excellent job Leverage and Contorting his body to High Point the Ball here's on the jet so you can run The jet which is now become a big play In the NFL obviously it's just a speed Right Here and some nice dancing okay and now We'll go on a post [Music] Curl let's see if we can get this see This n let's see hold on here let's Let's see this again Okay on the post Curl you'll see a great job of how he Quickly presses to the post sells inside Vertical quickly presses to the post Flattens Out comes back Works back to the Ball Can a wheel route this is just pure Speed using the pick Yeah not a whole lot here here oh we'll Give you this excellent job St on the Stalk so he gives the he gives the Impression on the stalk by staying Square here so the rece the defensive Back may the low defensive back has is

Responsible for the uh for the flare out Here in the post is just adjusting to Ball playmaking skills Here he's again on the on just a Straight he's in the slot here straight Up the field again this is just giving Himself leverage using a little bit of a Hand slight hand check just to give Himself some room and makes the Catch every is there again Okay he's a bottom Receiver looks like some sort of Hing go Let's see if we can see That yeah okay so the little hesitation Move is if he's going into the slant and Then he hits the vertical this is speed I mean once you get someone Frozen That's slower than you they're in Trouble and he does a great job of that Again here you see some more of that He's taking again this game really just Destroyed uh the corners here this is Just um him selling on in out and then Him going up so double move there and he Does it so quickly and fiercely here we Go looks like a corner out just sticks Let's see if we can get this one on we Can't get that one all Right little mo motion a creating more Space for himself now here's what's Great A lot of times you come a downside People anticipate you're going back out He gives a hard move like he's going to The outside then comes back inside a

Fantastic route fantastic route we'll do A couple more Here there is a hard move boom because You think so the DB is thinking when You're in a narrow alignment like that You're going to be working to the Outside and he gives a hard move create Space we go little double move L must be A quick little little out and up as Well here it Is quick I love how quickly he turns Just just gets you to turn your Shoulders and then runs by You and he high points the ball I mean It's a big part of It here he is again on the slant that's Just base stuff give quick move on a SL Got to be able to run a quick slant at All levels that's the key he does a Great route here see if we get that one On here we go there it is just quick Move create separation squeeze the Football okay so this is him Adjusting continuously working running The back pylon I mean the back line in The end zone Let's see if we can see it Here R he goes to the corner here he is Boom run the end line on the end line Make can Play the vertical Route see let's see we got It this just speed that's just pure Speed

Again his ability to get open to and Find space is a huge Deal Um he really does a fantastic job of That someone pump someone goes on a run He finds himself space he finds himself Space to work and then catches the Ball that you can't get any more open ey Let see we get a a move on that one Post see if we can get this Here how we got this Open all right here he is in the Slot post Vertical so he slammed it as if he's Running the post keeping the safety Frozen over the top and then sled Vertical that's unbelievable here he is Again on on a quick screen green is a Fantastic job on That this is just him using leverage Here got great blocking on this Play quick Slant extra yards lots of yak this is a Touchdown off of it Speed is a difference for me all right Well we'll uh I think we all get the uh There he is selling the block on the Slant See I mean by freezing so you get that Bubble screen like that and and you have Them Frozen uh and then you hit the you hit The slant on it it's it's just Remarkable how wide open you get on it

Um congratulations Devonta Smith Heisman Trophy winner wide receiver first wide Receiver Since since does anyone Know first wide receiver since Desmond Howard To Win the Heisman Trophy winner Congratulations to Devon Smith

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