#10 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown, CJ Hicks 2022 OLB, Archbishop Alter, OH Top LB In Country

10 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown, CJ Hicks 2022 OLB, Archbishop Alter, OH Top LB In Country committed to Ohio State and film broken down by David Schuman Topics discussed: 1. Amazing Athleticism 2. Big Time Speed 3. Great Ball…

10 – Live Prospect Film Breakdown, CJ Hicks 2022 OLB, Archbishop Alter, OH Top LB In Country

committed to Ohio State and film broken down by David Schuman

Topics discussed:

1. Amazing Athleticism

2. Big Time Speed

3. Great Ball Skills

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All right let's get into this I'm Redoing uh my analysis on cjh because I Did not hit uh video there so um we're Going to do my analysis again on video Uh we'll break it down even though I did Actually already see it I obviously Screwed up um and did not Have uh the Actual fil pulled up on him uh but like I said he's a number 10 Rated Prospect in the country um I did Watch his film and Uh in in in getting To his film and I I'll flip this off Here the brand here so we could see it Getting to his film um he Was and you'll see of the TP the 10 Prospects that I did he was the best Athlete overall I mean all areas now Nationally uh 24/7 Sports they only have Them as number 38 uh Rivals has him as Number 10 I agree more with Rivals based On his athleticism at 64 218 pounds Clost of 20122 out of Archbishop alter High school in Ohio he's committed to Ohio State and he had out Washington and And Kevin Wilson recruiting him heavy um He had all the Heavy Hitters in there 32 Offers um Ohio State beat out Alabama Oregon Clemson among Others um just a fantastic athlete no Other way to put it um and uh we'll go In and break down his highlights for you Let me just pull them up here

[Music] Okay pull them up here for you all right And then we'll go right to to the Analysis but like you like I said you'll See the Athleticism uh that he has uh just Fanastic athletic Ability um now this is someone who play I he listen as outside linebacker a top Linebacker in the country in um uh 247 Sport has him as like number two or Three um not that there aren't other Athletes as good as he him possibly but I just I just think the way that he Plays the game um and there's a couple Of things that he's got to improve on But the way that he plays his plays the Game I is pretty remarkable the only Area that I have a little bit of an Issue is his uh his stance I'm G to uh Actually Um take off the music here I know some Of you guys like music but so I could Break it down better so first of all I I Don't love his stance a little odd but His you see right away his speed Anticipation and the way that he attacks Grass is second to none so what do I Mean by attack grass when he sees grass Take grass and um it's like when he Plays running back it's like running Through the hole same thing at a at a Linebacker position that's a key aspect When he comes off the edge he has

Tremendous speed he's he's a hitter uh Like I said don't love his stance um it Forces him to be a little bit High which Sometimes there issues uh in getting all Of his physicality into the tackle but Someone who plays running back he's a Punt returner he lines up at receiver The pure athleticism he has as he Transitions to playing full-time as a Linebacker he's going to be somebody That is going to be uh Unbelievable um his speed he's just Smooth in the way that he he handles Everything like he's just able to Maneuver his way around blockers to make The play he brings a ton of force um He's a short Tackler but speed is his game speed in The atle's game and you know watch him Run the football I mean he runs the Football I mean he's bigger than he Looks like a more jacked wide receiver You know almost like a uh a lean tight End but look again how he takes grass I Mean has the ability something he does Really here which is I think is a key Indicator of a of a really good Linebacker I'm Gonna just take this back a little bit Here okay and all right so as he Approaches the the ball Carrier he doesn't know who's going to Have the ball he he breaks down in front Of the ball carrier and then re

Accelerates At a level that is Elite there he is see He he goes as if he's the ball carrier Might have the football and then re Accelerates that's Elite that's why I Think he's of the 10 people I've done so Far he's so far the best overall athlete Um here he's line receiver he just can Go vertical um but it's not that the Ball is just put on the money he he Tracks the ball which means he's going To have ball skills which means he's Going to be able to play play in Coverage he's going to be able to play On passing Downs not just as a Blitzer But to be able to get out in coverage Which is a key aspect you know which is Why I think that if he does contines to Do well he could be a pro he's gonna High point this ball here I'm sure of it Okay and and see how he tracks the Football I mean he just tracks it Tracked it right over the shoulder um Here he is in in in in uh I don't know That that clip doesn't do anything for Me um His ability to attack the ball to rip at It I it is is exceptional I love the way Obviously blitzes and the outside the The Linebackers um for Ohio State that's What they have to be able to do uh you Saw the difference in the Clemson Ohio State game between the linebackers of

Ohio State and how they uh blitzed and The difference makers they make his ball Skills like I said are are Superior um he he's fast as hack I mean He's got to be you know four FES guy Um it's just his speed to the ball Carrier is is second and none here he is He he he overshoots a little bit and That's where he gets himself a little Bit out of place uh again playing a Little bit lower will help him but you Know his speed I mean I don't I don't Know how you leave him unblocked by the Way or don't go hot it makes no darn Sense to me Here he is again coming off the edge Blocks the ball um you're going to College you're going to have to attack Him attack his legs when when he's Blitzing off the edge here he is on on a Uh um a little quick Screen getting to the Ball takes air flattens down the lines Got that was one other area I thought That he's got to continue to improve is Getting flat so as he comes up the field To be able to get flat put that foot uh Um lateral to the sideline and get flat To be able to make a tackle that's a key Aspect he'll make a bunch of tackles That way here's he Tad far up the field Um but again he's he's in the tackle he Got excellent Speed here he is again uh doing a

Fantastic job Of closing on on a blitz here he is on The screen wrapping up ripping the ball Out closing a Turnover again out in space not in Coverage just coming right off the Edge I mean his clo on the ball is Exceptional there power and the power The QB Power he understands how to take air how To take grass and close Gaps Yeah blocks the extra point Here shoots his hands does a great job On That here he is Le Blocking physical pancake now obviously These are all highlights right so these Are all the the the best plays uh we We'll go through another clip Here tight Blitz I think it needs to be Lower in the gap he'll work on that Getting flat down the line Again and avoiding blocker that that's The one he's got to be able to rip by That and get stack himself over the top To make a Play here he's running the ball he's a Physical Runner he's going to get the End zone here it shows you all things That he could do athletically think that About you know covers it Um uh like said I I I think

That key things that are going to make CJ Hicks A Difference Maker Um at the college level number one his Athleticism um he had tremend the Speed He closed on the football uh very few People can close on the football the way He does uh number uh two and three um His ability to take grasp which means When he sees a gap he runs through it Like a running back which enables him to Make the play because where would the Running back go he'd be running to Grass He runs to that grass he makes the Tackle uh number three his ability to Adjust on the fly so if he's got a Flattened on the line which he'll Continue to proove on um if he is going Towards a ball carry and has to readjust Himself to uh the quarterback he does That amazingly and so Effectively um which is just incredible Uh and then his ability to play in space So he can cover a running back he can Cover a receiver he can Blitz off the Edge he's got all of those tools that's What makes CJ Hicks a a tremendous Prospect um Rivals as in number 10 rival Uh Joy for7 is in the 30s I could care Less I just think that he is A a no doubter uh and if everything is Uh um in place from an academic Standpoint and the mindset of being a Great player if that's him then the sky A limit uh he he has the potential to be

An NFL player uh he has potential to be A first round draft pick that's CJ Hicks Uh Archbishop Walther Ohio uh top Linebacker in the country

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