Unmasking Danger: Stand Against Violent Crime Today

We confront the rising tide of violent crime and call for community unity. Join us in taking back our streets, sharing vital information, and standing firm against those who terrorize our neighborhoods. It’s time to reclaim our safety! #StandAgainstCrime #CommunitySafety…

We confront the rising tide of violent crime and call for community unity. Join us in taking back our streets, sharing vital information, and standing firm against those who terrorize our neighborhoods. It’s time to reclaim our safety! #StandAgainstCrime #CommunitySafety #CourageToAct #ViolentCrime #TakeBackOurStreets #UniteForJustice #LawEnforcement #CrimePrevention #LocalHeroes #ProtectYourCommunity

You got to realize you got to remember Now it's a revolving door with a no Bale These guys are in and they're out right You know so of course of course Different states Dave why are you Smirking you're Smirking who me you've been you've been Smirking and laughing at me this entire Show I I what where is this coming from Your face is red and you're smirking and Laughing this is one of my favorite so You pull that one up yeah oh yeah play Let's see it there he is yep who who is This guy street gang is responsible for Hundreds of violent crimes murders armed Robberies witness intimidation Burglaries drug trafficking extortion And brutal beatings we've arrested 10 of These thgs and have W seven more every One of these animals is most definitely Armed and Dangerous Darren Carter Aaron Carter Travis Cooper Cody gidry jiren Di Kirkland demet and Jonathan Landry we Have felony warrants for your arrest you Will be hunted you will be tracked and If you raise your weapon to a man like Me we'll return fire with Superior fire Darren Carter you think men like these Are afraid of an uneducated 125 pound Punk like you that's never want a fair Fight in your life and hold your gun Sideways young man I'll meet you on Solid Ground anytime anywhere light or

Heavy makes no difference to me you Won't walk away look at you men like us Son we do dumbbell presses with B than You and the convicts in jail most of Those men are good people who just found Themselves cross with the law they're Not evil and they don't respect you or Any Punk like you they'll toss you Around like a rag Doll I encourage every citizen watching This to look to your own heart and the American courage that conquers all evil I implore you to listen to this message And stand up take back your streets take Back your country come forward with Information about these heathens that Have terrorized your community heathens And for those who would use this message As a way to create false racial division In our country take a close look behind Me standing next to every cop is a Leader of our black community this is Not about race it's about right versus Wrong one last message to the Gremlins You don't like the things I've told you Tonight I got one thing to Say I'm easy to Find on behalf of the S landre par Sheriff's Office the Louisiana State Police the US Marshals and every cop and Law-abiding citizen from C to shining C I'm captain Kay Higgins asking every Patriot to stand up share this video and Send a clear message to the world we're

Americans would rather die on our Feet then live on our Knees he's man the Gremlins the G you Just don't feed them after midnight the Gremlins are you kidding me that was a Few that was several years Ago holy think I think he's um uh Representative now I think or uh State Rep State Rep State Rep yeah think so

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