Should You Invest in Cryogenics? Our Bold Pact!
Join our fascinating discussion on cryogenics and the possibility of being brought back to life. We explore our pact to freeze ourselves and the intriguing science behind it, drawing inspiration from the movie “Demolition Man.” Could this be the future of medical breakthroughs? #Cryogenics #DemolitionMan #FutureTech #LifeAfterDeath #MedicalBreakthroughs #ScienceDiscussion #FrozenInTime #TimelessLiving #Cryonics #BoldDecisions
Dave are you frozen or you just looking At something I'm just looking at Something all right so Dave I wanted to Get Frank there an ice age going on over There Dave are you just froze it again On our conversation that we had Friday Which was awesome um Dave and I had a Nice discussion about cryogenics yes so What what are your thoughts on that Would you would you would you freeze Yourself because we were talking about My favorite movie Demolition Man yep Where Stone comes back from the future Yep and he doesn't know how to use the Three seashells yep um and Dave and I Were talking that we were going to make A PCT that we were both going to go to Alor and get Frozen I mean I would you Do it with us I would I just because I Don't know what's on the other side I Mean I believe in God and all that but Some some somebody be cured huh maybe we Can be cured in the future well no it's Not being cured the thing is unthaw you And cure you that's my my thing is this I hand over 50 Grand to a guy to freeze Me and then they just forget about me Forget Years later they don't do that years Later we check the first guy still there The first guy's still there the first Guy time what's he waiting on well that We haven't they we haven't figured out You know they we have to figure out
First how to unthaw them and then we Have to cure their ailment I thought Them you just open the fridge door don't You no no no because no you it's got to Be done slowly really so the body Doesn't you know just decompose no Kidding yeah that's the huge issue with CR and then so this guy froze Himself he was the first person to do it In in the 1960s right why what was People believed in cryogenics I no no I Got it why did he do it I got it yeah What's he waiting for when do we wake Him up we believe that in the future Technology will be good enough to cure Whatever killed us and bring us back to Life right but so this guy was dead yeah He's dead they freeze you when you're Dead oh they freeze you when you're dead Yes Yeah well clinically as you're about to Die you're you're dead clinically your Brain dead your heart okay right so it Has to happen instantly so if I died From cancer you're going to say in 200 Years they're going to just unthaw me Correct and give me a shot and bring me Back to life yes really and yes well I Mean I wouldn't care I try it at at all Costs I I love to live I mean I'm saying People would love to live we're talking About had the money I do it I mean it's Not going to be a big de but I no no we Will it's because you we all I'm sure
Because our venmo is going to bring us That extra cash to free ins policies What's our VMO at VMO check you're we Don't I don't know yet are your life Insurance policies are probably at like Millions of dollars so you can pay it oh Yeah I got all Millions my I'm I'm worth So much Steve I can't even tell you how Many millions no people say it all the Time that they're worth more dead than They are a lot of course that's why Women kill men for the life insur I know My wife was asking me at dinner tonight She wanted to how much she had in case I Died but that's true though you get a Like most people have million-dollar Policies yeah and Dave didn't Alor say It costs 200 grand for their services Grand yeah grand for your head for just Your head if you do just your head Ted Did just his head I want to save just my Head Ted Williams did and I can put it On any body when they come back that's The plan yes what body am I going to put On they're going to kill somebody so They can put my head on somebody else's Body well no they're the plan is in the Future they'll be able to do transplants To give you youthful body parts so if You die in your 60s or 80s sign yeah if You die in your 80s they will give you Younger body parts really this is very Interesting I appreciate yes this is This is what Dave and I talked about for
An hour Friday let me get back to you on That okay I'm GNA give us some thought Well Dave and I want to do it and I Think Dave