The Truth Behind The Political Chaos: Ed & Steve Debate

Join us as Ed and Steve dive into heated discussions about identity, media control, and the state of our economy. We navigate through politics, societal expectations, and personal experiences in an engaging and humorous way. Tune in for an eye-opening…

Join us as Ed and Steve dive into heated discussions about identity, media control, and the state of our economy. We navigate through politics, societal expectations, and personal experiences in an engaging and humorous way. Tune in for an eye-opening conversation! #PoliticalDebate #CurrentAffairs #MediaControl #EconomicReality #IdentityDiscussion #EngagingTalks #PodcastHighlights #RebelRepublic #AudienceEngagement #HumorInDebate

We just said Steve should get a fan blue It's like a fan shoe but it's for gay Guys like Steve Tyler was sing Tyler was and are You still there I'm still Here where are you no I I listen I I Want I had sex in college I had lots of Sex I just that was a light Bloomer it Was like junior senior year Found your way right right right now let Me ask you this is the other debate that We're Having if I called you if I called you St Steve before you go any further don't Be upset if the uh Connecticut fans over On Twitter just take you out with all They're not gonna take me out they're Not gonna take me Out talk to him you can't hear okay Ed Soar listen cut off so we were having a Debate if I called you tomorrow and I Said Ed I got to tell you something it's Been a while but I feel comfortable now I'm gay I'm a Homosexual would you believe It Steve you know what Man you know at this point I don't even Know man you've been you've been you've Been you've been Liv five lives man five Lives i' say it's just an extra life You're living I would I See even even he knows even he knows you You believe it like you think you be you Think it's yeah if he came to you and I

Don't know if you can hear me Ed but if He came to you and he said listen hit me Up on my grinder account you'd be like Yeah okay I just wanted to know I don't Do apps I don't have any apps I just I Just wanted to know so you you'd believe It okay well I don't know if I would I Think you're just doing it just to say It I don't think I would believe it Though no if I was serious if I was Serious I was just serious I don't think He'd be serious though I still think i' I think i' I'd still say I don't I don't Know I wouldn't I wouldn't believe you I Couldn't I couldn't believe you I'd say No my answer is no all right all right Thank you Ed you can go back to watching M that's that's literally it and and you You're live on a podcast Bye that's beautiful Tyler let's see What AOC has to say yes do you want Tyler no we are on the eve of an Authoritarian Administration this is What 21st century fascism is starting to Look like Republicans really model Themselves after orban's hungry so you Can look to see how Victor Orban runs Hungry to get a taste of how they will Um try to govern and control media and Companies in the United States control Media and is a kind of an entree to that As far as what we do you know some this This is a time of experimentation a lot Of people will still use platforms can

Still use platforms but I also look Towards places where you have more Ownership as well and develop your Audiences there like blue sky you own Your audience it's a protocol Decentralized protocol newsletters email Well Media control media these last four Years have been the most controlled the Media has been since the history of Media to All by the uh the left right I Mean to cover up from to cover up from What I I still think is illegal votes uh Illegal ballots being admitted from Covering up to this President being Incompetent yes and and unable to hold The office right in in covering up in How an election takes place where they Just drop the guy who is uh who has been Elected to run by their party overnight To bring up a a Successor uh to cover ups in what has Been done overseas to coverups in what What was done in the withdrawal in Afghanistan to all the lies and all the Misdirection that has been put into Border security and into General Security in this country and and and Talk about let's talk about inflation For a minute the numbers that don't make Sense how is this the best Economy that we have seen in the last Whatever they're touting 20 years 30 Years even longer how is this the best

Economy when the average person can't Make ends me I'm not talking about if You're well off if you got a great job On the west coast and you're enjoying The sunshine you work from home and Someone's dropping you a half a mill Year to punch some key keys on a Keyboard I'm talking about the people That are making 40 to 60 Grand a year And that are trying to buy food they're Trying to pay their rent trying to put Gas in their tank because there's more Them than there are the ones that are Well off even even in the Liberal Party In the Democratic party right but they They suck up to this agenda that has Been propped up saying that this is the Best that we've ever been if this is the Best that 've ever been then we are Really Hurting all right so I I I want to I Want to thank the American people and I Uh uh yeah can you please pass the Pudding that's that's his legacy that's Exactly I I actually you know what I Want to bounce off of what you said I'd Like to thank the American people that Voted the correct way this time we had To we had no choice there were enough of You out there that understood the the Assignment that understood the direction We've been going that understood what Needed to be done you you pulled the Correct lever we needed that now you

Know what I can't guarantee that Everything that was promised is going to Happen but we need to sit back and watch We need to sit back and watch that's all Yes all right for another spirited Episode of Rebel Republic uh this has been wonderful and Remember tomorrow night 7:30 Tony's Pizzeria Sports Bar and Grill that's my Place yep there's going to be a $20 Pizza and Wing buffet for the national Chionship game we are doing a live watch Along for money line on 97.9 Unity radio Notre Dame versus Ohio State we're gonna Have a live watch along starting at 7:30 um you are going allowed to come up And uh if you have questions or comments During the game you want to give us you Can do that uh we will be set up and uh We are going to have some fun it's going To be a blast so that's why Rebel Republic holy crap we're up to 710 Viewers maybe we should do Rebel Republic Sunday night I guess Jesus oh Yeah maybe leading into the week that Might be yeah holy crap um okay so the Inauguration is tomorrow too yeah yeah Of course and and I'm apparently uh F Man blue so for the voice of reason Frank Cristiano yes and uh the coach David Schuman I am fan blue Steve Cully and this is Revel Republic on 97.9 Unity radio remember when life gives you Lemons don't make lemonade take two

Oranges and throw

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