The Controversy of Citizenship: Understanding the 14th Amendment

Join us as we dive into the complexities of the 14th Amendment and its implications for citizenship in America. Discover the challenges federal agencies face in interpreting the law and the ongoing debate surrounding legal status for children born on…

Join us as we dive into the complexities of the 14th Amendment and its implications for citizenship in America. Discover the challenges federal agencies face in interpreting the law and the ongoing debate surrounding legal status for children born on U.S. soil. #14thAmendment #CitizenshipDebate #ImmigrationLaw #USLegalSystem #FederalAgencies #Dreamers #LegalCitizenship #ImmigrationReform #AmericanHistory #CitizenshipRights

Federal agencies uh do the correct Interpretation of the law right that's That's a big part of it too so they Can't circumvent what's actually stated In the law you know that 14th Amendment That's going to be a tough one too uh What do you think about that one Dave The 14th Amendment we actually if a Child is born here in the United States He's he's a legal citizen yes uh they May they're looking to pull back they on That legality well they can make they Can make try to make an amendment to it But then that would go in front of Probably Supreme Court Decision I think that that's going to be A hard one um The lies the issue there lies in the the People that are born here the parents Weren't born parents get Supported um they stay well that's That's what's gonna Happen well what's his name uh um Homan How you say it Tom homman yep Tom homman Tom homman already said hey you know if Um if parents have to get deported and Listen I think they're only going to Deport for the most part people that are Causing problems as much as that as much You know Deport first they're GNA see How that goes and then if that goes well And they don't have any additional Issues they're probably going to leave It as is if they deport and they still

Have a major problems they're going to Keep deporting until they get rid of as Much of the problems as possible Dave And that is where the dreamers uh the um Liberals call that the dreamers right is That the dreamers that's correct uh the Dreamers that's where the the whole Dreamers thing is parents are going to Go home but the child has an opportunity To Stay the parents don't want them to be Broken up then bring your child with you Um wow that's part of where so that's Part of Where technically they could stay but if They want to amend it then that would be Um that would have to be something yeah That'd be a whole ball of wax to try to Remember I I don't think that's a good Idea I don't I don't think that's a good Idea because if you're born go back to The history of America you know uh George Washington was uh no George Washington wasn't born here or was he no He he uh he fought think about like just You he fought in the frenchi War why This was originally made is and he was Born here he was born in Mount Vernon I Believe George was I thought I'm not sure I Don't remember if he was born but let's He was most of the people from the he Was born here you have to do I have to Look it up he was born here George

Washington was born here I'm pretty sure It was in Mount Vernon I watched The History Channel thing on Him it was right before the that's Joe Biden born here he was born yeah that's Joe Biden he's his Uncle um Dave so so here's my point so George Washington is born here his Parents aren't born here okay this goes Back to that time period really Originally yes okay um uh the parent the Parents are for the America uh the Parent the kid is for the American Revolution or whatever the parent is not They get rid of the parent and they Don't get rid of the kid um or as an Adult you know I mean that's where most Of the kind of situations is or they Come over and they're pilgrims or Whatever or what and they come over they Have a child that child doesn't have to Worry about being removed from America Correct right right kind of the original Now has it been taken advantage of is The question that's the real question Has that been taken advantage of Meaning uh mom and dad why would you Want to just leave your kid here no Mom And Dad live in uh live in Mexico on the Border okay to have the child

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