Unlock Your Athletic Potential: The Power of Nutrition
Discover how nutrition transformed my performance as a college athlete. We delve into the incredible impact specific foods have on energy, strength, and recovery, showcasing how the right diet can make a good athlete great. Join us in maximizing our potential through nutrition! #NutritionForAthletes #PerformanceBoost #HealthyEating #AthleteDiet #SportsNutrition #EnergyManagement #StrengthTraining #NutritionSecrets #HealthyLifestyle #CollegeAthletics
That's awesome that that that's that's What we're looking for so um talk about Your career and kind of how you uh you Know arrived and became a nutritionist And you know where that Genesis came From for yourself absolutely so at a Very young age around 11 I knew that I Fell in love with nutrition I was Fascinated by the fact that we could put Specific Foods in our body and there Would be a direct impact and I know this Because I totally nerded out as a Athlete myself I played college softball I did a lot of Tours growing up in South Eastern Minnesota I understood that when I ate eggs and steak and berries I felt Way better than when I had Lucky Charms As a kid so I immediately connected Those dots and I ran cross country in High school played college softball I Understood that when I ate well I felt Well I performed well not only you know In performance but also in the classroom And there were several instances where I Under fueled my body as a CrossCountry Runner so incredibly passionate about How to be faster stronger less Injury-prone have more energy just Simply feel better so I just fell in Love with nutrition I've been studying It since well before social media Google Existed it was ask geves in high school And I remember just looking things up And just wanted to find out any com any
Possible Competitive Edge I could gain So I always say nutrition is your secret Weapon and it can make a good athlete Great or a great athlete good