QB Insights: Mastering Route Running Against Strong Defense

We break down a crucial play highlight, analyzing quarterback decisions and receiver strategies. Discover how Jeremiah Smith’s exceptional route running can dominate even the toughest defenders. Insights on coverage tactics you need to know! #FootballAnalysis #QuarterbackInsights #RouteRunning #FootballStrategy #DefenseCoverage #JeremiahSmith…

We break down a crucial play highlight, analyzing quarterback decisions and receiver strategies. Discover how Jeremiah Smith’s exceptional route running can dominate even the toughest defenders. Insights on coverage tactics you need to know! #FootballAnalysis #QuarterbackInsights #RouteRunning #FootballStrategy #DefenseCoverage #JeremiahSmith #SportsBreakdown #GameHighlights #TacticalFootball #FootballIQ

I mean he comes out so as a QB you I'm Sorry you okay as a QB you walk out and You look to your right and you see the Slot eyeing up the I mean the uh uh the Nickelback eyeing up the slot you Already know right right right well Here's the thing he's playing he's Playing outside leverage of that slot Player because like you said his Manree but it looks like they go zero Not that's exactly what happened is it Zero c yeah they went Zero oh and nobody released and nobody Released so the free yeah so he's Looking to double him and this dude Falls down and and that's not even That's not even where he goes he just Says screw it I'm going to Jeremiah Smith yeah I'm going to my best player I Don't care if he's a Freshman he looks like a freaking 28- Year old man yeah yeah he looks old than Me I'm 50 yeah Um I mean this is just that's impossible That's impossible for the Corner that that that's I I don't like It I don't know that is a hell of a Route dude he's just running it this is Textbook Dave this is textbook route Running go and attack your man and get Him threatened when he turns like this Because he doesn't just run a fade at The outside shoulder of of that corner Just the way Smith runs this is how you

Would love everybody he gives your Quarterback so much room to miss where The quarterback could just throw a punt Up there because the DB is beat I cannot Believe they went basically zero right Now Could would you have been better off Playing like either a ma match coverage Or cover four with a spy a spy with the Middle lineer or even bringing bringing The midd you bring the middle linebacker I guess and if he runs he beats you you Have Zone anyway so you're going to tack Him before 11 yards right you hope you Would hope you would hope he's a good Runner but he's not an elite Runner Right um if you play zone Here he's got he's got to throw in a Window he's good he might he might throw It in a Window just or one thing I know is I Would better like two two safeties in Man I mean if you're gonna go man go Like two man and yeah you're leaving the Box struggling but yeah you go two man Now now you're getting now you still Have uh opportunity for rub routes and Things like that underneath that can go For 11 my thing is this I I would have I Definitely wouldn't have let Justin Smith beat us because that dude he's Balling bro um I think that's his first Name Justin but this receiver number Four you're matched up manto man

And they're Max protect they're in Max Protection yeah that's act absolutely Right they said screw it we're taking a Shot if not we'll punt it it's a great Great play why wouldn't you be in zone If they have two backs in the back Because I mean theoretically they could Run you don't care if they run you'd Rather them run but theoretically they Could Run they could absolutely because you Still have a tight end with two backs And and you're blitzing everybody if They pick if they everybody off they're Out the gate for a touchdown run in the Ball I mean not they were gonna but just I mean they still have a tight end you Could still get some rub routs going on And everything like that but no I I Agree Um I don't I don't understand this to be Honest I don't understand this at all um It's listen Ryan day and I've been Critical of him sometimes Ohio State he Deserves credit for just be like I'm Sure it's so I don't even know if it's a Check or they called that play but but Basically like hey you you got it let it Go dude and and bottom line looks like It looks like they picked up on Tendencies about Notre Dame in this Third and long type scenarios in certain Aspects of the game it looks like that's What

They m a manto man Matchup see Le makes me throw up you Love LeBron no I Mean I I I think he's a great player but I just don't uh uh you can only take so Much of him is what it is you you get Over LeBron yeah you get over LeBron I Mean look as a player he's a great Player there's no and he's a great dude It seems like like yeah you know seems Like yeah do cause problems right he's Raising his kids right you know yeah Like his kids you never hear him getting In trouble you know he's a good father Good husband as we know of um I'm sure He's never cheated on his Wife I mean I just saying you can't tell Me he's a billionaire he doesn't go and Say like Hey listen I'm a billionaire Like I don't love any I don't I don't Love Hoes I don't love these I'm out the D hey I know uh there's a lot of hip-hop Song where you say you don't pay chicks But um I'm sure he might have dropped a Few um in his case it might be well That's what that's what they tried to Get Trump on you know hell yeah but they Could get him they could get Trump Doesn't he he's got money but I don't Know if he has LeBron Money well uh um well he's billionaire I Mean LeBron's a billionaire I you know What he may not have as much I wonder

Uh like like back in the day when he was Like in his Heyday like the 90s and yeah Early 2000s he probably had to be like one of The wealth but like so many so many of The properties didn't succeed I think Right right he had to sell them off and Yeah um you know I mean like Taj Mahal Which was like I don't know if it's Still there but that was like a I Remember we used to have like track um Our track conferences there like Coaching conferences and I used to love Going down there that was place was Awesome but but I think it went bankrupt You know like it's just like a lot of His do and he's smart about it that's For sure he uses uh his own money his Own negative money somehow turns into Positive money yeah you get to cash out The business business is bankrupt that That that business goes bankrupt and Then you uh well you still have your Personal income they everybody else hey Man I guess so but oh uh uh you know What I actually lik that he did it was Almost like political theater yesterday He did at his inaug after the Inauguration he signed a bunch of um Yeah I actually like that I like that a Lot like I I like that it's like you Know what all these things are usually Like closed door and like he took like I'm sure he had to do a bunch behind

Closed doors but he took like five or Six or whatever that people would just Be roaring for and he did them right There and it's uh he's probably signed a Blank piece of paper dude that's that's His experience of uh of his reality Shows he knows how much that is gonna That is going to polarize this country And it's going to make him more popular Like he's a he's an unbelievable Businessman bro he's amazing should he Be our president I don't know but I Don't know if anybody else should either Because right now we suck as a as a United

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