Unlocking Secrets of Celebrity Nutrition & College Football Analysis
Join us as we dive into nutrition tips from a celebrity expert and breakdown the latest college football games! We discuss strategies, player performances, and the importance of health for athletes. Don’t miss this engaging conversation filled with insights! #CollegeFootball #NutritionTips #CelebrityNutritionist #SportsAnalysis #AthleteHealth #FootballHighlights #OhioState #GameAnalysis #HealthyLiving #SportsTalk
[Music] All right yeah college football fry back It's not 12:30 it's 12 o'clock we're Here early because uh I have a uh Celebrity nutritionist coming on on the Prospect podcast usually we're at 10 but Uh something something going on so I had To push the great chain Stafford to 12 Which sucks because I only have 30 Minutes with him and I need at least two And a half hours yeah yeah at minimum at Minimum to talk the things we need to Talk through so I'll do my best to Cadet It in the 30 minutes yeah cut him a Break so he doesn't have to uh stay stay On the camera for seven million hours But that's all right man it's what we do We're like two chicks in the uh Toiletries Club That's it well you know what talk Because chick chicks get to stay friends With each other when they get older and And Men all they do is just never hang Out anymore so Yeah how it is you know like I I I I uh Didn't know that when when I was growing Up but if I knew that you know I did Extend it pretty long I I can't I can't Say that I didn't so extended it out Till I was 40 40 years old so that's uh That's pretty long that is pretty good But those that's the age of most of the Kids parents that are my kids uh like my Kids so yeah I I guess I extended out
Extra 10 years past them that's probably That's probably why some of them are I Agree I got 10 extra years in there now Luckily for you you you got it back you Got a few you got you got a few years Tacked back on for you you know Since you know since since uh the uh Ending of uh your deal so Uh you know all you gotta do is get on The phone with Dad Smith he'll tell you What to Do out to Dan Smith yeah yeah said him a quick text He'll tell you what to do give you step Byep he's got a game plan bro he's got It he's got it he'll send his boy down With him who's also with that say Bo s Send them down with you still still Because those guys still hit the gym Probably seven days a week so Yeah yeah number one if I hit the gym uh More than twice a week Um that's that's something right now my Body won't be able to heal I I'm sore From from work been hitting it though I've been hitting it I've been I'm sore From work Dave I'm LIF in I'm left in Celery 50 pound celery box that sucks Yeah 50 pound celery that might throw my Back out who you telling damn but Cramps anyway well you went you went From um you know walking a dog and you Know being in relationship now I'm the One walking dogs and you
Know no doubt oh but anyway no it's all Good it is it is it's Happy Times uh oh Yeah happy wife happy life we all know That yes yes yes although unfortunately For you you got screwed on the like if You could have got if you would have had A not that you didn't want one I'm sure You did but if you had a a child at Least you could you could you know you Could pour your energy into that a Little bit yeah no doubt no we we Definitely we definitely tried you know We no I'm sure you did I'm sure you did Just uh we practiced you pra yeah you Practiced that's practice is the best Part yeah there's no doubt Practice unless you practice you can't Be perfect PR perfect uh what was it Gonna say oh oh good uh good visibility So far I really tell you people must Like Shane Stafford they must have Missed you so did you watch that game Last Did you watch that game last night or What I saw most of the uh I watched a Lot of highlights I was working yeah I Was working but yeah I do I was I was I Was a little concerned because I thought Ohio state was going to dominate that Game they ended up doing that but that First drive I'm like man they're getting Pushed all over the Field that was concerning well and then Ohio State rolled off like 31 straight
Points after that and then yeah um Dominator but they like uh uh Notre Dame Came back I mean um and it made it 3123 uh late in the fourth and they had Them in third and 11 okay yeah and I don't know if you saw The play but I would like to Um uh what's that can are you bringing It up yeah I'm gonna try and bring it up Because I I Curious uh for uh first of all I thought It was a I'm a a ballsy call by Ryan day Like he deserved the national Championship just a play call alone even If it didn't convert but um let me see Um let me pull it up here hold on H Final um let me see I don't know what I Look up long bomb Ohio State CH Championship maybe yeah you said that Was in the third quarter La no the end Of the game it was the end it was the Last let me see if I can find it was the LA let me see I get here the play that Sealed The Natty see if this let's see if this is Good at