Inside Political Strategy: The Impact of Inauguration Decisions

We explore the fascinating political actions taken post-inauguration and their potential to polarize the nation. Discover how these decisions reflect on leadership and popular perceptions of the vice president’s remarkable journey from adversity to power. #PoliticalStrategy #InaugurationImpact #LeadershipDecisions #VicePresidentJourney #PoliticalTheory…

We explore the fascinating political actions taken post-inauguration and their potential to polarize the nation. Discover how these decisions reflect on leadership and popular perceptions of the vice president’s remarkable journey from adversity to power. #PoliticalStrategy #InaugurationImpact #LeadershipDecisions #VicePresidentJourney #PoliticalTheory #BusinessInPolitics #USApolitics #SocialIssues #PoliticalInsight #DocumentaryFilm

Almost like political theater yesterday He did at his inaug after the Inauguration he signed a bunch of um Yeah I actually like that I like that a Lot like I I like that it's like you Know what all these things are usually Like closed door and like he took like I'm sure he had to do a bunch behind Closed doors but he took like five or Six or whatever that people would just Be roaring for and he did them right There and it's uh he's probably signed a Blank paper dude that's that's his Experience of uh of his reality shows he Knows how much that is going to that is Going to polarize this country and it's Going to make him more popular like he's A he's an unbelievable businessman bro Yeah like he's amazing should he be our President I don't know but I don't know If anybody else should either because Right now we suck as a as a United I Think he's GNA clean all this up And then and then in four years I like a Guy like the guy who's a vice president I love a lot maybe he becomes the President and he's like the uh kind of Regulating Force yeah um because he's Very likable he came from I don't know If you know the you should watch that Movie by the way I um uh hillbilly Elegy oh it's uh about the vice President his uh um how he um like his Life growing up yeah yo have I ever told

You about this movie before no yo you Would appreciate it growing up from in Eastern PA it's on Netflix huh uh it's What's that it says it's on Netflix it's On Netflix do you have Netflix I do yeah Watch it dude watch it you I guarantee You like it uh there's a lot of famous Actors in it um but it's uh uh it's About his I guess his memoir he wrote When he was like growing up and and and Then going to colle when he was in College and stuff and um and then like Po you know like post a little bit Posted at the end but basically he grew Up in a just a I Mean I I I don't think I I think it'd be Hard pressed to find a lot of people That grew up in a crappier environment Than him he grew up in Ohio family is it Like trailer Type Um yeah I get I he grew up in a house But it was like mother was like uh you Know mother was like an Addict um uh no the father left like When he was a baby he doesn't even know His father and and then Uh um although my research I I I looked Up his father I found him he just died Actually last Year but he had a whole whole different Family like left moved to Florida a Whole different family um but anyway but The story is great because he's

Originally from like I guess the Family's originally from West Virginia It goes back to the history of his Family okay they're from West you know The mountains of West Virginia the mother and and the the Grandmother and the Grandfather left to try and get a better Life in Ohio you know F working Factories and stuff then you see what Happens it's middle they live in Middletown Ohio you see what happens Like the F you know Factory eventually Goes away the life that they started out Like with it's like they're still in That same house because it all kind of Like fell apart you know what I mean but And then it shows the Next Generation What happens it's very interesting but He they're all very intelligent but they Just had a lot of circumstances you know The mother who's who's uh who's a at in The movie is a drug addict um was Solitarian in her High School it wasn't Like she wasn't smart she was very smart But she just never I think she got Pregnant and she never took and then the The um and then he is really the one who Gets out you know he's the one that gets Out and but he had to like it was a long Road like he didn't just get out like he Was Like you know uh yeah like crabs in What's her name they just want to pull

You back yeah yeah Yeah grandmother the grandmother who I Think is dead now the grandmother uhuh Um who's not she ain't no saint like She's you know maybe argues was part of The problem for the mother but she like Kind of reals like basically says you Know what somebody in his family's got It something's gota like someone in his Family's got to be the one that CH Change and like he has this like he's Very smart like you they see that he's Smart but he's not doing well you know What I'm saying like um he like I think He played sport but that Sports is not a Part of the movie I think he was like a Football player in high school and stuff But like it wasn't a part of the movie But it was like they they could see that He has you know he's intelligent right And they're they're they're just trying To you know but it's great I think you Would find the movie I found it really Fascinating in that how your family it's So hard I me think about the guy's a vice President of the United States so

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