Unlocking Athletic Potential: The Power of Timing and Nutrition

Discover how optimal nutrition and timing can transform athletic performance. We delve into the importance of fueling your body right and the truth behind effective training strategies to achieve your sports goals. Let’s elevate your game together! #AthleticPerformance #NutritionMatters #FitnessGoals…

Discover how optimal nutrition and timing can transform athletic performance. We delve into the importance of fueling your body right and the truth behind effective training strategies to achieve your sports goals. Let’s elevate your game together! #AthleticPerformance #NutritionMatters #FitnessGoals #TimingIsKey #HealthyFuel #SportsNutrition #TrainingTips #AthleteLife #PerformanceEnhancement #MindsetMatters

So y yep that's what I would Recommend magnesium is amazing for Getting the timing of things is so Pivotal too as well right like you know And like you said it's all it all comes Back to the misinformation but it's so Much of and I love that you referenced How much time people spend on their Phones in reference to how much time They actually spend fueling their body And I love to kind of compare it with my High school athletes the same as look Would you put bad gas in your car right And you're trying to get somewhere all Of these things everything kind of Correlates and goes along with you know How you're fueling your body and you're Gonna do things at certain times that Are now more important for when you want Them or when it's the optimal time for Things to get absorbed or do this or do That like that timing is really pivotal In terms of the entire Process 100% And I always tell athletes Too like again because we get they sit In front of us they're like I want to Gain 10 pounds I want to be the Strongest I want to set PRS I want the Scholarship okay well if you really want Those things your current actions you Are on the fast track for intermural Sports my friend if you want to I mean I'm I'm kind of intense but that's just The athlete in me uh farm girl listen

We're intense that's what it's all about Sometime unfortunately we have to be the Bad guys a lot of time because they've Been given this information and because Look we could just follow suit and tell Them what they want to hear and do with All those types of things but because we Actually care about them on an entirely Different level we're giving them the Truth and yes sometimes that truth hurts And it's not an end all be all we're Giving you the keys and the tools that Now if you implement them as much as you Just talked about it then you could be On a different level right focus a Little bit more on this and less on your Tik Tok video saying that you want to do All of this right so it's just so it's So pivotal that this is something so Easy and look if they don't believe it Then go do go look you can find the Research it's very simply it's simply Out there you know the right tools are There for you now you just have to take That action you are so right Derek and I've just always loved Nick Sabin

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