Creating Hoops Success with Wayne Hills HC Basketball Kevin Grimes

34 min read
Creating Hoops Success with Wayne Hills HC Basketball Kevin Grimes with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines…

Creating Hoops Success with Wayne Hills HC Basketball Kevin Grimes with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale

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[Music] All right we're back with another uh Great podcast we just had a great one Yesterday with bad lands Uh K shugs he killed it it was great it was A lot of it was a lot of fun you know It's sometimes a uh uh we we we got into Some depth but we got to have a good Time too and that's uh that's that's That's all part of it we got um today We'll have Coach Kevin Grimes uh head Basketball coach of Wayne Hills he's Been there I think a little bit 10 years Maybe a little longer um and around There he's been there a long time y he's Had a lot of success he's been coach of The year he's he's won numerous League Championships he's been to uh some deep Rounds into the playoffs and so we'll Talk to him a little basketball action Um but it's it's I tell you it's really Interesting uh you got camps going on Now from a college standpoint and um all Over the country and so like recruiting I you get like a lot of kids that are in Like recruiting panic mode because They're in their own camps and they're Very very worried about what's going on With their own situation but it's it's Part of it the coaches are in their own Camps right even not that foret about You not that recruiting cops they're Still recruiting but they they are they

Are spending spending a majority that It's probably pushed more to the Recruiting Personnel versus them inms Coming back on campus that type of thing You know what I mean a lot of guys Dave I think right now like I mean look I Know you're getting emails and calls I'm Getting emails and calls oh you know I Reached out to this coach and he didn't Respond or you know uh this guy St like Hasn't hasn't been talking to me guys Understand something right now like College coaches are in Camp they're Trying to develop now what they have for The season like coach said that doesn't Mean recruiting stops it just I I and I Don't even want to say that it it slows Down but let's just say it's not the Number one priority right now of say the Rece coach at whatever school you're Looking for he's in Camp trying to Develop his guys so that he has a Successful season it's about winning Games right now man like the recruiting Stuff I get it and and for you guys that Are freaking out about it you need to go And now focus on your damn team right Like stop worrying about what's gonna Happen in the future and worry about you Know right now you're trying to win Games as a player because ultimately at The end of the day recruiting is based Off of what what you do so you still now Have to be in Camp working your ass off

So that you know you can put out those First three games of tape and now you go From there so correct that's a big part Of it is that you have to get ready to Dominate for the season because now you Know what are what are you going off of If you're reaching out anyway going off Of last year's film maybe some seven on Seven maybe some Camp Clips right so y Get his get as good as you can right now So you have your your scrim even some of Your scrimmage film absolutely you're You're you obviously your first few Games and get that out there you know But be as good as you can so you can H Put good film out there because that's Right now is going to be the most Important thing that's your bread and Butter man that's like what's gonna Happen yeah I think I think that's the The big big thing and I think if we Don't when we focus outside of that you You know in Season um yes there's time to to focus On recruiting but spend Sundays the Majority of your time right now getting Better for the season knowing what you Got to do so you could perform at the Highest level that you can and then that That way the uh your film is really good And that will be the the the first big Step in in your calling card that's your Resume right res if you've been like if You're so like the guys who really are

Nervous obviously are good kids that are Going to be seniors they don't have Something they or they feel like they're Under recruited y this is the Opportunity to get your get ready for The season get and dominate so you could Have your first few games really good Clips so you can give yourself a Possibility of a good situation and yes At the highest level which everybody's Always most concerned about the majority I didn't say all but the majority of the Schools probably have their guys at the Division one meaning FBS FBS level but Schools you see on TV for the most part Right those are still commitments right Guys will change their mind people will Will happen in roster the Seas so that's Why it's important to do a really good Job so you can get put put film out There and if you're already someone That's being recruited heavily maybe Just miss just slightly outside of their Their top group maybe your film puts you Over the top so that's a big big thing I Think that we need to um really focus on As athletes and I I think that's the one Like this to me this is the one time of Year like obviously recruiting is all Year round outside of the season and It's all year round period but you don't Want to make the mistake of worrying so Much about recruiting while you're Getting ready for your season and not

And and and let that bog down your play I think that that's that can happen you Know like absolutely and that can mess With your brain right like now you're Mental state rather than focus on going To practice dominating doing whatever You can you're so concerned with I Wonder if coach hit me back on X or I Wonder if this guy reached out to me or Guys that's not where like be where your Feet are man like this is the Opportunity now hey maybe you're going To be a senior why does everyone say That statement now why does everyone say Be where their feet are I hate that I Don't know I mean I've heard it a Million times college coaches say it all The time be where your feet are Co or Co Coaches or coach they'll say they coach They they're trying to be where their Feet are I guess it means that like do The best you can like live in the moment Like be in the moment for right now like You're a high school football that's Like a new saying that's still a new Saying well here's the other thing too Dave like this is what I also look at Too like Look you only have one senior year as a Football player there's a lot of things A a lot of enjoyment a lot of memories That are going to come with your senior Year man stop worrying about what you're Going to do next year and focus on what

You're doing now and enjoy being a Senior right like maybe that you're a Captain like you know you're getting all This like you know you're getting loved Up like you're like you're literally About to enjoy probably one of the best Years of your life that in me Memory-wise remember football is a sport That ends After High School for the most Part for almost everybody okay unless You're playing at the next level which Is a small percent that we know all you Have are your high school memories College locker rooms are different than High school locker rooms man so enjoy What you're doing now this is your last Full camp like you're never going to get To take senior pictures in a football Jersey again stop worrying about what School you're GNA go to next year what I Will say though is you know carve out Some time And I like to do it on like say like a Sunday right where you're off from the Team right you're home you're recovering You're doing this carve out some time to Work on your recruiting then reach out To coaches then do that stuff cut up Your tape then right like you don't need To be engulfed with that Monday through Friday when you should be focusing on What do I need to do get better win Games take a you can take a half hour at Night if you want to reach out but

Expect something to happen right away Because of that uh process and um I saw I think I saw coach here also like hey If you're really narrowed down to Certain schools right like maybe a top Five a top three listen look at their Game schedule maybe you can go to a game On a Saturday right reach out to a coach Say hey I'd like to come see whatever Informal visits get in there so you can See what it's like on game day all that Kind of stuff absolutely that's correct 100% that's really take advantage of That man a coach will really love the Fact that you want to do it and come and Do that my Man what's happening coach Grimes baby Hooper going on looking good buddy nice To see you coach shman Kevin Grimes What's going on you're you're you're on You're on we we started obviously we got Roll in here um uh coach could you give Everybody we gave an intro you know About your background as as a coach and Everything but can you give everyone Your background as a player coach and Just so so we we you know everybody has Understanding of where you came from how You got to this point in coaching yeah Absolutely played uh played my high School hoops at the Paul Catholic um we Won't hold that against you no don't Hold it against me um then then after Really that my playing career stopped

Right so I wasn't um I wasn't your you Know four star coming out of high school Where I was being heavily recruited by Colleges um I had some game I actually Got better after I left High School um But quickly quickly quickly found out That I wanted to coach started my Coaching career at the good old Wayne Palal um and then really from there just Started doing some aou stuff um latched On as an assistant at Wayne Hills in 2012 under Paul pallic um after my first Year of coaching High School Hoops uh Interviewed at a couple places got a Couple jobs but ultimately it ended up Working out where I was able to get the Head job at Wayne Hills uh spent five Incredible years there as a head coach Then from that point I thought I wanted To coach in college um started to talk To some colleges um almost made the move Really um to the assistant level at the Division one um but then I really feel Like that you know I was a high school Basketball coach it's what I wanted to Do I loved it so then I went to Northern Valley Demis for three years uh three Incredible years with Greg Butler who I Think is one of the best athletic Directors in the world um and then I had An opportunity to come back home one of Those always good to have yeah for sure And then I had the opportunity to come Back home to Wayne Hills my wife is a h

10year teacher there that's my home I Built that program up and uh here we are Going into my three going to my 12th Years ah head coach I knew it was over 10 bro I knew it was over 10 yeah that's fantastic so uh what what Was it about high school coaching that You knew that you wanted to be a Basketball coach at the high school Level you know is when when did you Really kind of say to yourself okay this Is this is something that I want to do Because your your you know your playing Career ended After High School what was It about um high school basketball that Made you want to go you know once I Started coaching period and it was it Was at a younger level it was doing the Seventh and eighth grade and whatnot but Then you just start getting attached to Going to the to the game games in town Right and I think the first High School Game I went to after my playing career Was a Wayne Valley Wayne Hills game and I was like B the atmosphere the Atmosphere in a gym here is is Ridiculous right and I want to be the Guy on the sideline to do that so at That moment I found out that this is Where I want to be I want to coach in High school um and then after doing it For a couple years and having Aspirations to potentially coach in College I I I love the communication

With the high school kid right like I Just there's so many things that I think I can do from an influential standpoint For them outside of the X's and O's um Specifically at their age that just I'm Totally drawn to so um I had my feelers Out there I thought I was going to make The leap but I just I resonate really Well with the high school kid and I want To make sure they leave our building Better men than they are when they walk In outside of the player and and since That it's just been it's it's been my Passion it's been what I love and um I Just I feel like I'm I still feel like I've done it 10 years ago and I'm on the Sideline I'm not it's just an believable Feeling on Game Night practice it's it's It's who I am it's in my Blood basketball is you know compared to Like football there's five guys that got To be in sync on the court right uh Versus you know 11 and multiple Different groups at a time and and it Becomes really really tactical each way Up the court every single time um what Are some of the things that you really Work to like instill uh in your Basketball players that have really Helped you to succeed you've had a lot Of success as a coach um what is it You've done there to really built Wayne Hills into a you know really respected Basketball program because I I think

Wayne Hills used to be like kind of Bad Sometimes good sometimes it was a Football school it was a it was a Football school and then when I came in Great way to put it great way to put it Listen when I and you had a legend there Right like a lot of guy Chris olon like You know guy dominated for so many years Wayne Hills football you know not even Talking about his son's just General Right but like just development of a Program you talked Wayne Hills it was Football that's what you talked about That's what they were known for right so Now you come in as a basketball guy like Go ahead and continue that process of How you kind of got it to where it is Now I wanted to make it a basketball School you know what I mean selfishly I Wanted Wayne Hills to be known as a Basketball school and I think it's Started with really good communication With at the time I mean Wayne demov and I came in together so it was really Just how can we utilize you know the Athletes that we have in this school um And make powerhouses right so um it Starts it really starts it started with Really good communication um I am really Big on a couple different pillars you Know trust being one of them um I want My group to be the hardest working group In the state I want us to be the closest Group in the state um and I want to make

Sure our communication and our Accountability is is topnotch um and I Think if we have those four pillars and We're all pulling by the same rope I Think that's why we had the success that We did now I say that and I also coach Some really good freaking players at Wayne Hills um helps to have that buddy Helps to have right right like let's not Let's not be naive I mean I had the Chance to coach Joey belli who was you Know one of the best point guards in Northern New Jersey for a two-year span So that helps but for me it's like Listen it if if we're going to turn this Into a basketball school and make Wayne Hills be known for that then we're going To have to we're going to have to do This the right way and we're all GNA Have to be on the same page so and it Worked Out in in in public school I'm curious Because you really turned it into a a a Basketball school maybe the football Prog program is is not as at the same Level that you you guys are now so from From that standpoint um but it Basketball because of aaou and and Obviously there's obviously youth Programs within your town and and Wayne Does a great job of of really with their Youth sports how like how do you kind of Balance all that because I know Obviously I'm sure your your very best

Players probably play some level of aou How do you balance all that kind of Stuff and and keep uh keep the team you Know moving Forward well it's actually a really good Question so you know to Circle back for A second the other part of building a Program is making sure that the hours That I have are spent at the Wayne pil And the Boys and Girls Club so these Kids are walking through the door they Already know who I am we've already We've already started peeling away at a Relationship it's it's it's hug hug part Of it hug huge part of right like the Any anytime you're trying to turn Something or do something especially out A public school where you can't go like You know private you can go pick your Players public you have to work with That youth program whether it's football Basketball that's your feeder those are The going right that and listen you're In attack That has some schools that look you can Go to Depo you could go to pay County Tech right like pseudo private schools That you know you got to keep them and Say hey man it's a better option for you To come here to Wayne Hills and part of That is like you said being in that Youth program building so that like you Said they know you when they already Come up they're comfortable mom and dad

Know Kevin Grimes oh he comes to all our Practices on Tuesday nights like that That's important for sure for sure and Then and then to the AA question part of It is the world of basketball it's it's This is where this is where good players Are going to get their exposure right They're going to get their exposure Playing with their Club teams on the Circuit at their Live Events so it's a Battle right it's a battle to make sure That they're partaking in our offseason Programs but there's also there's a Level of communication and compassion That you have to feel for them because They're trying to do everything in their Power to get to the next level level and You have to have a little ying and yang Right you're going to have to let them Kind of go and do some things at Sometimes and it's not always the Easiest thing because our numbers go Down in the summer for sure and we're Trying to obviously build to the Ultimate goal but um I want my players To know that I'm in support of what They're doing in the off season with the Aou stuff um and then in hope that they Reciprocate that back when it comes time When we really got to put our foot in The gas and and be certain places during The offseason so you know that that it's Not easy but I think if you have a level Of communication then it works right

Yeah and it's like Dave like Dave we Talk about it all the time right like High School coaches and now and Kev we Kind of like compare like our the spring For football with like seven on seven Club teams right like a lot of the High School coaches I feel like it has a Negative context with most of them like Oh these guys are played seven on seven It doesn't do that right whereas with Basketball it's kind of the same thing When it comes to aaou but like you said With that open communication now all Right hey maybe play for this club or Maybe it's this club but like you have a Relationship basically with those Club Teams and everybody's on the same page And kind of understands you know same With us Dave like with our seven on Seven right like certain coaches where We get when the kids come to us from Their High School like they're excited That these kids are doing something else And working out you know in the Springtime or you know with somebody That understands football in a seven on World you know kind of like the a so I I Think it really kind of goes hand inand And like you said Dave when like those Guys are supportive right like those Head coaches you know they're posting Their players seven on seven stuff and Then coming back to it if everybody's on The same page you know then you're kind

Of like working in a perfect world right Did we lose coach you know I'm curious I'm Cur I'm curious coach if um the Youth the youth program so like that's Mostly wreck right do you get players From the wreck uh that actually come and Play with you or these kids that are Also kind of um they play rack and but They also are playing Au like that that Because obviously more and more you know I I I see all these kids are playing Some level of Club in basketball right My son plays on an AE team and nine Years old already so it's um even though He plays wreck too so he plays both but But like um the wreck for them is like Have a great time with their friends Which maybe like you know what I mean Maybe the kids that they're maybe going To the same school and then the aou is Like kids from different towns right That are all playing together on a Higher level team uh for the kids that Are looking I'm just curious do you get Do you still get wreck kids that can Come up and compete with your kids that Are that are a kids for sure so I mean For the most part when we get our kids Coming in um and we get to that freshman Year of triy outs I would say half of Our kids are w kids and then the other Half are the other half are your travel Kids right who and then you take those Travel kids and there's probably half of

Those so you're talking probably like 20% of the kids in a gym have exposure To aaou right so it's it's it's a Healthy mix and I've seen over my 12 13 14 years whatever it's been I've seen Some really nice success stories about The r kid who gets on the freshman team As 11 and 12 and then finds himself Going through the program for four years And then being instrumental and and and And playing by the time he's a senior It's really freaking cool um and listen I'm I also it's it's crazy I mean Sometimes I think I spend too much time Down the but I even encourage the wck Kids I I encourage the wreck kids and I Go down to the wreck stuff because you Never know what you're gonna find and if You love The Game you gotta keep you Know it's funny my biggest grip with the Wayne pil and I hope eventually none of Them see this and I've articulated this With them too is they play too many Freaking games right so like these teams At fifth 6th seventh and eth they're Playing 85 games and they're not Practicing so they get to us and we're In tryouts and it's like you got to Learn how to make a left-handed layup Going off the right foot like you got to Learn how to use both hands it's like They're not exposed to that because They're playing 90 games games games Games games games that's where football

That's where football is totally Different right because you practice for Football way more than you play games Right yeah so I feel like the skill Aspect of it flag that's changing that And that's what I was right now a flag And that's what I was gonna get to Dave Is like I look at like like in Brick Where I'm at right like there's two Monster feeder programs you have a Tackle feeder and then you have a huge Flag uh feeder program so like you're Talking about a freshman class coming in For tryouts where you got wck kids aou Kids now you know my freshman class Coming in I have flag kids and I have Tackle kids right so that mix now Becomes something you have to look at And then just skill development in General right like you're talking like Guys doing layups shooting for like just How about like hey man like dribbling Here or can you do this and it's like Well we just you know we just play games Fast break and go it's like where are Those skills that and look we know how It is the youth now like that bores them Right like they don't want to sit at a Clinic and dribble here and come around This and do that like they want to play Games but ultimately if you want to get Developed and do the right things like You need that skill practice Yeah Basketball is a mix in that too which is

Is a is a little I think flag football Maybe is changing football from that Standpoint a little bit but I think Basketball is a mix because you do have To play games because the situations and The pace are different from game to game Like team to team but obviously you also Have to you have to you can't to collect Skill development because that becomes That becomes an issue you won't be able To do certain things in the games and I Um uh you know one of the things I've Noticed is that um getting kids to play As many different positions as they can To get different skill sets I think is a Big deal and I'm sure in most cases mom And dad want him to play one position or Another and and then you get you get in A situation where they're all trying to Play the same position so the one good Thing about basketball I think is this Though because there's less people on The court that means that there's more Opportunity for you at the public school To get more good players whereas like And it it's kind of gone the opposite Way in um in football in sense in the Sense that the proo schools really Really dominate all the players because There's so many more spots that are Needed and in basketball hey you know Like five guys are on a court at a time You know if you're all going to one Place you're you're going to get caught

I mean that's the bottom line you're Going to get cut so making good Decisions from that standpoint I think Is is is really important what what are The things that you think players need To really develop from a skill set Standpoint that that that can help them Really be a good player what are some of The skills that are important it's I Mean first and foremost it's it's I I Everything I look at always goes on the Defensive side of the ball so when I'm Talking to college coaches they're Obviously recruiting you and looking at You because you have a specific skill Set you can shoot it you can handle it You're unselfish you're an incredible Athlete but then the question always Comes here it's can they guard at the Next level can they defend at the next Level so it's we got to teach these kids How to move laterally you got to teach Them how to move their feet you got to Teach them how to position their bodies And use their upper and lower bodies to Really learn how to defend at a high Level so for me I mean I have tons of Kids who have aspirations to play at Next Level and some of them are great Shooters great ball handlers and the Question always comes well coach how am I going to get be play in college you're Not going anywhere unless you can defend It just and that's at any level it's not

Just at the division one scholarship Level I talk to D3 coaches all the time And they always say like man he shoots The piss out of it he can probably score 15 a night in the endj but he can't Guard like he can't guard so that is the Number one skill set that a high school Basketball player needs to learn develop Have confidence in and spend time in if You want to do it at the next level yeah I think Dave how many times do I tell You that right like defense man like Just focus like like even for your young Guy who's a hell of an athlete keev like Like Dave's kid is athletic as hell and He loves basketball he's he's played on These aaou teams now where they've Bumped him like position wise he's Pretty much played like all five stuff He's long as hell at at at a young age But I always try to tell Dave like like Def defense is where like the game Changes like if you can play defense Dude like the other stuff like like a Coach is going to look at it and be like Yo if he can stop that guy I'll work the Offensive stuff I can teach all that Other stuff right and a lot of it I tell Him is like dude it's just attitude Hustle like all of that stuff like Defensively can get you up to the next Level and it's so it's it's so awesome To hear you say that dude like you know Like [ __ ] I couldn't play basketball I

Couldn't do [ __ ] but I could cover Somebody I could guard somebody and stay In front because the lateral movement That's like you know where I made my Money like that's what it was and Those you get questions all the time Right whether it's basketball football Baseball what's the question we always Get as coaches it's coach how can I play More what can I do to get on the floor More it's like for me it's like defend Like if I can put you in the game for a Three minute stint or a two minute stin And you can guard in rebound you can Play especially in high school you can Play you don't have to go score six Points in a two minute span just go Guard go guard somebody no doubt about It no that's a that's denn it's Rodman Baby Oh Derek you might be alone for one Second because I think I'm uh my thing Just kicked me oh you're a little Frozen Look Frozen no I'm not frozen I'm like Uh I don't see you're Frozen on my Screen oh I don't see my visual oh it's Good you look all right d all right here I am rock and roll listen guys the stuff We're talking about right obviously we Have some technical difficulties but Understand something it's all the same Kind of stuff that we're talking about Whether you're playing football whether You're playing basketball right like Back he's back he's back the visual went

Out I don't know what happened there uh Uh my uh hang on give Me what's that oh no it's all good he Just there w we lost coach his Wi-Fi Just dropped But yeah no I think I think that so Defense I mean how cool is that Dave Like how cool is that to hear that right Like that's what I tell like even like I Tell even the young kids I coached I Said we all love offense and we love Scor everybody loves offense but def if You guys are Fierce on defense if they Score zero you will win the game okay You will win the game if they score zero And and and if you keep the in Basketball you keep the points low you Will win the game so it's our comments Are funny Today your com we got good stuff Trump Okay we got Trump Okay okay no politics bro talking about Commies holy hell Guys these are you Know what Dave you know what I will like Say and it's and it all crosses over Right like football basketball right Like you know here you have a high School coach talking about you know how Like guys trying to get to that next Level and the difference right is can You guard someone yeah you know what I Mean like That's the difference and to me like I Can teach you you know hey you got to

Stay in front of the guy or you know I Can teach you those defensive skills but Like there has to be a want and a Passion to do that stuff you know what I Mean like sometimes you might not be the Guy that's getting mentioned in whatever Because you only had you know six points But if you went out there and held their Best player to under 10 points right and Then you had 10 rebounds and four steals Or whatever like dude you know it's like An offensive lineman in football if you Don't give up a sack dude great day Right or you know you got a couple Pancakes great day but nobody talks About how good you did it's the same Thing with Hoops you know only you know Now you're guard like I don't know to me It would just be like I would take more Pride in holding their best player to Under 10 points than I would drop in 26 Right well and that's the difference There different roles obviously on on The Hoops team different players the Guys that are more defensive guys or More guys that are gonna be scoring like I said like Dennis dud you play both Sides of the the one thing about Basketball is you play both sides of the Ball the whole game So you're you're a two-way player the Whole game so there's no I love it like You know and you see different stuff Like at the end of the game you know

What I mean when guys were taking Timeouts and doing this and it's like All right you get in cuz we're on Defense and then it's like all right There's a stopping just play all right Get out let me put in a scorer right Like you see some of that at the end of The game but for the most part Basketball like dude you better be able To play both right like the Rarity was You know the 96 Bulls where Dennis Rodman like never scored points he just Got rebounds and Steals and played Defense right like why do you think Jordan brought him in like you know what I'm saying like little things like that I love also that he talked about like he Gave you the whole scope of wreck and Aaou right like he gave you how each of Those matter right and and we kind of Talk about it all the time like is he a Wreck kid is he a travel kid right Because he the fact that he can tell you You can play wreck still come to high School and and contribute on the team as You progress and continue to get better Right well yeah obviously it depends on The the the the level of athlete and What they end up growing into but yeah That is to me uh the thing that I think Is interesting that wck players can Contri I wonder if they contribute at The parochial level but but I I well I Wonder if they get taken at the

Parochial level yeah they probably don't But but my guess is public school that's Pretty cool that like you have that Opportunities you can play wreck um you Can play like the travel ball and then Au obviously which is like a little Higher level well well it it Au varies All levels but you know but um but yeah I think that's that's a a big thing and I think that uh I I was curious about That because that's where people are Parents are always panicking like oh my Kid only plays wreck is he going to be Able to play in high school you know the Answer is you can it just really depends Like if you're GNA go to a Prok school It's probably harder uh much harder but But if you go to a public school I think There is an opportunity Because um you know you probably have That that situation you know there and You know and obviously you know you're Talking about a town like Wayne where Like you said like Youth Sports matter In Wayne Right like like Middletown Youth Sportsman I would compare the Towns actually they're pretty much They're very much alike right but you Know they also have like you know There's options within Wayne itself like I said like you have two Monster High Schools Wayne Hills Wayne Valley Publix Then you have say County Tech private You can go or whatever to Paul private

Go you know what I mean like the town Itself and then like you said like you Have Wayne P which is more like your Wreck I'm sure you have aaou teams that Are based out of Wayne itself right like Facilities wise you're never worrying About like I'm gonna get a gym but just Knowing also I mean the size of the Town Also factors in Too yeah I I mean well they they have Two high schools so that that that's but You're right yeah the size of the town Uh does I like I don't know if a town Like Saddlebrook has a no I think that Would be tough you know what I mean they Probably would just have travel my guess Is like correct or like maybe you get Like a group that was like you know what I mean like A basketball Group yes like and that's why you know Group one group tw's it's hard dude Because you go through those waves of Like hey I have a really good football Usually when you have a good football Team all the other sports are pretty Damn good too hate to say it guys but Like we talk about all the time a small School you're talking about right yeah Yeah yeah like your group ones right Like because you're using each kid in a Different sport the same or at least in Two sports usually correct and like you Talk about it like maybe he's the

Quarterback in one but he's like the Third best basketball player but he's Still playing basketball exactly and He's still contributing he's probably an Athlete so 100% as when you get to the Group prob at small schools you probably Can win a lot of games as long as you Have like one guy that can really score You probably can win you win a lot of Games with athletes my guess that's what I was gonna say like if you have Rebounded defense right like let's say You know you have like I don't know say You have like three guys that are pretty Athle or like two guys that are pretty Athletic you know guy that's kind of Athletic and then like a true one sport Basketball guy you could probably win a Lot of games right and then maybe you Have just a dude that's like six6 and if You have gu at a group one you're you're You're winning 20 games easily you're Definitely winning 20 games because hey We're at a group like if we're a group Always middle of the road and then they Had you know the brothers there one was 66 one was 68 and they won like 28 I Don't know it was like uh you like I Said like we always said like if we have Somebody that's on our team that can Dunk like we're we're already ahead of The game Like but Wayne Hills is different Because you're playing hackin sack

You're playing you know you're playing Bigger schools so they're all have Definitely you know and then they then Occasionally you have a place like uh Like MAA when they had Kent kuko who was Like would shoot the lights out and they Won the they won the jamere in Bergen County and even though they some of the Um some of the dudes that that Kevin Played with at the Paul holy [ __ ] [ __ ] Dude like they had the they had like did You play with Chaz Chaz was maybe a freshman Chaz Might have been a freshman when Kevin Was a senior but Kevin's team dude he Had I believe his name was last name was Schaer I think he ended up going to Princeton and then they had a monster I Want to say close to seven foot kid Kelly I think he was 610 from West Milford dude like here I am a freshman Starting I walk on the court and that's The dude taking the T I'm like hello sir How are you like Let Me Tie Your Shorts Like okay buddy right and then the kid Schaer was just a dog dude like three Like so like and you could tell like When he was playing us he was like all Right you know whatever but if you Pissed him off which of course I did Because that's what I was I was that guy Right and now all of a sudden he's like All right dude really boom banging Threes like Steph Curry all over the

Place he just flipped that switch but I'll tell you the one thing for as much As he scored where he really turned it On and I was like damn this guy's good Defensively dude like guys you wouldn't Even get the ball across half court and He'd be there back steal steal steal Steal so I mean yeah I mean listen it's Basketball like we've talked about a ton Of times is difficult because there's Only five guys on the court right and It's I guess it's you know to me if I Was coaching basketball I feel like the Hardest part would be like the role Player stuff or substitutions like Knowing when and when not to put guys in And all that kind of stuff and you know You've had a little experience coaching That is that difficult in terms of like Getting guys in at the right time and All that other kind of stuff you kind of Got to manage like hey if a guy gets two Fouls early right like now we got to do Something else is that diff more Difficult than you would say or at youth Uh um and basketball then football you Versus football yeah Um I thought basketball was pretty easy To be honest like okay like from a Rotation football I think is hard I Would probably overthink it football is Harder in a sense that um you just Forget yeah like I mean it depends on What kids you have in basketball

Obviously if you're not as good as the Other team it could be very difficult But and same thing in football but Football you got to manage the Personnel So you know that's a big that that's a a Big deal and it depends on how much Personnel you have it depends like if You're on you're a basketball team and You have 10 kids that are good you got To figure out a rotational system if You're on a football team and you have a Lot of kids that are good you got to Figure out a rotational system but Football just has more pieces like you Have special teams you have I I think That that's that's harder I think Basketball is a lot more tactical and Football is a little more strategic and Probably strategic and tactical Basketball's strategic but tactical is a Big deal like tactics like when Steph Curry like in the Olympics he becomes Hot like you're like hey man we got to Get him the ball that's tactical right Because right basically in the Heat In The Heat of the game you might have had A plan when saying okay we're gonna try And get LeBron the ball and maybe get Curry on outlets and and Durant the ball And then all of a sudden Curry starts Freaking draining you're like just get This guy the ball you know which I think Is it it happens in in both Sports too Right because you get a running back you

Just feed it's like oh this guy's hot or Hey like throw let's we're throwing to This you know what I mean like Hey we're Throwing you know Jefferson like you Know he's getting five Targets on the First you know seven play more from film I think on football that was a question I wanted to ask better yeah more more Likely um and unfortunately his Wi-Fi Dropped so that kind of sucks do he's Trying but I think basketball we we'll Get up out of there but but with Basketball I think you do get a Situation where um film is important but It's it's more um purely like what their Personnel is football's Personnel Obviously but if a team plays you a Certain way and it and it's ch it's Really challenging to overcome that it's It's probably harder to overcome than Basketball I mean basketball how many Plays does a team have right how many Defenses do they really have football They may only run a team may run a lot Of a lot on defense they may run very Little football on offense they might May be very simple they may be very Complex you know so that part's a a Little bit more difficult but let's go About I was and Uh we lost him so we'll just Uh we'll yeah yeah technical Difficulties CH chalk it up but we got We got we got 40 minutes in anyway so in

The old days that would have been a long Podcast all right we'll see you Guys yeah yeah

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