The Reality of Elite Players in Basketball vs. Football
Discover the truth about identifying elite basketball players at a young age and how roster building has dramatically changed across sports. We explore the limited pool of top talent and the impact of transfers on team success in today’s athletic landscape. #BasketballTalent #ElitePlayers #SportsChanges #RosterBuilding #CollegeBasketball #PlayerDevelopment #TransferPortal #AthleticSuccess #FootballVsBasketball #Recruitment
There is a limited number of the top Guys there really isn't I mean people Like oh this guy no there really is a Limited number of guys that are good Enough to do what you need to get done Um and once you dip into uh second tier You really really I mean every once in a While yes you know you see stories of These guys that weren't that were good But they weren't Elite and become Elite Yes there are those guys but um but for The most part there is I remember this Uh for a while ago I had a neighbor that Was his brother was the assistant Basketball coach for for the Brooklyn Nets and uh he used to tell me I was Shocked by this he said we know at 16 Years old who the best basketball Players are going to be going forward I Said how do you you know because in Football that's really not the case you Know um you you're guessing in football But it really never pans out that way But they said we know within a very very Small percentage Of guys who the best players are going To be at 16 and where they're going to Potentially project going forward yeah College and maybe NBA and and I I always That always sticks with me with Basketball because that means that there Are a limited number of those players Outside of the one or two guys that you Know go from zero to to 100 out of
Nowhere um so you have to nail the Players you bring in you really have to Nail It no question question the circle the Circle's much smaller in basketball than It is in football you got to hit because If you don't then you have an off year And then you're starting from scratch Although that's not that's not as much The case anymore because all these like I think it's Baylor has four transfers Starting Texas has a bunch of transfers In the program you know yukon's got um Oh this year it's only the um Mahoney Kid but they've got freshman well Mahoney Mahoney in the center so you got Two kids um it's any any of the roster Building ideas that we had from the past Forget they're totally out the door it's Totally Chang in every sport right all The transfers football brought in they Brought 28 transfers in it and it paid Off they did they did off in eight wins I heard B Bas has to do it now baseball Has always oh they have okay Jimmy Jimmy Penders has always been good and what Baseball does more often than not though Is they bring in D3 kids D3 kids who can Play oh they transfer up