Story of Colt Lyerla and how he was one of the greatest athletes in hs i had ever seen part 1
1 min readI'm going to tell a story about col Loraa col lora's a player who went to Oregon as a tight end had a great Initial part of career and then backslid Tremendously and and has struggled a Good part of his adult life with some Different Things um but when I got to know him uh As a teenager he was 15 years old was at Our Oregon camp this was back when we Ran Oregon camps he held record still to This day of the longest broad jumped he Went 10et 10 and a half in the broad Jumper he was tremendous athlete 6'5 probably 220 lbs in high school Great shape was a 46 40 yard dash guy um But Co was a player who who really Should have been a slam dunk a high NFL Pick that just